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Bill Z Bubba

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Everything posted by Bill Z Bubba

  1. Won't. Could and should, yes, but you're correct, many would immediately move to other CoH hosts so it makes little sense to do so.
  2. Takes my shield/nrg tank about 1.5 hours. I know Elec Melee isn't great on ST, but I bet money that if you respec into Gloom and work on tightening up your ST chain with it in play, you'll find things speed up considerably. But absolutely best brute for the ITF? I find Bio pretty squishy in there. New stone armor, from what I'm reading, may be better than I found during my one test on beta, Nrg Aura seems to be the goto now for unkillable but it's the monsters and AVs that slow you down, so ST damage should be paramount. Nrg/Nrg Brute seems a likely candidate. Edit: Don't forget extra acc/tohit.
  3. Happened here with ED and the GDN and Super Reflexes and was exactly why the scaling resists were added. I did NOT enjoy the time between those events when I had to turn my main into a weak ass blaster.
  4. Standing, maybe, but bloodied and broken while their resistance based counterparts thrive. Regardless, it's still a horrible idea. Just like this one. Edit: Even worse since Brutes get Tank resistance caps and therefore should also get the 45% defense cap just like tanks. So it's just scrappers and stalkers getting screwed. Again, the base tohit system ain't the issue. Getting 6% defense to everything from 2 IOs? Yea, that's frelling stupid.
  5. Anecdotally, once everyone got the new badges, talk of running more DASF disappeared amongst the people I run with.
  6. Nope. She still exists but I got sidetracked by my latest peacebringer attempt. And with both of those and a couple more new alts all leveling up the old and slow way, it'll be a while before I have a build.
  7. If true, then it was fixed at some point. Easy to test. I'll go turn off evasion, see if I get hit a lot. Then do the same with focused senses. All toggles on, Rikti Swarm missile has a 7.8% chance to hit. Turn off Evasion (AoE Defense) Rikti Swarm missile has a 40.59% chance to hit. Evasion on, FS off, drops back down to 7.8%. So yes, it got fixed. I have no clue when but thanks for that!
  8. Unless you have Clarion. Or you're a dominator with perma-dom. Since the thread is about end-game. Should probably check that damage scale comment as well. https://cod.uberguy.net./html/modifiers-table.html?mod=ranged_damage https://cod.uberguy.net./html/modifiers-table.html?mod=melee_damage
  9. Because everything you fight there caps at +1 due to level shifts? Got nuthin on the idea, though. I haven't been in one of the PvP zones since the last time an SGmate needed badges.
  10. Four tricks. Easily softcapped defense, capped DDR, up to 60% resistance to all but psi and tox, and +SPD/+Recharge/+SPD and Recharge Resistance Course everyone already knows this but they'll repeat the lie anyway. Edit: The lack of +damage, a heal or even an HP buff doesn't do the set any favors which is why, like regen, it should probably get the Sent treatment to bring it up to par.
  11. But I'm currently going with: Confuse is OP I can't keep up with procmonster builds I'm gettin too old for this shit
  12. The really sad part, WP, is that gloom is a better attack than the majority of all melee attacks. Just one more bit adding to the huge laundry list of ridiculously out of balance items in the game.
  13. Reran Bill Prime fighting as I actually play which means Assault Core was used as well as Pyronic Core. 6:30. 40 seconds faster. Then I ran my nrg/bio/soul scrapper with the same rules. 6:40 again. Which I guess sorta makes sense. BZB's AoE output is much better. She did take down Trapdoor in what felt like three hits. Not sure what to take away from all this.
  14. I'm currently on my nrg/bio/soul scrapper. My main is claws/sr/body. I feel your pain.
  15. You know... He turned me into a Devil because He was wrong.
  16. Went ahead and grabbed some times. Incarnates not clicked except where noted. Some yellow insps used due to being blinded. Zariela - Shield/Nrg Tank - 7:48 Bill Z Bubba - Claws/SR Scrapper - 7:10 Chaoswolf - Bio/Claws Tank - 7:37 David Merlinson - Fire/Bio Sent - 8:10 (Used barrier once.)
  17. Agreed. The problem is gloom. From Brute Epics and using arcanatime: Gloom: 7 ticks at 9.1757 = 64.23 and a DPA of 48.66 Fire Blast: 41.71 + 3 ticks at 4.1708 = 54.22 and a DPA of 29.34 Mu Lightning: 55.0542 and a DPA of 41.7 Disruptor Blast: 41.7078 and a DPA of 18.59 Spirit Shark: 41.7077 + 3 ticks at 4.1708 = 54.22 and a DPA of 17.11 Laser Beam Eyes: 41.7077 and a DPA of 22.57 Only Mu Lightning is even close.
  18. In what reality is claws the worst ST set? Cuz it's not this one. For the record, my claws/bio scrap is behind my nrg/bio scrap by seconds, not minutes. Too bad I can't create a claws/shield scrapper. And no, not talking about procmonster builds. I don't run them.
  19. Still 60% all the time (doublestacked) vs 80% for a third of the time. And if cranking fu, focus, slash, focus is getting 90% most of the time from triple stacked fu. But... ya gotta hit with it to begin with... so there's that.
  20. Ya know, it my be possible that her post was simply after yours, and since not directly quoting you, may indeed simply be a round up of all the things heard in these types of threads.
  21. Are you basing this purely off the set's complete lack of +damage? Cuz there's no way you're basing it off of the mitigation it provides.
  22. Our SG does this as well. We've even had some pure costume based runs. All scrapper ITFs have always and will always be my favorite.
  23. Ran it once with my main. My time compared to others in that thread leads straight into:
  24. Have you seen my builds? They're not very good. Both builds are my standard no more than 2 procs per attack (usually 5 purple and an extra proc to replace the damage only purple) high recharge. It's rather telling that the devs were forced to nerf ET's crit, as in, if it can't crit for double damage on scrappers/stalkers, then it's too damn strong for tanks/brutes. Yes, of course with like for like build, some nrg/shield scrapper I'd build would stomp the crap out of both of them, my nrg/bio/snipe scrapper certainly does, but it still remains a great example of how frelled things are now.
  25. /signed. Especially because I have no idea how often my poor SS/WP brute, Bunny Fufu, faceplanted on that run. Side note: Ok, ok, I'll take rage. We really needed the extra damage.
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