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Clave Dark 5

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Everything posted by Clave Dark 5

  1. I always have a long list of possible names that are silly that I want to use, just not enough time to do do. Then again, half the time they never get played, so the allure of a good name tends to fade quickly. Example: My fish-headed Staff/Ice Armor Frozen Fish Stick is too good to not make, but I think she never made it past 24 or something. But still too good to delete.
  2. I have a few MMs, but it's been awhile and I may not make any more. As an AT, they suffer the worst possible insult in that being attacked renders you unable to hit back as hard. Hold and Confuses can affect anyone but there's a number of tools to mitigate that, but have some of your henchies get dropped (often one-shotted)? Now you can't attack with anywhere as much force. Resummoning them of course takes time when you might be aiding the remaining ones or affecting the foes... and the situation spirals further... it's a rather bad place to get caught in. Maybe people who build super-tanky and also do binds etc. can play more... tactically? and avoid some of that, but that's a level of technical expertise that not many (if any) other AT requires to be viable. I sure like the idea of the MM AT, but I find it too irritating to play.
  3. Not to sound too flip, but isn't this game easy enough?
  4. Worked for me. Never seen it before and it wasn't terribly legible, but it was there, at least.
  5. That's my take on it, the conspiracy theory about journalists aside.
  6. Not a fan of binds as I have to look away from the screen to get to the right buttons. My mouse does have a lot of extra buttons, but I really can't be bothered with them or to spend the time setting them all up. Macros for me, which are usually some variety of targeting, and pet macros for MMs. That's it.
  7. I had a crab back on Live that I never really leveled, and one Widow here. I was following a build posted online for the Widow that was so strong I could stand in the middle of combat and Aid Self when I needed to, not often, and usually wouldn't get interrupted. It was so boring! Way too easy. I keep thinking I may someday finish leveling that character, still sitting at 47 I think, but... *shrug*
  8. Eh, I think I'd rather devs spend their limited time on other issues.
  9. I'm just a miserable pile of secrets.
  10. Nothing! Friend of mine back in the 80s had some model of I think 70s Caddy that was at the time still, the longest car manufactured in the US. It was a boat and a half, but was really comfy. Terrible gas mileage though.
  11. I've come to the conclusion that I don't "like" playing these sets, because one generally doesn't PLAY them. They just sit there and run in the background (outside of a click heal or something) leaving you free to do the fun, the pewpewpew. But... I find often that I start getting bored of that because that's all I can do. This is one reason I really like Doms, they have melee, ranged, holds, weird effects, pets. They're the whole game on one toon. I felt the same way about trying to play a Kin, and those other effects even sort of interrupt the pewpewpew so I felt like I was sort of clicking into the void (yes I know Kins bring a lot to a group, mathmatically, this is just what it felt like to me).
  12. I recall stopping to beat up some grey Circle on a roof once, and after I'd easily dispatched them, their victim came over to say something like "thanks for saving my life!" before running and jumping off the roof of this twelve story building...
  13. I've noticed they aren't in sync often too, especially the more you have, and yeah, it's a small effect, but it does "feel nice" for some reason.
  14. Ah- HA! After all that carping about bad PUGs, turns out the Snarker has become the Snarky! I KNEW IT! 😁 (Happened to me a few times too - after a bunch of "hey dummy, give me back the star," went by in chat, I realized I hadn't yet checked to see if I had it myself. Turns out I didn't, but...)
  15. I wouldn't even describe those as playing "the highest level in the game" so much as just "playing the game."
  16. Simple: low rez items are cheaper, higher rez stuff is top shelf quality product.
  17. I like thd oor idea, but the name's already been taken, "Pandora's Box is a hero [Enhancer] store that has locations in Skyway City, Steel Canyon, Independence Port, and Talos Island." https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Pandora's_Box_(Store)
  18. So there'd be a box you could check off that just reads "Council Missions Only" right?
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