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Bill Z Bubba

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Everything posted by Bill Z Bubba

  1. I agree with your whole post except this bit. We *are* representative of the larger population. Always have been, always will be. It's horseshit to believe otherwise. Edit: The only difference between us and the non-forum-posting population is that we are the posting-population.
  2. I sure as fark hope so. Seeing nothing but psi epic/* sents rule the day is crap.
  3. Yea, tanks are broken as fark these days. My claws/bio scrapper is hell on pylons but he couldn't solo a max diff ITF to save his life.
  4. I've got an MA/Elec brute that does pretty well. The +defense from Storm Kick goes a long way to benefit the resistance based values of /Elec.
  5. True statement. But it comes with two absorption shields and a heal and those don't care about either regen or gettin hit. Edit: Slows, however, much like with Regen, can fark up a Bio user.
  6. Spent the day (meaning today, a couple hours this morning, another hour this afternoon... maybe) soloin a bio/rad/soul tank to 40 from 36. Basically a mission per level at max diff. ST still sucks at this point but the AoE is stupid strong already. Both will become ridiculous post 50. Runnin pure efficiency mode. I'm still disgusted by the tank damage changes. They did NOT deserve this kind of damage output with the mitigation they provide.
  7. But that's where we're left. Ain't nobody but the devs got empircal data bout shit. I'm still waiting to see the actual data on how their tank changes turned brutes into a non-played AT outside of fire farmers. Let's see the data. Let's see how many new accounts were created and abandoned within X time period. Damn typos.
  8. I randomly PvPed back before the massive PvP only changes. I have no desire to ever see them introduced to the PvE side of the game. Optional or not.
  9. Tis the danger of starting threads. They have been known to grow and change in ways no one could ever imagine.
  10. It's better on Sents than the Melee ATs, that is true. It's still not top tier.
  11. Shield/Nrg here. Shield is over the top on mitigation so needs none from the secondary and Nrg is over the top on single target damage and the AoE is improved considerably with Shield Charge. No end woes to speak of and that's with Soul Mastery instead of Energy Mastery unless I'm also cranking Darkest Night but even then, there's always Ageless.
  12. I brought out Bestest Bruter (my fire/regen brute) the other night for a Yin with the SG and it inadvertently led to many of them creating their own "Bestest" somethings where we brainstormed for the worst possible combos for each archetype. Yea, the followup DFB was amusing. Aaaaanyway... My actual "fix" for regen? Make the set grant 95% Regen Debuff Resistance and 50% Recharge/Movement Debuff Resistance. Turn Instant Healing into an Absorption toggle. Turn Revive into Second Wind as per the Sentinel change.
  13. I'm just worried that you felt the need to say my name three times to summon me. Or maybe that's just plain right. Edit: I still think regen and nrg aura need to get ported to tanks as is. And then tank damage needs to be nerfed back to prior levels.
  14. Paulrus - axe/* brute Battlecry: Coocoo cachu!
  15. Was my first tech job. Set me on 20+ years of IT work. I can't dis it too hard as I like money. Current office setup....
  16. This hurts my brain. Edit: But I didn't know vertical GPU mounts were a thing now. Diggin that.
  17. /looks left to see a big plexiglass panel on gaming rig //sees Geforce GTX in pretty white light ///ponders the horrors of people that leave rigs on the floor out of sight ////shudders Nah, I don't need color changing garbage either but I do prefer being able to see the innards of my gaming rig.
  18. This a whole bunch. Again, my system at last job was a Lenovo laptop, docking station with dual 24" monitors, full keyboard and mouse at the office and at home I hooked it up to my network and RDPed to it from my Dell Opti with, again, dual 24" monitors. Laptops are for working while traveling. Especially when ya gots da big hands. Those tiny ass keyboards and touchpads suck a butt.
  19. I worked at Dell back in 97-2000. The business lines have always treated me quite well over the years. Matter of fact, I just swapped out an old HDD with an SSD on an Optiplex 9020 small form factor that's been my primary workstation for a couple years now and the thing has gone back to being surprisingly quick on the draw and capable. The precision T7600 I was gifted from a prior job has been nothing but perfectly stable the entire time I've owned it. Even took my 1080 from my gaming rig and slapped it into the server when my gamer's board fried on me. Wasn't great, of course, but it worked. When it was time for me to move last year, I knew I needed a laptop for the trip and knew I had no intentions of ever gaming on one, so a used Dell Latitude was picked up on the fly. Again, zero issues. Alienware was always overpriced garbage. Became worse after Dell bought them out, agreed. Point to all this is that the company I worked for from 2006-2011 only used Dell Optiplexes. The next job use Dell thin clients for everyone in the office with dual Dell 24" flat panels. It was only my last job where I started to see Lenovos in heavy usage and quite frankly those had some design choices that I found wanting. Now, will I be buying a Dell/Alienware for my next gaming rig? Hell no. But I also won't be buying an HP or any other big named prebuilt. There's the business world and the personal world. Rue the day the two meet.
  20. I've always been a build it myself guy but my current gaming rig has a 9 year old motherboard/proc and a 1080 founders edition. As my year long vacation comes to a close today (oh joy, job hunting starts tomorrow,) I've been looking at the offerings over at buildredux.com and they seem reasonable but I'm still wary. But it being two months til I ding 50 in RL, figured now as a good time as any to get some bleeding edge back into my office but do it on the lazy. Are there any prebuilt shops known for reliability and good customer service or is that just a pipe dream?
  21. On the topic of redraw.... I've long avoided it as I never believed that it did NOT affect overall chain times and thus DPS. I was then proven wrong by some else's testing. Yes, it still feels like redraw always kills attack chains, but testing doesn't back that up. @BillyMailman "AR/TA toon, I made a chain of Burst, Electric Net Arrow, Slug, Ice Arrow, M30 Grenade, Flash Arrow. Longer would have meant a power with too long a recharge and needing a real build for global and hasten and whatnot, so it stopped at six powers. Total Arcanatime is 9.108s, and after cycling it ten times, I got 92s. If redraw mattered, it was nothing. That 1s is almost certainly me missing queueing things, or just not being perfect with hitting the phone to stop the stopwatch. I then made a spider, and got a ten-attack chain. Single Shot, Mace Beam, Burst, Mace Beam Blast, Wide Area Web Grenade, Mace Beam volley, Heavy Burst, Poisonous Ray, Venom Grenade, Web Cocoon. Total Arcanatime, 20.064s. I stopped after three cycles took exactly a minute. Like, it's dead on."
  22. Some would quit from any AE nerf. Some would move on to other farming methods. DA at max diff with +3 lvl shifts is slower but can still pull in tolerable levels of inf and sidekick leveling. Some wouldn't notice at all as they never step foot in AE. Some would take such heavy handed idiocy as a sign to move on to one of the other CoH groups just on principle, affected or not. Some would gloat about finally stickin it to the dirty farmers. We're a diverse group so reactions would be just as diverse. Personally, I think AE has been nerfed plenty already and it should be left alone for those that want 1000 lvl 50 characters. I used it the other day to get a new bio/rad/soul tank from 1 to 33 and will probably just farm him up to 50. Or maybe 40. Still annoyed I have to go bother with the patron arc to get soul mastery so maybe he'll just get deleted. Who knows?
  23. It's not a trim job. It's an complete overhaul no matter what route you go. There's not a usable zone as is for a fantasy setting. Too many modern buildings in all of them except maybe the Hive? Matter of fact, the amount of fantasy only assets in the game is so small, you'd be left with barely enough for any kind of game at all. Why would anyone bother?
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