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Bill Z Bubba

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Everything posted by Bill Z Bubba

  1. Ummm... no. Me. I'm laughing cuz I can T3 a new alt in a matter of days not years.
  2. I have to agree. Time is not money. Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.
  3. That's a good point about archery. My main sent now is fire/bio and I pretty much sit in melee.
  4. Thanks to this thread... I now have a character with whirlwind. +recharge proc slotted. Will look at other procs soon. She also uses shadow maul and flurry. Actually, now that I ponder it, since flurry can't crit perhaps I should remake her as a brute.
  5. As I learned last night.... stick one in whirlwind.
  6. Once you get energize and energy drain you'll forgot all about your endurance issues.
  7. Now have both fire/nin and fire/bio sents I 50. I apparently like fire blast a lot.
  8. Massive +damres. Also you can slot SR for normal softcap of 45% to all positions and since barrier is perma (even though it scales down) you'll be over or near the incarnate softcap of 58% most of the time. Frees up a lot of other areas for slotting like extra HP and regen.
  9. Copied him to beta for the stress test and suddenly had 676 badges so I doubt it. While I do prefer Beelzebubba (Claws/SR Brute also on Excel) for teaming, I still like playin the original when solo. I'm ok with the badges going over especially since the original goal only dealt with vet lvls and the badges were an after-thought for the screenshot.
  10. Agreed. More options would be cool.
  11. I got to where I wanted to be. I know I'll never join the leaderboard but thought I should post this here anyway.
  12. I built a speedster last night. PLed her to 32. She attacks with Shadow Maul, Flurry and Whirlwind. Two of those are powers that are vastly considered to be complete wastes but for the concept it's pretty dang cool. For giggles, I had another concept character only use boxing, kick and crosspunch. I'd prefer to not see changes that would stop me from being able to do these silly things.
  13. There's a juggling fairy in Ouroboros that let's you trade in threads for insps like the Ultimate +1 lvl insp or the huge levels of the regular insps. You can at least make a few inf selling those on the market. Think last time I did I got around 800K inf per Ultimate insp. I'd like to be able to convert threads to emps. Even at a 50 to 1 or 100 to 1 conversion rate it'd be worth it since you can turn 50 emps into a transcendent and email it to another character on the same account.
  14. Forever true. Thanks again, @Number Six!
  15. Thanks much, @Number Six Followup question though: are all these threads still locked to only utilize 2 processors or will they be spread out amongst all available physical processors (or logical?) Or am I simply misremembering and threads were never locked to just 2 procs and it only seemed that way because the vast majority of the work was being done in the Main and Render threads?
  16. I had a fire control/stone assault dom at 50 and she was just NOT clicking with me. Deleted her, recreated her as an Earth/Fire dom and she is now GLORIOUS. Massive lovely control, good aoe and st damage output, hovering in safety while locking the baddies down and laying forth mass burnination. Love her.
  17. Similar discussions went on for weeks on the pre-snap forums about incarnate leveling. Some people absolutely loved how everyone was forced to team to get anywhere. Any discussion about speeding up the solo path was met with damn near hysteria. Guess who's laughing now, #*&$(*#$&(*#&$#?!?!?!
  18. Bill Z Bubba

    War Mace?

    All is explained in this old thread: https://web.archive.org/web/20120906164029/http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=124689 And the HC thread about that thread:
  19. That's what I was hoping and no, I didn't dig deep. Gonna have to do some diggin to find out what's what. Added Threads to the TaskManager Details tab and it shows CoH is using 16 compared to say, explorer.exe that's at 61 threads, so that tells me nothing as to whether it's still locked to 2 cpu, be they cores or hyperthreaded's fake cores. (But I'm on an i5, so no hyperthreading anyway.)
  20. Interesting. Pretty huge damage buff to ranged attacks. Considering Gloom was already a goto power pick for brutes.... won't this rather drastically buff it into psychotic levels? Or is it already currently using the melee damage modifier?
  21. As I now have a shield/mace tanker in the 30s... I'll be back to this thread for ideas. My current plan involves maxing recharge for a tight ST attack chain and ample use of shield charge/whirling mace. Also... mace taunt has the best of the taunt animations.
  22. Depends on the writer. Juggie just needs his helmet cut off and then just about every psi user out there can drop him. Hulk? Can't build him in game. He'd be what you play in that crazy "here's your future-you, fully capped out and incarnated to everything and can defeat everything" Ouro mission. Or he's weak to fire. Again, depending on the writer.
  23. "SR has a mez hole to fear! SPAM THE FEARS!!!" That's my concern with smarter AI in this game with its current limitations but I get the point and agree. And your statement about higher levels is probably true given that my team got bugged with a +8 EB in Posi1 the other night. We got the job done with Ultimate insps and overloads of huge yellows and reds but that's not really a challenge so much as a PITA to get around.
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