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Everything posted by Lunchmoney

  1. There are several badges obtained through radio/paper missions (at the very least the exploration badges for the bank/mayhem missions you get for doing radio/paper missions.)
  2. I'm now curious. My wife and I play together (when the Tyrant in Pants let's us). If we were to do a Hami raid would we get the same message?
  3. Rather than writing a bio I had a whole movie made for my character, John Spartan.
  4. You've interrupted tea break. You villain.
  5. Nobody plays this. It died 26 years ago. #Fact
  6. Regarding playing in a PUG, though, it's the only choice I have. I had several friends who played, but didn't continue. So I play with whoever is online at the time. Meaning it's slow going to get some of the Red side badges ☹️ And discord can fuck off. 😂
  7. Then they should learn to. Reading is essential.
  8. Game came out in 2004. In 2004 I, and everyone I know, had broadband internet. Was that only a UK thing? Just thought I'd mention it 😉
  9. Please use and recommend the HC wiki as it is more up to date and accurate (plus fandom sucks donkey !^$^ 😉 ) https://hcwiki.cityofheroes.dev/wiki/Main_Page
  10. There's a film called Demolition Man that has a tribute character to one of my heroes, John Spartan. I thought that was pretty cool.
  11. I'm aware it's not me. I don't play on Indomitable so very unlikely to ever use the Arena chat there. I also don't PvP so very unlikely to use any Arena chat. Was mostly trying to subtly point out that not everyone knows what some people think everyone knows.
  12. The Gears are required. Back in the day they would often get stuck in scenery and a GM would have to poke the system to clear it. Of course, that could have changed.
  13. I guess I'm just not a fan of reducing everything to be as quick as possible. Don't have an hour to 90 minutes to play? Don't do a TF that takes 90 minutes to play 🤷
  14. Given that the triple defeat all is protecting 3 power stations in the city, how would you change that? Just protect 1?
  15. Why do you want to get rid of the story?
  16. Yah. Google search for City of heroes comics and it was the top result.
  17. I'm ignored by lots of people. At least it seems like that when I'm trying to form a TF 😂 (Disclaimer: this is mostly in jest as 95% of the time I get a full, or near full, team to do whatever madness I'm undertaking.)
  18. Thank you. I think some folk don't know, or forget, that signatures are not visible all the time.
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