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Bill Z Bubba

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Everything posted by Bill Z Bubba

  1. Same thing as now: blasters will still faceplant far more than sentinels for 49 levels. My new Bane SoA gets mezzed and knocked around far more than I expected he would and that's an AT that comes with built in mez protection. 6 whole points when you have both armors. Course now that I'm looking I see it has 0 pts to knock. Explains that issue. My main Sent (bio) is sitting on 8.3 with 9.33 to knock. I don't see how easy access to 4 pts of mez protection will change the balance of the game at all while it will make the random mez not nearly the PITA that it is now.
  2. No, it's a mitigation tool. If they're runnin, they're not attacking you.
  3. or do I favor melee/solo BECAUSE I hate how mez works here?
  4. Then why didn't they just strip the mez protection from it? DR side was too OP as well? I'd agree but then it should have never been added to the game in the first place. Personally, I think having to wait until Clarion for mez protection for squishies is absurd. Then again, I've though the way mez works in this game absurd since I started playing it.
  5. But that end cost... as I typically build for indefinite sustainability, every time I've taken FocAcc, I've had to steal all manner of slots from elsewhere to get more recovery/reduction to cover it.
  6. Every FA and DA user would end up with this pool. NIN and NrgArmor would take it just for the DDR. Make them passives except the mez protection which should be a toggle slotable for end reduction. Granting no more than around 4 pts of status protection. Make the 4 passives all have very low base values but slotable as you have shown. I'm not sold on regen and recovery, however. That would allow for some serious IO abuse.
  7. They could get it all and STILL not be OP. Human toggles and clicks accessible to the forms? Great... now they're on par with Sentinels. Oh, the horror.
  8. Maybe good for blapping? I have a rad/regen sent that I enjoy playing and he's always in the thick of it.
  9. Not a bad idea but if the forms cost zero end, they may have to remove the ability to slot endmod and I don't think I'd want to give up the ability to have 3 perfshifter CF+End in my builds.
  10. Understood. Just poured cup one for the day. I'll probably be asking for build help soon for my SS/WP brute, Bunny Fufu. I hate procmonster builds but it seems like a no-brainer to go that route on SS.
  11. -9990% Damage (All) Strength (self only) for 10s after 120s Fury ain't helpin that. But if you're running a procmonster build, procs don't care about the crash and do damage anyway. (Another problem with procs to add to the list.) And procs don't care what AT you are either. Haven't used rad armor enough to talk on that front. Dunno how close a brute can push rad armor to the resistance caps.
  12. I'm betting that you left the file name as background_skyline_alphacut.texture.dds Edit the name to just background_skyline_alphacut.texture and try again. Click on View in the top nav and verify that "File Name Extensions" is checked. That'll help.
  13. I've been playing my bane SoA today. The Awakened are ridiculously OP for level 30somethin enemies. Also, having to pull out a mace for Build Up is #*&$#*$& stupid. Pretty sure I'd be having more fun playing my AR/Nrg Sentinel.
  14. A thousand times signed. Just set the damn things to function all the time.
  15. They're the same sentence. Regen was nerfed so bad it's in negative values now so any nerf or buff will be a buff.
  16. I dunno, man. Self-Destruct + RotP is always pretty funny to see.
  17. Human nature. We rank things. I've lately been forcing myself to play characters that I know are going to disappoint me regardless of how I build them. Luckily, now living in a state with legal pot, I'm finding that I *am* capable (only when high) to turn off my number crunching brain and just watch the show which makes me able to enjoy these characters anyway. Course, soon as I sober up I'm right back to omgwtfbbq this sucks so bad why the hell am I dying at +1/x3? (Again, side-eyeing my Bane SoA at the moment but I could respec him right now to fix some of his squishiness.) Beyond all that, when it comes to game balance, the sets that cause me ill are the ones too far out of whack from the mid-line (shield being too good, regen being too bad) or, more specifically, powers that are either just plain wrong (based on the equations they should be built on,) or that are actually broken and allow for performance way outside their design, (see burn and irradiated ground and how they utilize procs.)
  18. But incarnate powers, rune of protection, shadow meld and set bonuses are a thing. So while that Nin user might have an easier time on the way up, in the end, all that +damage and -resist coming from Bio means that it ends up with enough mitigation to survive while killing enemies far faster. And, I know, I know, I almost never use it, but Defensive mode also exists for tough spots. Nin, SR, Nrg are all great sets but have to be because their kill speed is so much slower. I will, however, also note that none of my Bio users can solo a max diff ITF. They'd be fine against the AVs but the Khels rip them to shreds thanks to all the -recharge and -defense. Another edit: In my defense, it's because I don't build my Bios for that. I build them for slaughter. More damage *should* mean less mitigation. Yea, I'm side-eyeing YOU, Shield Defense. And all tanks.
  19. Been soloing a Bane SoA the last few days. Got him up to the low 30s and realized he was still getting his ass kicked by some enemies (granted, we're talking Vanguard Sword and the one mission with 3 Crimson Revenants, but even Family and Carnies are giving him trouble,) and he JUST moved from +1/x2 to +1/x3. I'll admit, I'll be shocked if he can run at max diff fully tricked out at 50 based on his performance now.
  20. Just remember that Touch of Fear's terror portion is only single target.
  21. Ya know... I've actually been pondering this a lot lately. Why does it seem that most of the coolest looking powers/archetypes are also the worst performing?
  22. Correct. RDR is a function of Damage Resistance. Why the OG devs didn't make DDR a function of Defense is beyond me. But the rub is that it doesn't matter how much DDR you have, it caps at 95% so 5% of all Defense Debuffs do get through. This is unlike RDR which doesn't cap. That Invul tank may cap at 90% SL Resist but if it is actually over the cap to 100%, then it actually has 100% RDR. NO resistance debuffs can leak through. On top of that, resists function at full strength all the time. Defense, on the other hand, no matter how much you have, you're still left with at the very least a 5% chance of getting hit, and if facing a +4 AV, they'll have a much higher minimum chance to hit you. In other words, resist based sets are already in a more stable situation than defense based sets and have access to vastly more powers that grant defense than defense based sets have access to resistance.
  23. Not this particular combo, no, but I did go presence pool on my literally skinless Skinless Scarlet, a dm/bio, blood magic brute. Also thinking I'm going to have to at least get provoke for my dm/stone scrapper due to EVERYTHING running away from her. Cloak of Fear is only Mag 2 but Invoke Panic is Mag 3, so stacking Mag 5 terror does sound pretty awesome.
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