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Everything posted by Ukase

  1. I'm omitting contacts that don't give story arcs, FYI. Also omitting the ones on that initial table in the original post. I encourage you to review the Homecoming's version of the Paragon Wiki. (Pronounced like WiFi, of course) https://hcwiki.cityofheroes.dev/wiki/Main_Page Obviously, you can forgo Shauna Stockwell and Eagle Eye if you like, until you're level 20. level 1-7 (Atlas) Matthew Habashy Officer Fields Sondra Costel Aaron Thiery Level 5-19 (Atlas) Level 5-9 (Hollows) Twinshot David Wincott Flux Level 7-20 (Kings Row) Shauna Stockwell Level 10-14 Eagle Eye Julius the Troll Level 12-14 Talshak the Mystic
  2. Yeah, hate to pile on, but the a farm brute, built properly need absolutely no assistance from any other character, empath or even another brute. The only reason to have the other character in the map is so the other character can gain some inf, some threads & emps, drops - that kind of thing. An emp still has utility in this game. But if a brute needs an emp, they're better served doing a respec and building the brute properly so the emp isn't needed. Use the other account the emp is on and play the game while the brute sits in the map with burn on auto. Reset, repeat. I could see a case for maybe using the emp for levels 28 to vet level 3, though.
  3. Very fair point! I remember when I was in college, my first year. I'd opened a 2nd checking account, because cashing checks back in the mid 80's was a pain if you didn't have a bank, and I was going to school out of state. Long story short, I'd once paid for a pizza with the wrong account, subtracted the amount from the wrong account, and the account from back home bounced. (yeah, I'd only had $5 in it, needed 10!) I won't digress much about how my bank should have just covered it and then charged me a fee for the trouble. But, they NSF'd it, charged a fee. It got re-presented a 2nd time, another fee. A very simple, but obscenely careless & stupid mistake cost me quite a bit of change, over $100! Very expensive lesson. It took a measure of resolve, humility and assertiveness for my 18 year old self to go back home to that bank and explain the situation and get them to refund those fees. But I still owed for the pizza! No free lunch! Okay, enough digressing. (I could go on, lol. I still remember that as a tough lesson!) My father, the professor of economics was truly livid with me. More out of embarrassment, I think. Because it was stupid. Kind of like a cop's son getting in trouble for drugs or stealing. In any event, the old man bailed me out of that particular jam. (Did I mention that the pizza place sent their "Pay us" notice to my old address that was on the check, and not where I was living? Yeah, the District Attorney's check enforcement unit ended up charging a nice fee, too!) So, yeah, without the old man giving me a hundred bucks to get out that mess...I've no idea how that would have played out. Could've been a slap on the wrist with embarrassing community service, or it could have been 2 years in the fun house, making little rocks out of big rocks. No question in my mind that our D.A's have way too much latitude on what crimes they can prosecute, how they prosecute them (Jail, rehab, house arrest - all kinds of ways to get their pound of flesh if they want). But, this is probably too far off topic for a chat about the neighborhood differences between the two halves of Kallista Wharf. Just wanted to say there's more than one side to every story, and there's almost always a perspective I haven't thought about - so thanks for sharing those.
  4. You want my theory? Too bad - you're getting it. I don't know the precise term, but in my head, I call it server lag. I will pull up accounts 1 and 3. Account 3 will list a level 50 Shield Wall 5% res(all) IO for 7m. Account 1 will try to buy a level 10 Shield Wall 5% res for 7m. (For earlier slotting) In theory, this should work. And it does work. But sometimes it takes the server up to 40-45 seconds for it to work. As far as reasons for delays beyond that, I got nothing for ya. No idea.
  5. Winter packs, historically, have gone on sale the first Tuesday of December. (server maintenance/reset) I have seen nothing to suggest this sale will happen again this year, nor have I seen anything saying it won't. It's a strange thing. I fully expected a Nemesis event this Summer, to follow the previous years experience, but it didn't happen for whatever reason. So, we never really know. For a group of GM/Devs that are historically transparent, they sure aren't very transparent about Nemesis...but that's probably by design, a Nemesis Plot.
  6. I saw this reply just now. And I see a lot of thumbs down. Historically, this may be the first time I agree with what PF is saying here. It is true. Those who are poor are more likely to commit crimes. At least in the US. Why? Because they don't have hope. I'm not saying that their perspective is accurate. I do have hope for them. But many of them don't see any hope for themselves. And their perception is their reality. That's not to broadly stroke ALL poor people with that brush. But statistically, it's true. We can debate as to why it's true, but it has a lot to do with the rich getting richer, and the revenue from the prison industry. Consider the algorithms at work in social media. You - the one who detested Trump even before he got into office - your algorithm shows you a certain set of articles and videos. That fellow - yeah - him with the hat - his shows him a completely different set of articles and videos. And that gal over there - all she sees is Lululemon, Margarita recipes and Bongo jeans. We all see different things because our algorithms are different. They show us a little bit of what we want to see, and a little bit of what they want us to see - for reasons that escape me, but I speculate it's for ad revenue and political motivations. But - this is totally off point, I just wonder why folks would give a thumbs down. Is it because you disagree, or you just don't like that statement? Both?
  7. Yeah, the email limit per account is 100, confirmed.
  8. You'd have to ask them. On Excelsior, it's been done both ways, success either way.
  9. Anecdotally, I just circle around the zig. Doesn't take too long with a team. Can take 30 minutes to an hour solo.
  10. Ah...I play as zoomed out as I possibly can. I want to see what might be coming from any direction without having to turn my character.
  11. I'm going to bump this dead thread since it's the Hallowe'en season and it's relevant now.
  12. So - here's a screenshot: If you leveled up outside of AE with a non-defeat badge faction - like the CoT Behemoths, then you could conceivable hit 50 with 9 badges. V.I.P. Each badge for hitting level 10, 20, 30, 40, 50. Each of the three gladiators: Nebula Elite Buckshot, (for reaching level 10) Button Man Gunner, (for reaching level 20) Fire Thorn Caster, (for reaching level 30) I don't see a path to get less than 9.
  13. I have no worries. I looked through my inventory in my email. I've plenty. I looked at the Winter prices on the AH...and I can literally see the downward pressure on prices from folks trying to unload the winters they have before they go on sale again, and the prices drop to the lower price range of 3-7m (just going off memory - I didn't keep close track) I bought so many two years ago, that I gave away more than I opened last year. I know I gave my SG 400 packs just so I wouldn't have to open them. And I think they needed them to restock the base. In any event, I monitor this character routinely. I just have to figure out a number of new characters, or start to increase how much each character carries. My concern is if I do that - then I can't really take anything out of email - ever - without opening the AH and making a bid on something safe to unload some inf - to grab a higher amount from email. Or, just let the inf burn on the packs. Not like I'll miss the inf.
  14. So, rather than make a new thread, figured I'd just post in this one. I have run out of room in email for all my accounts. So, I've had to resort to stashing on characters - which is...well, annoying, as I don't want to just make an character called "Inf holder Number 23" etc. So, I've been doing this: So, this gives me about a month and a half to decide if I want to get winter packs again. So...here's a thought...there are still over 3000 winter packs that someone bought and has opted to resell - obviously, for more than the 10M price that's coming in December (I assume). My guess is that they're all selling for more than 24,500,000, doubling the profit for whomever these sellers are, even taking into account the AH fee. But...honestly...that's a lot of packs to get sold within 42 days. I don't think they'll sell in time, but I could be wrong. At least not at the price they're at now. Now, if anyone wants to unload those - these bids I have are current! And I have many, many more on my other accounts & characters as well. Feel free to take advantage and unload those packs that aren't selling. But, I digress. The real purpose of my post is to wonder how the winter pack strategy changes now - seeing all the surplus packs. I suspect some of you aren't going to be buying any more packs...because you still have ....well, no idea for sure, but I suspect those 3k worth of packs are currently listed by only 10 or so individuals. Likely less. No real way for me to know...but it's always interesting to speculate. I'm currently poised to buy 1200 packs at 10M...but I think that's too damn many. I don't want to open that many, lol. And I couldn't resell it with a clear conscious because I know a single winter O is worth more when catalyzed than the cost of a pack at full price. So, where is the sweet spot? 10 of each Winter-O set in email? 12? 5? 25? A new character once a week, and I guess the most I'd want is 52...but I don't always use winter sets in a build. And certainly not entombs for any build, usually. The other items - amplifiers, merits - all quite useful. But I dunno...not sure the packs will be that useful this year to me. Maybe I'll lower those bids to 5M and bid on 2x as many, and if they fill, I could live with that.
  15. Of course I could. But other than the xp - which is mostly useless to me, as I'm after reward merits, there's no motivation to do it, other than to get it out of the way. It is true that the psychic clockwork king awards the Emancipator badge - but other than my badge characters, it's a useless badge. Doesn't count towards any stat boosting accolades, so there's not much reason to pursue it. And it doesn't make much sense to tackle Infernal before the arc from Maria Jenkins, because we just face him again towards the end of the arc.
  16. You can try this with Maria Jenkins, Tina MacIntyre - you name it - they will not start the story arc. They insist on side missions before the story arc. Without exception, Maria Jenkins is gonna have you clobber Infernal before the story arc, and Tina Mac will have you dispatch the Psychic Clockwork King before her arc. Every time, no matter what you do.
  17. Literacy is a pre-requisite when you visit the forums. It IS mind-boggling that players forget to use these items IF THEY EVER KNEW ABOUT THEM. My mind is still boggled. Can't you tell? I mean, I told you it was mind-boggling. Clearly, I meant it. And any dismissive response isn't going to make me less mind-boggled. It's not like anyone forgets 2xp buff. They may forget to refresh it, but they don't forget to get it - if they know about it and intended to use it. I do not "expect" anyone to do anything, but to play the way they like. I do, however, expect them to pay attention when an answer is given to their question. I also expect them to just gloss over, or ignore what I say if it's not helpful to them. I do not expect them to reply in such a way as to put words in my mouth. The Whip in question is a monster, not an AV. They should probably just make it an AV instead. But - nobody is putting a gun to anyone's head saying they MUST make the pact with Devil Girl and convince two bored NPCs to eat candy. If it's too hard or too dull, too long - just don't do it. Or do it for the badge, vent and we'll all understand. But we will try to be helpful and suggest such things as envenomed daggers. They are cheap. Now, the p2w selling them - that may not be common knowledge. And that's why we mention them. Over and over again, we mention them. Did we mention envenomed daggers yet? They're real nifty for negating some of the regen monsters and AVs have. They're cheap and available at p2w. Everyone that knows about them and struggles with Monsters and AVs should get some!
  18. One brute or tank coupled with one buff/debuff AT. That's all ya need. I like a fire tank with burn on auto with a fire/rad or water/sonic corruptor. But - be advised - juggling multiple accounts on the same machine can result in the occasional glitch. I've had it where I was on a tf - with my farmer account on the background...and suddenly, I couldn't target any bad guys. I'd tab through, and select them, but when I went to fire - the cursor would move to an ally, and I'd get a message "invalid target". And I wasn't confused. Had to close the other accounts to get controls to work properly. Re-start the alt account and things were normal. A strange thing, has happened maybe twice in the past couple of years. Other issues are sound. Game sounds just no longer work on one account - but they work on another. No big deal. Close alt game, re-start, and it's all good. These are rare occurrences, but they happen.
  19. It is truly mind-boggling that players forget about these - if they ever knew that p2w had them for sale at an affordable price. I can't recall, but it's less than 100k for 30 of them. To me, it just seems like a simple thing to go to p2w after you come out of the creator - and unless it's a challenge/concept character, buy everything you can afford. All my characters carry a set of 120 unless they're specifically created for a challenge/concept.
  20. There must be something that can be done about this in your graphic settings, because almost all of my characters get Maneuvers, if not Assault as well - and I have no idea what graphic effect your talking about. I never see any effects on my characters, unless it's a Fire Shield or that blocky ice shield cast by a teammate. Have you tried reducing your graphic settings to performance or recommended?
  21. Unfortunately, I know of only two approaches: set to -1/1, and load up at p2w with summons, backup radios, buffs, etc. .. and just speed through everything as fast as you can. Or Make a night of each arc and create an event. If I were in your shoes, I'd put something in my SG's discord and see how many friends/fools would join me. This way, it's still boring and tedious, but at least there's a joke every so often.
  22. A fair suggestion. The only issue is when someone is roleplaying a very annoying character!
  23. I won't say you're not a weirdo, but I do think you're not outside the norm by much, if at all. I'm too much of a weirdo to make the call. Why? Because I don't mess with costumes outside the creator, unless it's in pursuit of a badge. I'm so dull.
  24. I swear I read that post twice looking for a question!
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