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Clave Dark 5

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Everything posted by Clave Dark 5

  1. That sounds dangerously like an activity only someone with any kind of focus can engage in and that's not SQUIRREL!!
  2. For the life of me I couldn't understand why anyone would want to pull this very off-putting chibi look with a toon, like at all, until now, because I too have a black witch cat toon. Not that I care enough to actually like do it, but at least my horizons have been broadened. 😃
  3. I suspect someone's holding Snarky hostage. Can you blink in Morse???
  4. Is that really going to be a thing someday? I've heard the rumor, but never something solid. You think there are angry posters now, just wait.
  5. You don't know the half of it. This morning I was playing GM scout for my league, so I wasn't at the motel much. At one point I did come back and there was this swarm of hovering pets (bots, demons, thugs) parked in the center of the motel lotat the hotel. Not in our league, the MM standing nearby and spamming a Heal or whatever from their secondary. Not clicking doors, not directing or anything, just parked. I've seen them sit like this for over an hour. I'm not inclined to do the work for door sitters, so I bowed out. I've talked to the devs and they don't seem to care about it.
  6. There's journalism, which isn't much practiced these days because it's not cheap and doesn't generate huge profits, and then there's clickbaiting, which both sounds like some other kind of "baiting" and rightly so, and is the equivalent of internet farming. Don't mistake the one for the other.
  7. Wait another one? What now? I have so many potential respeccing and new toons that I might roll that I might just give it all a pass and play the old ones as-is.
  8. I'm still kicking around thoughts for Beam Rifle something, now it might be time to gives Sents a try. I also want to rejigger my Mercs MM.
  9. I find that the big black Arachnos wall there ends up making this location a lot like a long hallway to fight in - great for condensing packs of foes, creating chokepoints with AoEs and so on. No worse than being on one side of the PI motel lot vs. the other. I'm not on a computer with the game right now, but back on Live when I was nothing but Redside there was a line of brownstone doors in one neighborhood, I think it was Sharkhead? Where you had like six or eight doors facing each other across a fairly narrow street. That worked out really well as I recall.
  10. I would hope more people "explore" in this game, but I dunno, a big flashing sign might help or something? Maybe just make it accessible from every form of zone transport, even the trams. Never got the sense it was "only for high levels" though, which wouldn't really rule out too many players, when you think about it.
  11. Sounds like a slippery slope argument, but not sure that's worth an entire second thread to point out. 😃
  12. I understand now what B.Dark was talking about, there's like five or six non-leaguers standing around over on PI on Excel well chosen locations to get XP off the league doing the work. Two are fire brutes, two pairs even share the same name. Guess I missed them in the chaos until now, as the group's smaller at these hours.
  13. I know not everyone goes there, but it is in the wiki. ETA - do have to admit though I don't even know how to get there myself ha ha. I been once.
  14. Yes, more than once in fact. Turns out I don't mind it; the ones that didn't make it to 50 didn't stick in my mind because something wasn't working for me - character concept, build, etc. The next time round, it often DOES work for me. 😃
  15. That sounds reasonable. If it was easily perma, might as well have been another Equip Pets power in all but name, which would seem to be unbalancing.
  16. I've seen it yeah. I kept tripping over some guy laying dead on the floor at the motel, like over the course of half an hour: dead over here for a bit, oh look, now dead over there... now there...
  17. Oh, I've been wanting all sorts of "disembodied" stuff for ages now, like gloves with no arms, nothing below the waist, like ghosts have, all that sorta thing.
  18. I haven't played a Sent past like 12th level for some reason; knowing they're getting some love soon might compel me to give them a spin for the novelty of it all. I had started a BR/Traps once but lost interest for some reason; sometimes character concept just doesn't hold interest you know? Plus I am very conversant with Traps already. Ringo's right about BR, the other power set benefits if it's more fire and forget; so that's another argument for Sent. Poison might be interesting though, as there's a lot of skippage potential in there, which might leave me more power choices to make my character weird (like, I dunno, taking everything from Psychic Mastery or something; I like going off on tangents). Food for thought, there are all good suggestions! And keep 'em coming if you come up with something more. I'm probably not going to make this one until after ToT season... or that Sent love shows up.
  19. Complain about these terrible leeches to you league leader?
  20. Holden was good at his niche, but I don't think he would have had enough emotional range and depth for the part.
  21. Well people do tend to post "I mad ea new AE thingy" over in the Mission Architect section, sure. Probably most people just didn't have anythign to say? I like the costume shown, but I'm a sucker of the Jack-o-lantern head.
  22. I have a rather vague concept character I want to make with the Beam Rifle set; the other power set can be anything, and the AT isn't important either. Have you got a build for a Beamer that you'd consider "extreme"? I'd like to hear about it! (Seeing it would be even better of course) But hey, that's a silly request, probably, so feel free to just tell me which AT can utilize their Beam Rifles the best and what you might pair with it for extra uh beamery-goodness. ETA - thread title fixed, ha ha
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