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Bill Z Bubba

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Everything posted by Bill Z Bubba

  1. And here's the major point: They don't call it the pay to win vendor for nothin. This game was a VASTLY different beast back in the day. Trying to solo a blaster then? With no P2W cheat codes in play? Better yet... soloing a Peacebringer to 50 doing content? Holy hells, my bitching on the forums was CONSTANT about how bad Khels sucked at release. Now? Ukase is right. Anyone, on any AT, can get 8 hours at a time of the 3 amplifiers and just like that, none of the old AT specific issues exist anymore. You can imagine what doing so on an AT made for soloing does to "game balance." I've said it before, I'll no doubt say it again, this game was NEVER balanced. Now? Vastly even less so. Doesn't mean it ain't fun. I have more fun with my sentinels than I do my blasters. Yall ain't me, I ain't you. Play them all and figure out which AT works best for your personality. Overall end game performance doesn't mean shit anymore cuz we're all steamrolling everything anyway.
  2. Damn!
  3. Blinded by the light. Wrapped up like a douche, another runner in the night.
  4. I swear on everything I hold unholy I shall never twerk. I just don't have the ass for it.
  5. Cuz I'm trying to teach yall what we're capable of rather than wasting time? If I ain't dying and you're gettin XP, is it really an issue?
  6. Pinnacle was always the best server. I will make Excelsior the drunk server regardless of the damage to my liver.
  7. I can't get my fix.... tweaking has commenced.
  8. Thanks, GMW. Being in IT for over 20 years, I know this pain.
  9. Not all down. I'm on indom. With a strangely suddenly lvl 33 BZB stalker. I don't remember doin that.
  10. Ex, TB and Indom all down
  11. Wait... you're trying to tell us that humans, probably humans with actual jobs during the week, that spend their free time to support the existence of a game that the original publisher shut down, during a global pandemic and a bunch of civil unrest, can't just subvert their entire lives to support the whims of random forum posters? Next you'll be telling us that water is wet.
  12. And that is precisely why I love SR so much. Can't debuff me when you can't hit me and can't debuff my defense cuz I'm sittin at 95% DDR.
  13. Howdy, neighbor! I'm just trying to stick to one rule... don't post unless forum rep is higher than the number of my posts. Keep 'em close. If I can get both to 666 at the same time... glory shall be had!
  14. While the sentinel inherent does benefit everyone on a team, and the OP did state they team all the time, it should also be noted for others reading that the sent's single target damage output can't get anywhere near the blaster's. My fire/bio takes around 4 mins to solo a rikti pylon. My fire/time blaster does it in less than half that time. This, especially with the lower aoe caps, can extrapolate out to the aoe damage as well. In the end, though, for you other soloists out there, who probably know it anyway, DPS drops to zero when you're licking dirt.
  15. I must be the real weirdo in the group as I find both of those statements to be false. To the OP, I consider Sentinels to be tankmages. That thing that can easily be made to never die and hover in complete safety whilst blasting away with total impunity. Blasters will kill everything vastly faster except when faceplanted. You say you always team? Then you'll faceplant far less.
  16. Was hoping the psionic dart warble was the same one used for blaster-mental-subdual but it isn't. Anyone by chance know the sound file name for Subdual?
  17. Has anyone else lost all desire to play anything else since CoH is back? Steam sale is on. Want Borderlands 3 and Doom: Eternal but all ... meh ... I can wait until all the DLC is bundled. Fired up Fallout 4 the other night (over 3000 hours) and lasted 10 minutes. It's CoH all the time nothing else now. I really missed this game.
  18. That's precisely what I'm talking about. Thanks for saying it better than I did.
  19. Reran +4 ITF with the scrapper using hybrid melee and rebirth. Still wasn't enough to keep me from faceplanting but I got the job done with 5. Will probably run it again with the tank using hybrid assault and rebirth. Starting to think he'll get it done faster which is kinda fucked up.
  20. Is a taco just a more messy cheeseburger?
  21. There are three BZBs on Excelsior right now. Scrapper, Brute, Tank. Their builds are fundamentally identical besides AT IOs, the scrapper got afterburner where the brute/tank took taunt and the scrapper/tank getting conserve power where the brute got superior conditioning. This makes comparing their pylon times/general dps really easy and somewhat accurate. But is it right? Guess what happens when you push a scrapper build for great mitigation over to a tank? Wasted mitigation. The tank sits at over the incarnate softcap to all three positions 100% immortal in 95% of the game's content. Should he, especially, be rebuilt/rebalanced to push out more damage? Does this work? Absolutely. I love playing all three of them as is but I keep wondering if they should each be rebuilt with the archetype in question at the forefront of the build rather than simply adjusted for. Then there's the build itself. It's geared toward balance between damage and mitigation. CP/SC are in there to sustain the attack chain while being backed by rebirth or barrier, musculature and assault. But I could go another way. I could ageless with soul mastery for gloom/moonbeam. But I'm not even sure what that would do to my single target attack chain's overall DPS. This isn't so much a build help question as it is one of build philosophy. I can easily make the "if it ain't broke don't fix it" argument with myself but should I? We have multiple build slots. The inf to buy everything is easy to come by, hell, we've got a test server for things like this, so it's not a matter of can it be done... it's just the question of what are yall's thoughts? Any of you run into this? Anyone else "suffering" (yea, I know, superhero world problems) with too many build options that leave too many alts sitting there with basic IOs and maybe a perf shifter set?
  22. I never hear anything. I always assumed my dead-sexy awesomeness left them speechless. 🙂 /I really should read threads 1st. Hex so completely beat me to this joke.
  23. H4X! Edit: I never even thought to go for hybrid melee core. The thought of less damage output for more mitigation just never entered my brain.
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