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Clave Dark 5

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Everything posted by Clave Dark 5

  1. I've had to observe a solid NO AEON rule as it seems like every time I get on one (I think 3 times now, tops; maybe only twice)I was playing with Old Hands at it who felt the need to waste precious speeding time berating newbies who had the unmitigated gall to die because this was our first time or something. One dispensed his SMH wisdom about thirty seconds after I said I couldn't see anything and got super-killed. Genius. I also do tend to go for concept over squeezing half a point more Def out of a whimpering Tough, so I'm already at a disadvantage on these things. I have done nearly a pity "good job!" on a starred ITF, a couple of times. Just one star though. Y'all can have those runs, enjoy!
  2. I'm here for the story, and due to the limited nature of sharing said story in the AE, I'm probably shooting for soloists. One mission of my latest even doesn't have you fight anyone, it's just all story. I'm not here to give you a prettier farm. 😃 I also rarely have difficulty cranked or anything, so I dunno, my missions might be the next circle of hell for players if they routinely do. To be honest ha ha, never considered that wrinkle until just now, but I do tend to try and aim for "easy enough" so as to not distract from the story-reading.
  3. Say whaaaaat? Look, force yourself to keep playing a 50 even with mere SOs, start doing 50 content, get a few Aether Particles, sell and spend. Do some mothership raids, covert Vanguard merits to Enhancement Catalysts, do that a lot. You get to slowly slot your one 50, then keep playing them as they keep getting better. Really, after a bit, that and craft-and-selling recipes that drop (that have obvious market appeal) will get you there. That's what worked for me. Pewpewpew!! ETA: forgot one important thing, do lots of Summer Blockbusters, those enhancer sell for like 7 million and SBB is super easy.
  4. Sorry, just not fast enough to be a "speed run"
  5. Yeah, I remove it from my chat once it becomes a problem. I have reported some of it too, and also ignored a few. I really should remember to put one star ratings on them so I can avoid them too, like I did with ToT leeches back during Halloween.
  6. I've never made trillions, I don't liked homework. I'm here to pewpewpew. I have only rarely, rarely, been hard up enough for inf that I acutely felt it. Play the game and enough will flow to help you out (unless you're a crazy min/maxer looking to slot 15 purple sets, but even that I could have done after a bit, if I had wanted to; but that too in unnecessary to play)
  7. The Terrapin Trombonist would like to join this jazz group...
  8. I would never read a forum that would have me as a member. Serious answer: I usually stick to just Suggestions, General, and Mission Architects. I do dip into Mission Architect (having just pubbed a new one and for tips). I have one in a while looked into whatever it's called, "superhero culture" or something?
  9. I want to say experimenting with this that I had randomly set the map's background foes to something like a 40-54 group, then got error messages for having Eochai there and the level ranges between the group and him not lining up. But everything else there is good to know, and matches what I've seen so far, yeah - thanks!
  10. But isn't there a way to-- NO. Poking about, I did find out that one of the other GMs would reliably do poses, one of those big crystal guys from DevEarth. I just had this great visual of a whole forest of Eochais swaying gently in the breeze, just set-dressing... sigh... And what I wanted to set him as a non-combat escort objective? Oh well. AE is just so janky. Sometimes X works,sometimes it doesn't. I've accidentally tricked it into allowing "too many" floor collection objects (tested and saved it multiple times too) , then had them rejected after I went in and changed some text or something.
  11. Yup. I leveled a (I think) Dark/Grav something awhile back to like 4o, then drifted away, he never clicked for me. Then over a year later I made a Dark Grav something with this great concept and zoomed to 50 really quickly... then discovered I'd already had one that I had forgotten about. Him I'll probably strip out and delte one of these days, but this is why I'm happy to let others collect dust at say 15. Plus, who knows when a set revamp might sudden;y make them better?
  12. I have been lied to by our wiki for the last time!!
  13. That's one of the reasons I like that set! To answer the question: no. I level my toons up, no X2 Exp-P, no farming. By the time I hit 50, I often move on from them without even picking up the Inc powers. I think I only get them on something like 1 out of 5 toons?
  14. From the wiki: Numina's Convalescence: Regeneration/Recovery -- This enhancement grants a 20% bonus to regeneration rate and a 10% bonus to endurance recovery rate for 120 seconds. When used in a click power, the effect is granted every time the power is used. When used in a toggle power, the effect persists until 120 seconds after the toggle power is deactivated. When used in an auto power, the effect is always active. So at least this one proc is worthwhile in a toggle. It does happen. 😃
  15. Hey I made some music, and so can you! Rather an experimental arc. Be sure to play with sound ON. MMs not recommended as they tend to drown out the other musicians. Probably sort of hard, if you're on SOs only, or lower level, but my 50s managed it pretty easily and I'm not a super-mad min-maxer or anything.
  16. Did a little poking about for fun with this idea but ran out of time for in-depth checking, so... Can you add a GM to a custom group and change their names? I was looking for Eochai but he's not listed on the Fir Bolg "standard" roster. Adding him onto a (very large and outdoor) map using the "fight a giant monster" mission objective, I could only add a single GM, 1 - is there a way to get around this? Guessing this was a farming exploit defuser. He also didn't follow the animation I set for him, is that normal?
  17. That's what I usually saw, and the MMs were not members of a league, so they didn't TP.
  18. I find melee a bit boring to play: go find someone, run over to them, POW. I much prefer being about to do... you know, other stuff as well. Which may be one reason I'm thinking Doms work best for me, there's a little of that in but lots of other fun tools (I was working on a Corr recently and just felt like she was missing like one or two good POW IN THE FACE melee attacks, despite being otherwise pretty effective), tools with range too. I find when I'm tired the whole having to chase down your next target feels like a chore, which is why my BAMPF stalker melee method (check the Stalker forums for my thread on this) is like perfect: Shield Charge, Spring Attack, etc. are melee attacks from range!
  19. This is why Masterminds were the favored leeching method during Halloween Trick or Treating: set your pets Aggressive, click your one helpful power, say a heal, then do something else while people click the doors and you reap the benefits. Yeah, the game doesn't need more of this.
  20. The best practice I got for making my own builds* was by copying others', then later once I felt I had a handle on things, starting to make changes to them to fit my tastes. *Mind you, I still hardly ever make one from scratch - I usually still grab one and then start making changes, but I do so more confidently.
  21. Nothing says morally questionable like Christmas in may.
  22. Tell me what the definition of plagiarism is without telling me you're defining plagiarism. 😃 Also, btw: reading on the topic, someone pointed out that by playing around with these things, you're helping the company refine their product. For free. You know, just like how it's scraping material from the web to parrot, too!
  23. I think it's finally stuck, but yeah, I believe that's what it was: open up the foe's page to edit power choice or anything else = default.
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