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Clave Dark 5

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Everything posted by Clave Dark 5

  1. I like to think of it as "unexpected slapstick."
  2. This. That way lies cookie-cutter builds, min/maxxers always taking Origin X to have that few percent more of something, and then telling everyone else that the other are "utter trash, insulting, really."
  3. So first Maria ran away with Ted to Cancun to raise their mutant son in peace, then Devan flipped his car but he's OK, Candice's cancer was cured when she touched this strange asteroid, Bill discovered that he's been a clone all this time and the real one's is ruling an small Pacific island with an iron fist, and Tom's plans to build an army of attack-bots was foiled when his dog, jumping up on him out of happiness and love, made him accidentally drop the very delicate control circuit box.
  4. A new player experience, not THE new player experience. This aint even stinging me, I'm not out here defending our beloved game from any and all critiques (ask me how I hate Incarnate stuff and how confusing that was/is, I dare you), I'm just saying this guy dove in headfirst without checking the depth of the pool.
  5. I don't think the idea is to force anyone to play resdide, just to get some more to try it.
  6. I hate that stuff too, so: report via Support Ticket, maybe add a Player's Note (if you feel like it), block, move on. They won't get stronger if we don't let 'em.
  7. Sound slike he made exactly all the worst possible choices. Some of that might be luck, some of it maybe not. I wanna say though even I knew not to try and face down purple-cons. All that said: when I started, I had a friend already here who could look over my shoulder and give me some simple explanations like "don't face down purple-cons." If this guy literally jumped in without advice one or didn't look up anything, that's more on him I think. I wouldn't expect to be able to hop into WoW (or any other game) without doing some reading up. And the Costume Creator being so big? That's a feature not a bug!
  8. Jump into the game, get on a team, ask questions of any and all sorts. Don't be afraid to die sometimes, it'll probably happen fairly often until you learn some things like "always stick to the center of the streets". Chat has a "HELP" channel, you can ask questions there too. Might not be bad to hang out a bit and just watch the Help channel scroll by to pick up tips there. Be sure and use these forums a lot!
  9. Generally never have to, I almost never hit names that are already taken. For instance, my two latest are Rabbitual Criminal and Cinerea Van Allen. Finding a really good name (still not sure about Cinerea there) is part of the real fun for me.
  10. I understand the grime complaint, but don't share it because of that wonderful zone variation and ease of travel (to this day I still can't recall which p[art of the blue side map Boomtown branches off from). Plus the grime is a nice contrast against the pastels and weightless glass of much of blue side. And like larger American cities, blue side is very not on a human scale, skyscrapers, those sky highways in skyway... older areas are still more on a human scale, a place where you can see the sky and find the horizon without too much effort, not like looking up from the bottom of as gorge. Red side could use a good Perez Park though, Echo Astoria kind of area, the best it has is what, Nerva?
  11. I have only two that I can think - wait, no three. A Christmas-based toon of mine has one. Another player on a recent group had one too and had that "drinking from a Christmas mug" emote and was kind enough to pass that on for me, s my toon has it now too. Two of my MMs have one or two for the minions; one's just to say something. An early Corr with Accelerate Metabolism has one for the steam whistle to signal team-mates it's AM-time.
  12. Jump for Combat Jumping , which uses less End than Hover, but Fly because it's the most awesome. Run works, but doesn't if there's much vertical variation to where you're running, plus I've never gotten stuck by a building when flying ha ha. Thinking to try out Teleport anew...
  13. I didn't go that crazy, but I've made two Beast MMs that only use the Lions... because I like cats. The second one was a Storm and that worked so well (well... the dmg output wasn't too awful anyway) that I didn't think I needed to try and find another secondary to pair "only lions" with.
  14. Have to disagree with you there. I dabbled in both blue and red side on Live when I started about Issue 6, until the day I rolled my first stalker, then I didn't look back (until I had to, but we'll get to that). At first I only soloed because I wasn't sure what I was doing and didn't wanna fail in front of others, but then I did start to team and was able to team often, pretty much all the time, even playing during overnight hours. As things went along, the pop started fading away a bit, so I had to switch to Freedom, but still was able to PUG to my stupid heart's content. Then, nearish the end, one night I rolled a new redside toon, popped into Mercy to look for a team... and I was just about alone. After some researching, I found was there about a hundred red-siders online (at like 1 in the morning!), and about 80% of them were 50s and standing around in Pocket D for the endless reruns of Incarnate content (thank god our new Devs broke that hold). I never did anything with that toon and had to give up playing redside completely, because I like teaming. Perhaps the current focus on merit- and other farming, speedruns for well known TFs (redside doesn't seem to have too many "well known" TFs, or at leats they never get run as often, so maybe there's a perception that they don't) etc. is having creating the same effect that Incarnate content did. Heck, maybe Null The Gull is making it too easy for people to think "I'll go do some red side later, I can always switch" and then never getting round to it; maybe people needed to be more "stuck" redside to dedicate themselves to it. Maybe, just thinking out loud here.
  15. With a healthier population as we have now, that's less a problem, but more effectively, "holiday fatigue" is a very real thing that keeps the holiday conent from grinding the game to a halt as you seem to think it does; open up the Holiday events (in some fashion, that's a whole side topic) year-round and you'll never have to worry about not being to speed run another Yin or whatever due to those Holiday events *checks notes* "forcing" everyone to do something else that they want to. The game is now being run to not gate-keep anything from us: we all get capes and crazy auras at level 1, we can side-switch with a bird, and we all get endless IOs and purples with hardly any effort, hooray! I love it! They even have the ski chalet open year round. So why not holiday stuff? Plus we already have one holiday thing open 24/7: Summer Blockbuster.
  16. I dunno, a good Dom is a thing of beauty and does a little bit of everything, depending on the power sets and build: ranged, melee, holds, pets, etc. And if it bugs you clicking that one Dom button all the time, set it for the auto-fire option.
  17. Eh, this smells of catering to the power creep crowd. I'm also not so fond of the idea of trying to navigate around an MSR with Oops All 54s! around.
  18. I know right?! Three red dots and I still can't find a team red side. So far I've teamed twice, with the same brute I bumped into there. But yeah, just keep plugging away. I too am more than happy to swap if a call goes out and I'm not already doing something else. Worst case scenario, you can go to Pocket D and start a SBB.
  19. Good news! Go over to the menu, open up a support ticket and say I WANT MY MTV... MA SLOTS and a dev will give you three more - any time, no strings attached! I've done this twice now.
  20. Haven't they been talking about dropping Tequila for awhile anyway?
  21. Whoops, I forgot. I don't normal have time for full reviews though.
  22. I've been thru that too. I generally these days try to take god-builds into consideration, but stick to ditching anything I don't want (still very against Tough+Weave), and then see if ti works OK. If not, then I might rework it. But most of the time I do just fine anyways.
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