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Clave Dark 5

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Everything posted by Clave Dark 5

  1. I was sort of playing a Mace/(something) scrapper, who was fine, but then I got side-tracked writing an MA arc, and now caught up in doing another. I don't have lots of time per week to play, so the scrapper's sort of fallen to the side.
  2. Maybe they can be labeled as a business that's expanded out of the Rogue Isles (this is from Port Oaks, right across from the abandoned lab).
  3. /macro TN "target_enemy_near" Anything past that feels like to much work that keeps me from getting into the pewpewpew. I mean, an MM might get some pet commands as I don't do keybinds, but otherwise? Eh, I'll get by. It's good to know I could do them if I wanted to though, sure.
  4. Who says there's been power creep in this game?! I want more purple sets!! /s I mean, just how much more OP do we need to be happy?
  5. Those little blue guys seemed to think it was more flexible than an F-bomb, so.... maybe it does mean what @Brutal Justice thinks it does! Or at least can!
  6. Savage has played well for me on a Dom, and has six or seven melee attacks, one of which is the lovely and talented Savage Leap which I adore - nothing more melee-y as literally jumping into someone's face.
  7. you ask "is Snarky on this team? Yes? Ok, EVERYONE PLAY STUPIIIID!!!"
  8. You're no true accountant. Or temp. Or any other office worker, at least going by how I work. Staplelock is real and doesn't discriminate amongst whitecollar workers, my friend!
  9. You're no true scrapper. Or stalker. Or any other toon, at least going by how I play. Scrapperlock is real and doesn't discriminate amongst ATs, my friend! (serious answer: for a tank, I don't think about that until I hit 10%... maybe...)
  10. I get all caught up in watching the health bar, trying to figure what power to click or that I can click or what might work, etc. that I sometimes just ain't got the brain-bone to also handle considering my Insps. I am good at combining them into wakies though. Real answer too: often I tend to aim for one type, like "this guy has End issues, convert them all to blue," or "I need mess resistance, go for Break-Frees" etc. That whole "these are important, I need to save them!" mentality has led to many a death for many a player. Of course when I go on a bender and burn through them, they stop dropping...
  11. *reads thru this thread* *scoffs* And people say the game's gotten too easy these days!
  12. So many costume slots to fill usually means my "alternate versions" exist right on the same toon. Example: Capt. Sam's Space Zoo has hero costume with a smiling space-themed retro-futrurism, while he also has a redside costume that makes him look like a scowling tugboat captain from Nerva.
  13. Not to gang up on you at here, just something to consider: You can easily play on SOs, you know. I never slot purples, only sometimes ATOs, and I play just fine. Plus I often go ahead and pay the "I need it NAOW" prices. Cash is easy, and I don't even play the marketing game. Just go pewpewpew, slot what you can when you can, and things will be just fine. Promise! Don't let your imagined perfect be the enemy of your face smashing pewpewpew good.
  14. The Machines Are Sick (bots/Poison MM) says comfort is overrated!
  15. The General Channel lives for each new toon of mine until it gives me reason to kill it; then I never miss it. Speaking of chatting during combat, I will forego a button click to make a good joke, yeah. It has bitten me back once or twice, but it was worth it - it was a good joke!
  16. Small matter to me, but obviously not to you, so I can see that being a prob. Can't you color it to match anyway?
  17. Pretty sure you can also get the GB one; being an old-timer Red Sider, I usually go for that one.
  18. Man, that's sad to hear, I've had a number of such experiences since HC started up. Must be a matter of luck, keep trying, we are out there!
  19. Hear hear! Also, am I now going to have get used to "meta" being misused, like "impact", because people couldn't learn the proper use of "affect/effect" or something???
  20. Isn't the one you buy from the P2W person the standard old look?
  21. These cars don't look like they even made it past 1980, these are all 70s boats for the most part.
  22. I don't mind giving out buffs at all*, long as I still get my own pewpewpew crunching in there. Corruptors are good, but I find Doms to be even more enjoyable for this. * Well, I say "at all". I've tried a few Kin toons and it just feels to disconnected from actual crunch that I just got bored and wandered off.
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