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Everything posted by golstat2003

  1. The same Cottage Rule that Castle himself said he was open to breaking as needed? Yeah.
  2. My response: I don’t think it’s really a problem if Tankers can outperform Brutes DPS-wise in certain high-end, buff heavy environments, unless it’s for some reason sacrosanct that Tankers can never outdamage Brutes by any metric.
  3. Thanks for the clarification.
  4. I don’t see the issue either. As I said, if I’m on a brute and the tank on the team is doing more damage, I don’t care. The more damage the team brings overall the faster we get through content and get our rewards. And I’m more like to invite a second or even third tank to the team if I know they going to actually bring something useful to the table. The changes being made are also more likely to get myself and some of friends I regularly play with to try out Tanks. This is a group of returning players who generally despised melee ATs on live.
  5. Pretty much this. In a team game where the faster the TEAM melts mobs of enemies = the faster we all get xp, i couldn’t give a flying fart if a single tank or brute or whatever is doing more damage than the character I’m currently using in that team setting. Who the hell cares. Blast away, I get my xo and vet levels faster the more damage we all do.
  6. In the age of incarnates complaining about damage caps seems a bit irrelevant to me, since mobs will be judgmented to death faster than you can say “Pull”. But to each their own.
  7. The 550 damage cap is just fine. We agree to disagree.
  8. Disagree. It’s an outlier and that’s all. We should not be balancing an entire AT by outliers. If anything those individual outliers should be dealt with.
  9. There's a huge difference between this and herding of old . . . which was dumb. I think that's what most folks are against. Most teams today (in the age of incarnate) usually have no problems keeping up with the tank while he/she holds aggro.
  10. pfffft why? This is a discussion about Tankers. A buff to them DOES NOT necessarily mean a buff or nerf to any other melee class is needed.
  11. I don't think they are balancing around procs, but Captain can correct me if wrong. EDIT: But the idea to add it to some attacks might be a good one. (Despite how I think Bruising just needs to be outright replaced with something more useful).
  12. Despite some of the hyperbole in this thread most regular non-forum reading players aren't. And we sure as hell shouldn't be balancing around that assumption.
  13. In a game where 8 anything can go to town and not be stopped . . . yeah I don't think the trinity was all that important here. Syngergy/teamwork/the mentoring system Paragon developed I think is why folks love this game. Not the aspect of other games where you can't do content until you spend an hour or more spamming channels "looking for tank".
  14. That domain that comes from the trinity is something that needs to go in modern mmos. The trinity to me was always something that this game didn't enforce. And thankfully so. The more we move away from that the better.
  15. I'd be fine with them leaving bruising in with the AoE range and target count changes. And fine with it dropping the cap to 575. Whether 575 or 600 doesn't matter in realistic play scenarios.
  16. Many folks would strongly disagree (and have in this thread). The amount of debuffing to be found while teaming won't make AV fights last any longer, if bruising were gone. And Tankers needs something better than what bruising currently provides. Most teams aren't constantly fighting AVs 24/7. Guess we agree to disagree.
  17. And I'm fine with that. Brusing was not something that ever impressed me. And apparently not a lot of others who simply don't roll tanks because of the anemic damage. And saying you have to take procs just reinforces that. Remember that the balance point here is SOs NOT IOs. So saying procs are option is great, but it doesn't address the damage problem many people have with the AT.
  18. Honestly I would not mind a rework. I find things that are up some of the time and crash after some use to be . . . not great design. The change to making nukes crashless done a few years back I think was beautiful work.
  19. A visual effect that most players won't notice. A majority probably never even knew tanks do that. Ask them if they know what a glowing green toggle does on a mob and THAT they will probably have noticed and be able to tell you. Let's keep it real. Though, glad it's at least in the description. I'm fine if the -resistance is moved to something else on tanks or not. Once again I really don't care if a tank brings that. If I want debuffing I'm asking for any of the other ATs that do it better. And if I want to focus on debuffing I'll play one of them. It's never been a concern when I play a tank. lol
  20. OMG now I remember why I stopped playing mms on live. LMAO!
  21. This is very similar to how an ability called Enrage works in another superhero mmo who shall not be named. 😜 I would not mind if Rage were changed to this. Or if an extra power were added that does this, that SS can take as an option. (You would be blocked from taking Rage if you took this power.) VEATs have this tech in their level up screen.
  22. I would not mind if they did this and called it a day. But I am sure it would cause an uproar if you couldn’t stack it anymore.
  23. /shrug Insignifigant. I’d rather have better all around damage and AOE potential to help me hit more targets at once, than bruising. I do a lot more teaming overall where we aren’t fighting AVs. AV debuffing is not a concern I care about on melee when I have teammates who can pretty much melt any resistance/defense AVs may have. Caring about bruising just was never on my mind while playing a Tank. I’d bet the average player on Homecoming would notice more AOE damage than bruising.
  24. Thanks for screenshotting and describing some sanity into this discussion! Lordy!
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