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Clave Dark 5

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Everything posted by Clave Dark 5

  1. Meh, I always had trouble hitting more than two people with Crosspunch, and I really enjoy a good jumping at someone and watching them fall down. I also tend to avoid Tough and Weave if I can as they often leave my toons (which I level, so I can't just crutch it with Incarnate powers) starved for End. But indeed, play what you enjoy!
  2. Yeah, I wouldn't be over there ALL the time, but I wouldn't mind being able to go scoot around looking at the window decorations once in a while, like I sometimes go the Xmas zone and skate past the tree to hear the jungle of the bells.
  3. Damn, I like having my task bar up top. >:/
  4. I'm just crazy enough to suggest we leave lvl 50 ToT in the echo:DA all year round.
  5. This is a photo of an eclipse from 2019 -- wait no I mean this was a photo of a ship approach Cap au Diable from 2019. (real caption here: https://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ Explanation: Yes, but have you ever seen a sunrise like this? Here, after initial cloudiness, the Sun appeared to rise in two pieces and during a partial eclipse in 2019, causing the photographer to describe it as the most stunning sunrise of his life. The dark circle near the top of the atmospherically-reddened Sun is the Moon -- but so is the dark peak just below it. This is because along the way, the Earth's atmosphere had a layer of unusually warm air over the sea which acted like a gigantic lens and created a second image. For a normal sunrise or sunset, this rare phenomenon of atmospheric optics is known as the Etruscan vase effect. The featured picture was captured in December 2019 from Al Wakrah, Qatar. Some observers in a narrow band of Earth to the east were able to see a full annular solar eclipse -- where the Moon appears completely surrounded by the background Sun in a ring of fire. The next solar eclipse, also an annular eclipse for well-placed observers, will occur this coming Saturday. )
  6. This. MMs are unique in that as they take damage (and thus lose pets) they become less effective, they can't do as much damage. The time it takes to summon pets, set their stances, then pop not one but two upgrades on them (and any buffs like say bubbles) is a real drawback. I like MMs a lot until things start going south for me, then I feel like I'm being held back more than any other toon. Maybe MMs need some sort of damage consolidation where your fewer pets still do the same damage, so like a ramping up of damage for having fewer pets out to equal if you did? That would certainly make semi-petless MMs happy ha ha. And speaking of, I just leveled up a semi-petless to 50 via PUGs, and never once had anyone question me or my choices, or even comment when I made a self-deprecating joke or two about it.
  7. I've only been ToTing in the usual PI league, but I've seen enough Spectral Werewolves to get the badge quick enough. But although I haven't been paying it much attention, I do wanna say I may have seen more mummies, but take that with a whole shaker of salt.
  8. Banners have always been sort of tetchy like this, I think I've only gotten all the badges on my first try like once, maybe twice at best.
  9. This would be great fun hunting GMs during Halloween, if not for all that pesky stuff like buildings that get in the way.
  10. Those were my guesses, but I was afraid to plan for them, pick them up and then suffer crushing disappointment when it turned out they were lame karate chops or something.
  11. Really, really digging this, might have to steal some of it for my 8-Bit Oracle. She's already got some of the same ideas going on, so it would be only a small theft... I promise you won't even know it gone!
  12. I've been kicking around a Pistols/Nin theme-idea and was wondering how many or which attacks in the Ninja Training set are based around using a blade? The wiki doesn't exactly spell that out.
  13. *tries to hide two more in my back pocket before going through the security line* I mean, if it was a matter of choosing 3, I think we'd all be OK.
  15. Hard pass. "Dross" like Hasten should be at the far right end of its bar (or on a fourth bar out of the way) to keep the most-used attacks and buffs to the left. You BU is buried way over there center right!! All the travel powers should be grouped too along the last two slots of each bar, as you don't need to find them in a hurry, usually. Do have to admit that despite all that I do wonder what a FAK button does...
  16. I do that too! Mainly so I don't have to look around for that Break Free under duress.
  17. Yeah, about this too for me, because otherwise I have to really work at it and that detracts from the fun of pewpewpew. I don't twitch game, oh and I have never once done a bind. Macros I have lots of, but I don't write them myself, I just pick them up from you helpful folk on the forums.
  18. Have you been letting your grandson mess about with alternative realities again?
  19. Only one has a nerd stand-up comedian who's appeared in just about everything, somewhere, named after him.
  20. I pretty much agree/remember all that previous stuff being an issue; I would suggest that knowing that was all there before the market came along, the old Devs still had plenty of time to make "needed" changes, but didn't - as the above quoted bit demonstrates. The original devs didn't mean for us all to get tricked out super cheap and easily - they understood (and said IIRC) that it leads to people burning through the game faster and leaving sooner. Seriously, five years to fix it, but they were just working around the edges to make things slightly less impossible to achieve. Now compare that to what HC's done since opening up just a few years ago; take Market Crash alone.
  21. Probably The Pink Bampfer, Savage/Shield stalker who's got all the BAMPF one can shoehorn into a toon. So much fun. But then I also have another stalker, Thorns/Dark who's tough enough to tank during MSRs - also fun! But my Savage/Ice Dom is pretty tough too! Err... I'll come back...
  22. If you want farming, go hang out in Pocket D's AE, lots of people always in there doing only that.
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