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Clave Dark 5

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Everything posted by Clave Dark 5

  1. Please do not frighten nor dox Snarky like this again.
  2. Maybe I missed an announcement? But... when does ToT end this year? Thanks and Happy Halloween!
  3. The Bampf Life is even better: two TP attacks from, say, Savage Melee and Shield, then Spring Attack, plus Combat Teleport... I can get anywhere I need to without so much as lifting one foot from the floor...
  4. I was mainly kidding, but wooo, let me team with you when you play so I can tag along and open a door and let you defeat the bad guys, sounds like an easy time of it! Most of the (same guy) I keep reporting are literally standing around doing nothing, not even clicking doors.
  5. Do not cheat or abuse exploits If you find an exploit please report it to a member of staff immediately This includes the use of scripts and programs to automate gameplay This includes trying to deceive or otherwise cheat other players for your own gain I mean, if people are violating that then... seems like you can kick them, short term ban them, whatever, and let that one or two people go away mad? And if they keep coming back that's multiple "infractions" against your stated wishes and you can kick them for that (and lord knows I keep seeing the same very few names pop up over and over again). This is your game not theirs isn't it? Or just tell us this is exactly how you wish to run the game and are happy to see it played. I know this is going to come across as too negative,but it really does seem like there's n easy fix or two here that for some reason are being avoided or (devs/mods) are too adverse to pulling out for some reason.
  6. I've once or twice seen someone drag a GM back, which is also fun.
  7. I think we've identified one our leechers 😄
  8. That's why one of my tanks as as tall as I could make him, I figured it was something of a public service...
  9. If the RNG decided it's time for a drop, say a recipe, it picked who amongst the damage givers gets it (far as I know), so yes this is taking loot from non-leeching players; I'd imagine the XP gets split too??? It's like someone inviting themselves to your farm, and you can't make them leave. I've been reporting LOST of these people, some of them multiple times, and the Devs I've dealt with (whom I'm sure of sick of me by now ha ha) have been decent enough to explain to me that some of them are not AFK, so their form of leeching so that falls into enough of a grey enough area that they slide by. Still somehow not clear on how the worst examples I've seen of it slide by: I've seen one SG, presumably one person, like quintuple-boxing, pets in the parking lot and multiple MMs up in the AE play floor inside the AE building that's right behind the hotel in PI. Go to the hotel right now, I bet you can find that one SG with MMs standing in the center of the parking lot, and if you're lucky three more (or more! up in the AE building. Report 'em! 😃
  10. I don't do this too much because I really don't like the way HUGE-ASS characters look; I worked in a comics shop during the 90s and it just screams Rob Liefeld "I don't know how anatomy works!" to me ha ha... Most of my character are "fairly regular guy if toned" in nature, or sometimes smaller. About the only sort-ofs I have are "very tall but thin-as-possible" characters, and even then only a few at most of those.
  11. Yeah, no bug, just some poor teamwork. It can be hit or miss, you just keep working at it till you get it. (also, BTW, his name is Jack The Rabbit, 😉 and yes he is a saint for making ToT leagues work so well).
  12. It's not so much "i am a very shy bunny hiding under this bush," so much as that feeling a cultivated European vampire might feel riding down the street on a Big Wheel. Not that that's fair or accurate for anyone else, just me. I am also an incredibly sloppy typer when I'm rushing (just ask the people in my ToT leagues that I've been scouting for and running). Maybe also just the pressure of trying to come up with anything worth writing on the fly ha ha
  13. I really like Doms, but the one time I tried Symphony (on another AT IIRC), it really didn't grab me; I seem to recall it's got a meh rep around the boards, so maybe that's the problem here...
  14. But it's spooky season!! Is this like the vampires and monsters in Buffy that try and lay low because they find Halloween cheesy or something?
  15. My interest in RP wore off back when I did table top stuff; no idea why, I became a bit more self-conscious or something, started to feel a bit silly for me. So no I really haven't much in CoH, especially by the time of HC.
  16. As they worked on a powerset, they didn't attempt to fix or correct these descriptors, they took the time to remove. I'm saying that as they're already in the headspace of being right there with the text in front of them, why not fix rather than just remove? This is a rather easy to achieve QoL change they could be making to help the game be more open, for both old hands and new comers. It's a simple one or two word change to text files. Do one a week - one a month - and you're making progress.
  17. They apparently have time to remove them, slowly. I think typing in two words such as "high damage", say, shouldn't tax them too much.
  18. I agree - the system may broke, but fix it not throw it all out. I've always hated that approach. It would be much easier for me to mouse over a couple of powers and compare "light" vs. "extreme" or whatever, than to have to look up real numbers via the wiki and that data page (who's name escapes me). And if that still feels too difficult to agree to, then why not have the literal numbers pop up in the mouse over? End of problem.
  19. Pretty sure this doesn't happen often. I usually drop a lot of commons at a time and price them all at 255, and have them take days to sell out.
  20. My impression is that the ToT monsters were sort of designed for team play, and probably a bit above level 18; on a team level 18s might make it work (I think I have???), but solo, not so much...
  21. Maybe so, but who wants to have to live on a pig farm?
  22. My luck's been uncommonly good then, across hours and hours of the even this month. Keep trying! We've got lots of leagues running and doing all the banners etc. very smoothly.
  23. Eh, play what you want, have fun with the combos if you like them. I did and that was one toon I took to 50 back on Live.
  24. Well there's your problem right there, you have to join in the full league chaos to see the levels melt away.
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