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Yomo Kimyata

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Everything posted by Yomo Kimyata

  1. I reinvest it all in Trap of the Hunter futures.
  2. I’ve got to tell you, since I’ve been active on HC, not one single person has begged me (specifically) for more inf than I was willing to give them. It’s both surprising and heartwarming.
  3. One thing that concerns me a bit is that the increase in options is going to make building a pickup team more difficult. Now, I solo 95+% of the time, but when I do team (and I generally form the team), there is generally a discussion about what level to play at and playing speeds. The example I keep in mind is each time I try to recruit for a 4-person Yin is that it literally takes me an hour to recruit three other people who want to play that (at *any* difficulty level). Yes, I can recruit until 4 then start, or I can start then kick 4, but that’s being a jerk in my opinion. And that’s an hour I don’t have, and we don’t have a large population to recruit for teams. Anyway, more options are good, but I expect that it’s going to be a lot harder to find PUGs for anything other than what people think will provide the greatest reward for the least amount of effort. I’m not complaining; I’m just predicting.
  4. If it takes a dev 20k keystrokes to save 1k users 20 keystrokes each, nah, still probably not worth it in the grand scheme of things. Also, I’m pretty sure I’ll be dead and gone before Homecoming makes reprogramming the /AH a priority.
  5. I have Unstoppable on my namesake, a BS/inv scrapper. Do I need the resistance? Of course not. I’m already capped to several types and I have heals otherwise. No, I use it when I’m swinging my rebar at an AV for fifteen minutes and I haven’t built enough recovery into my build and I don’t want or can’t to use blue pills for endurance recovery. I actually *like* using it because it makes me think about the trade off of when it’s going to crash. And when it starts to flash I run. Beats the hell out of putting Headsplitter on auto and streaming Mean Girls.
  6. With four new rare categories, starting with a random rare you will have roughly a 1 in 9 chance of getting one of the new sets on a convert by rarity. They will be cheap as hell not because they are useless and there is no demand, but because the supply will be far far greater.
  7. I appreciate your validation of my observation that the player base wants things more overpowered!
  8. Too slow. No slots for knock back procs. I thought I asked you to turn in your knock back card at the front desk?!?
  9. You can always just send me an email to receive 20mm!
  10. I have a handful of thoughts (I’m traveling and won’t be able to log in for some time, and I also have little/no interest in figuring things out in Beta): 1. Market ramifications. I think this is probably my greatest core competency here. The new slow set is welcome, as it addresses some things that haven’t been addressed. The proc is a welcome addition with an unused damage type. The set will make cold- and slow- based sets a lot more versatile. On the flip side it makes sets without secondary characteristics worse in comparison. Adding a new rare slow set will have little effect on conversion or the economy. I appreciate the dev comments that they are aware of power creep. And the complaints I see about the new travel sets is that there isn’t enough power creep. I can get 90%+ of optimal travel at level 1 with sprint, athletic run, and a 5k jet pack, so I get that people mostly don’t care about enhancing travel but are looking for those big fat set bonuses. My vote is please don’t cave and give 10% ranged defense for 2 slotting teleport or whatever. As is it adds diversity and thats plenty. As a new rare category, there will be four new categories that you can hit playing rare roulette. These things are going to pop up all the time, be cheap as hell, and will make converting more annoying. I can’t do anything about that, but I anticipate with current trends that fewer people will convert goods for other people and that it will take longer to create items of value and therefore they will b3come less common. DSOs seem interesting. I discussed this in a Market thread, but there are three easy paths going forward. 1. The new strike force is the only way to get these items. The ones that match current HOs will mirror current values and trends. The new types will be extremely rare. Lvl 53 D/E, for example, will have plenty of bids from me at the market cap. 2. Devs introduce new types to HOs. Dozens/Hundreds of HOs enter the system daily. We get price discovery,some items will be very valuable, some will not. 3. Devs figure out a way to convert HOs. Over the long run I suspect 2 is the healthiest and most likely outcome, but I’d like some official word on that. 2. My thoughts on enhancement balance. This game is, in my opinion, ludicrously overpowered and easy, people like it that way, and they are going to push hard in that direction. I think valuable new sets are those that add new enhancement abilities (damage to stun sets, for example), or new ideas (damage procs to stun sets). Adding a new insta-win set, or something that lets you soft cap a blaster at level 17, doesn’t seem like a good idea. I am *all for* diversification and trade offs, but the vast majority of people are going to choose 4.5% resistance over 6% regeneration. My point being don’t give people everything they ask for, since im a curmudgeon. just a few thoughts of mine.
  11. IMO it’s another victim of power creep. once, you used a T9 as an oh shit power or as a power of last resort. The penalty was thematic, representing the extreme cost of being incredibly overpowered for a short period of time. Now, you can be incredibly overpowered all the time, so the trade off is no longer worth it in modern game play.
  12. I believe that mitochondria originally evolved as independent organisms in the cell, so conceptually I’m ok with them outliving Hamidon. But what I’m wondering is whether or not you could go to a P2W vendor and get something that would help. There may not be a temp power, but doesn’t one of the origin powers have a hold component?
  13. I’m going to say it was Professor Plum, in the Library, with a 250mm inanimate carbon rod.
  14. We did it a lot on Justice in the old days. I’ve done it solo a few times here on Excelsior (Ouro the Crimson arc, at the end of the Wildflower mission either exit to your base then whatever zone you want to go to, or just use the new Teleporter thingie. Kronos spawns shortly thereafter (I don’t think he can spawn in Atlas, but I’ve only done Talos. Maybe I should try Nova Praetoria!))
  15. I’m with @Clave Dark 5 on this one. Who doesn’t love an unexpected giant monster? When my SG figured out how to spawn multiple Kronuses (Kroni?) you could practically hear everyone in Talos going “Squeee!!!”
  16. I don’t believe they’ve announced that there definitively *will* be a discount this year [Yomo says in a intentionally provocative manner.]
  17. The only stashes I keep are inventory to upgrade and up sell, finished goods I’m parcelling out at a measured rate, or mass amounts of commodities if I feel like smacking aggressive bids. Sadly, I’m all out of the WOs I bought last year. Fortunately, the bait in the noob traps remains tasty enough to more than fill my needs. And I can always save myself almost a half million by buying one of @Hedgefunds Winter Pack listings!
  18. Lvl 2: Rest. Joke all you want but an always available full bar filler out of combat works for me. Lvl 4: Combat Jumping. Not only do I appreciate the power, but I’m slotting Shield Wall +res in here at lvl 7 on every alt that doesn’t have a better defense power at a low level. Lvl 14: Tough. Similarly, this is where I’m putting Glad Armor +def and Steadfast Protection +def on any alt without a better option.
  19. I’m not going to claim you can make bank doing this, but I’ve been buying them a few hundred at a time under 20k and selling them around 100k. I only check in on that alt every few weeks, so no idea if that is worthy of a daily pursuit or not. I’ll reassess if there is a winter event. Frosty Aegis and Winter Ward are actually pretty good temp powers that I will use on extreme challenge alts.
  20. Super Jump is probably the power I most wish I had in real life. Instead I’m just running around with Combat Jumping like some sort of idiot.
  21. Kidding aside, I feel that (outside of theme) none of the travel powers are really that necessary any more. I find that Sprint, Athletic Run, and a 5k inf jet pack cover all my needs from 1-50. I think Superspeed gives you a marginal increase over that, but it’s really just an optional Universal Travel set mule as far as I’m concerned.
  22. I can’t believe anyone would be that dumb. It would be a pure arbitrage event: buy pack at 10mm, get 1.2 WOs per pack, sell at ?20?mm each. I’d do that until my mouse broke.
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