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Clave Dark 5

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Everything posted by Clave Dark 5

  1. Also: there's a couple of good spots on redside that people sometimes use. One is a row of doors on a warehouse somewhere nearish the back of the Grandville map, within the walls; the second is a set of brownstone-type buildings on a street in... Sharkhead? St. M's? that gives you like four doors on either side of the street within a short stretch. The Grandville one is the more popular for the reason given above for the blue side motel, being in a 50 zone.
  2. They park their MM in the center of the motel parking lot, not on a team. Set pets for Aggressive (probably some combo of "stay, aggressive", and then set their AoE Heal or whatever to keep popping automatically. Then they walk away. Meanwhile you and I are the ones clicking doors; their pets then target anything that walks out. Now watch someone go "oh hey, great idea!" because I spelled it out in public! 😃
  3. Many, including yes me, consider it bad for to AFK farm your Halloween team, because they're doing the work and you're taking a portion of the drops. I've seen and reported people AFKing their MMs in the center of the parking lot of said motel, joining no teams. Bad form, imho. Rarely seen anyone defend the position.
  4. I guess I don't understand how this is a big problem??? Standing on the tail with the spinning rotors is a bit silly, sure, but... 🤷‍♂️
  5. (original post went crazy, here's a screen shot that's readable: It's a pain. These are things one can work past, but so is a broken foot.
  6. Extreme CAT-Beam, cat-looking Beam rifle/something Sent. who also has the title "Extreme", so his name reads as "The Extreme Extreme CAT-Beam" now.
  7. Generally... it's too complex to say. Power sets matter, the build matters, the AT matters. I do generally skip the worst min/max foolishness because you end up with cookie-cutter builds. No purples for me because I level my characters rather than speed to 50 and then get bored with them a week later.
  8. I had a thought for such a character knocking around for a bit too... was thinking isn't there a Blaster secondary that gives you a sword attack or two? Go that rout with D.Pistols probably.
  9. Look, we got rid of the Vomiting Guy, isn't that enough?!
  10. Narcissism is self evident when groups of foes keep getting snatched away from the front of a team back to the same player over and over, sure. Pretty easy to spot. And I do team with better people I leave teams and edit a note for myself on them. I bet you too are fun on teams...
  11. Ignore the random generators, you'll have to click them a LOT to find one or two, and they'll be more of the "sure, I could do that, I suppose" variety rather than the "I really want to do that" type. Instead, take some idea you liked that you saw done elsewhere, but done wrong in your opinion, then do it right, or at least with your own flavors.
  12. As I said, it is indeed a great power to use when you're gaming by yourself, or of the narcissistic disposition that you wish to make yourself and your desires the focal point of a team that was so unfortunate as to invite you. Heaven forbid that you slow down your roll, but maybe once in a blue moon, consider others' roll...
  13. It's been a bug since late Live. I've reported it more than once and one of our current Devs said he'd look at it. That was like a year ago though ha ha, so don't hold your breath probably. I figure it must be a deeply-rooted problem or it would have been fixed by now, either on Live or now. I know the troubles it causes, I just unearthed an arc I was was working on and gave up on during Live because of the problem (and a couple of others), one can tinker around hopefully enough to avoid it, but it is a real pain. Chaining is one thing, but if it's an ally, it pings that you're acquired them as soon as they appear, so... if that's the last thing to chain, the mission completes soon as they appear, no matter how far you might happen to be from them.
  14. We're gonna need an "after dark" tag for threads now, wow.
  15. Fold Space is a favorite for tankers or anyone else who wants to make every attack all about me on a team (solo is different and fine, obvs.). I'm not so much a fan, as someone who's often trying to drop an AoE or something, so I would kindly ask if you do take it on a toon, that you announce at least once at the beginning of the map "hey, FYI I will be using Fold Space ok?" Some people have told me this is highly unfair to expect of a Folder, but I hold out hope for humanity that a modicum of consideration might prevail in this trail of tears we call City of Heroes.
  16. Well that was just as much fun as the write-up up above. Five stars, easily.
  17. There's some decent tricks I think to be found on... wait, was that in the wiki? I'll check... Yeah, yeah it was: https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Mission_Architect_Custom_Units (scroll down a bit) In general, I've found it often also matters who you're running through these, such as whoops, low Psi resists or something. Just try and go for stuff that doesn't cause problems en masse like attacks with debuff effects, etc. and skip any armors as much as you can. Anoither trick, give them lots of melee attacks and then set for ranged, they won't use many of them. Most people will be able to steamroll anyway, yeah, and better to be flimsy than ganked. ETA: also, for levels 20-30, maybe customs might just be too tough for you?
  18. I too was happy to have all y'all still here. Until I read this thread.
  19. Nope, pops right up for me from the official list. Is that an official list? I didn't get invited to it or have to type it in or anything, it was just there.
  20. Your description of it is longer than the story itself.
  21. Isn't there already a channel for AE? I put it on a couple of characters and never saw anyone use it though. It's like redside - there, but no one goes there because no one goes there.
  22. By the way, has anyone yet mentioned the Croatoa groups, especially the Fir Bolg? Love their look but there's no story other than "they're spooky, let's you and them fight!" I mean, just look at the wiki entry... Having already done a bit with them in the past for AE, I nominate myself to expend their story. You're welcome, devs! 😃
  23. Arachnos is far too entrenched in redside to just see them fade away, that'd be like saying let's do a BLT without bacon. So I'd say upgrade them.
  24. When I'm not at work or busy, I'm early hours too.
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