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Bill Z Bubba

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Everything posted by Bill Z Bubba

  1. It would certainly suck to lose auto-click on my swipe-only/inv scrapper.
  2. They overbuffed it, then doubled down by overbuffing tanks and now my shield/nrg tank has the same ST damage output as my claws/sr scrapper. Cuz that makes PERFECT sense.
  3. And it worked, mostly, with SOs. Only softcapped blasters back then happened if they had multiple buffers. Then the devs broke it with inventions. Again, the system is fine. Being able to softcap a squishy solo (and extrapolating that to how stupid we can get our melee characters) is the problem. Therefore, inventions are the problem. Nerf set bonuses into the dirt if you want to fix it.
  4. Yuuup. It's a fitting name for the shit we do.
  5. I'm in an SG of two. And my brother isn't playing. But I run with an SG of many and that's been fun in a way I didn't experience back before the snap.
  6. But there's the rub. If the base assumption is horseshit, everything built from it remains horseshit.
  7. ... my claws are sharp and I will cut you. Followup for the win.
  8. And here's where I'll never be able to keep up with most of you. There's a glitch in my head that makes me feel very dirty in a bad way any time I consider Unleash Potential, Rune of Protection, Phase Shift, Adrenal Booster, Unrelenting, etc on any armor based character. There's no difference between any of those powers and tough/weave/cj. But my brain equates them to cheating in the same way I view Amplifiers and that's stupid. I know it's stupid, still can't shake it.
  9. Bill Z Bubba

    Regen Tanker

    I've always agreed with this. Makes absolutely no sense at all for Regen not to have massive regen/recharge debuff resistance.
  10. This is the part I notice. I have two controllers, a dom and a defender that can all solo at +4/x8 without faceplanting. As long as I'm 100% on the ball and even then they're going to take a LOT longer to get the job done than my meleers. My fire/time blaster can not. I suck at not dying on blasters. Any melee character I build that struggles too much at max diff gets deleted. But I completely disagree that the longer time taken to get the job done somehow means I'm not soloing. It took me an hour and a half today to get through the first two missions of DASF on Vicious diff and I was most assuredly soloing it. Soloing means one thing and one thing only: You have one character in the map/mission and you're completing the objective, whatever that may be. This isn't open for debate. It's literally the definition.
  11. Stop doing them so that you don't mess with the folks soloing real pylons? (Apparently the instanced pylons are different.) /This was sarcasm. //The first part, not the second. Instanced pylons have a lvl, zone don't. ///three slashies for those that know why
  12. It's not so much can a tank get near a scrapper's output (it can't, those scrapper AT IO +crit chances are freakin huge....) but vastly more it being a case of, well, this tank is so tough already I don't need to go dipping into pools for more mitigation, so I might as well grab things like fireball, assault and tactics, and I've got more slots to spend on my attacks for more procs or more set bonuses, etc, etc.
  13. But... but... I haven't even gotten my new FA/RM tank farmer to 50 yet! I was gonna abuse the crap out of broken procing on IG and Burn...
  14. Bill Z Bubba

    Regen Tanker

    It's the slows. Having to constantly run away due to having absolutely nothing to click because of stacked slows is no way to brute. Or scrap. EDIT: Again, something SR/Shield has spoiled me on. Debuffs don't matter when they never hit you. My thoughts so far on what you've described of your ITF experience: Sounds like a whole lot of clicking to stay upright which, as you've mentioned, is detrimental to killing stuff in a manner I've grown accustomed. I don't say this to take away from what you've done. Even managing the first mission at max diff without a faceplant is more than I expected from regen but that was my own fault for not considering what could be used to help it out. But it also points to what I was stating up thread. With my claws/sr brute, I can set PB on auto, herd up an aggro cap's worth of Cimerorans and go AFK for a smoke. I'll still be standing when I return. And it's not just the lack of clicking, he's doing that without Rune or Demonic or Barrier or anything else; just SR, Tough, Weave and CJ. But it's also an unfair comparison in that SR's capped DDR makes it particularly more suited to fighting them than just about any other armor out there with Shield being just about equal in mitigation and even better when you're NOT AFK thanks to the +damage from AAO. I have found that I have been VERY guilty of not defining well what I mean when I say something sucks in this game or is the worst at X. I only mean numerically. I'm again having fun with a Peacebringer by forcing myself to solo her and go tri-form. But I do this knowing that no matter how fun she is, and how much time and inf I spend on her final build, she's never gonna amount to much in relation to how I play the game and judge builds/powersets. Same goes for how I look at regen. Regardless, until this thread, I had completely forgotten that MoG was no longer the Please Kill Me Now button that it was in the past. So thanks for that. I am still curious as to how you'll fair against all the AVs in the ITF (or any other +4 AVs for that matter) and what your total time ends up being. But it's purely a curiosity thing. Thanks also for being willing to give it a try.
  15. Hey now... don't go blamin my ilk for that garbage!
  16. Pretty sure Linea's main for this stuff and 801.* is a stalker. I actually have a db/nrg scrapper that dishes out some pretty nasty damage but I do find that I have to lean on nrg drain and energize often. Obviously that would be a boon in a situation like this but it always annoyed me during pylon runs or AV fights.
  17. Nah, betting Nrg Aura. Built-In +heal/regen with Energize. I did run the sd/nrg tank with rebirth regen at one point, but then my end kept bottoming out from all the end drains. No win situation on that front.
  18. And it would take another ED/GDN level nerf to get things back under control. Thus...
  19. 3 faceplants, 1.5 hours later, I finished the 2nd mission and called it quits.
  20. Whatchu got against drunk people? Council suck against low level regen, by the by. Slows and regen do not mix. I still enjoy hearing carnies scream. Edit: Total side note... soloing DASF on Vicious. It's more a tedious pain in the ass than anything else since I'm having to pull and play like a squishie, but interesting anyway for a try.
  21. Reminds me that I was on a break from CoH when I got a message stating "brutes got claws. Also, new difficulty settings." I came back so that I could run +4/x8 with a claws brute. Sooo, yea, long before incarnate stuff, the game was already too easy thanks to inventions.
  22. Tis true! Course, the OG devs could have just avoided all of this by creating the option to disable it in the first place... but that was then. We have a fix now. Might as well add "allow all rezzes without prompt," too.
  23. Ok, starting Vicious run with the shield/nrg tank. Gonna play like a blaster and see what happens. Edit: I obviously didn't read the instructions. Are incarnate powers supposed to be off? Edit2: Oh... I had unslotted them all for some reason. Restart!
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