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Clave Dark 5

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Everything posted by Clave Dark 5

  1. this doesnt actually work. The music/backgrounds are offset and mangled (going rogue uses the freedom theme for example) and it resets if you ever go back to the login screen or quit to login/css from in-game. it's a shame because the current OG CoH login + music and freedom css/cac background are really cheap looking/sounding together, and I'd like to just be able to use the freedom UI and music again. Or going rogue for that matter. Huh, it's been working for me, I set mine for CoV very early on and haven't had any trouble with it.
  2. No sweat on that, I just felt I needed to qualify my input because I haven't been gold in ages (except for those recent 50s runs). You're good!
  3. I'm sure that I have no place talking back to a Gold Side vet such as yourself, but I found every class was much more "dying all the time" there. And in fact, just the past week I've been over there with a 50 Corr, one of those plot lines you can follow at 50, and died a heck of a lot more than that Corr normally does (I was teaming, yes).
  4. I'll echo Legree in experience here, but of course this is up to you. Although one of my two re-rolls is actually the only toon I've yet taken to 50 and beyond. Maybe I'm a Corr at heart and didn't know it until the game came back.
  5. Allow me to flame you for another reason: what's a "mat"?
  6. Oh, I remember that hype, Some of it was self-generated by players on their pre-opening forums; I spent some time there thinking about switching over when it came out, if it was going to be a newer, better game. A number of posters were of course CoH ex-pats who were really invested in knowing this game would be better and that the previous company was a bunch of hateful snakes (which might have been true for all I know as I wasn't following too much of the politics behind the scenes). Something about that community, or that segment of it, chased me off even before the game came out, and the more I heard afterward, the more I was glad I'd not bothered. I kept thinking about loading it up F2P, especially after CoH shut down, but... never did.
  7. Shooting runners in the back is probably one of the things I love most about playing ranged characters. ;D I often like to throw out a "You better run you coward!" or something similar afterwards. :)
  8. This great stuff, I read stuff in here that I didn't even know back when I used to write missions before the shut down.
  9. Paragon Dance Party has been around since 2004 but was replaced by Pocket D after City of Villains was released. You can still find entrances in Paragon... somewhere. It's mostly empty. I don't think I had ever visited it pre-shut-down (villain here), but I stumbled across it it just the other day trying to find where Pocket D was blueside. It was completely empty. Maybe people should cordon themselves off in there to run DFBs instead of the sewers or something. What shard are you on? On Everlasting it seems to have a decent number of people coming and going during the busier hours. I've seen it almost empty, but that's on my weird schedule as an Euro player ;) Indom. Given my often weird play hours though, it might have been at like 3 am or something though.
  10. What are you even doing here then? :) I get you on this. The costume creator is great at flash, but not so much "less", I've had problems with it too, I wish we had a lot more "less flash" options.
  11. Because I don't want to play in the Rogue Isles. I want to play in Paragon City and Praetoria. But there is no Pocket D entrance in Atlas Park. There is one in Kings Row, though. Ha! Take that Atlas!! Villains win again! Yes, I haven't yet bothered to do much homework playing the game, such as memorizing every map and where things are (which is one thing red side has going for it, no trying to remember how to get to Firebase Zulu or any of those other less-traveled areas.)
  12. I don't know or have any memory of the other points, but this one is pretty spot-on, that is something redside lacks. I mean, I don't even spend much time in Atlas on higher level toons, but I have zoomed in there for a costume contest and when in doubt I know I can find a Pocket D and Vanguard there.
  13. The ratio of villains to heroes wasn't as lopsided, no matter how robust the population was, best I can tell (at least on the single server I currently play on). On the other hand, I believe the devs in the past publishes such numbers; have the Homecoming devs done so? Is there any way to check the ratio?
  14. Yes, but as pointed out, it wasn't this anemic before shut-down. Something 's changed here and we should react to that, much like reacting to people doing nothing but AE farming required a nerfing of that system.
  15. I'm not sure I understand what you are saying...I'm see any "intractable" positions here, at least not in the sense of "you are wrong, and I am right". Please clarify? (And I'm not asking you to tie it further to politics, more to understand what you are seeing that's negative in this thread). The comment just up there that ends with "They made a mistake allowing the ATs to be universal" for example - and I'm not saying it's wrong at all, just very set in stone.
  16. That does knockback, yeah, I;ve seen it happen with my Corr.
  17. I'm not sure I understood wqhat that was, just access to the different archetypes?
  18. My style of play, which is subjective, yes, is button clicking rather than keyboarding, and I've never had a gaming mouse because this is the only game I play. I've taken at least two MMs to 50 that way and it seems to work well enough for me. Thanks for the advice though, it is actually appreciated.
  19. I find it interesting how subjective a sliver of these answers are. Ask somebody a political question, and sometimes you get back answers that discuss numbers, get deep into the weeds about morality or something, but you also get some almost blank "nope, not ever ging to consider any other angle" answers. Which is fine, that's how politics work. I wouldn't have guessed that would work for red side vs. blue side, but here we are. My answer to the above would be teams, again, the pop is just way too freaking low. But I am going to be making more of an effort now to watch for redside teaming. I suspect if we, villainously, held a gun to everyone's head and made them vote, this would be the most obvious answer, because how many groups you play on are actually stopping to read anything and being offended at being a leg-breaker for the mob or whatever?
  20. I've always considered Sharkhead - due to the Scrapyarders - a kind of purgatory that MMs have to go through for five levels until they ascend to the heaven of a full set of pets at level 26. Maybe because it's been too long, but with the MMs I've run through redside, I can't ever recall having any problem with them there, at least no more than the usual "my pets are weak, I'm too low level!" problems.
  21. Right now, I think it's Disintegrate followed by Lancer Shot on my Beam Rifle Corr, which spreads the disintegration effect to nearby mobs - all those orange words and numbers floating up over a big group of foes!
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