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Everything posted by SuperPlyx

  1. Yep, I am seeing same thing. Click on the contact will restore appearance
  2. I suspect people will run the new challenges to get badges and then never again. But I could be wrong.
  3. It was my fault once . Was still learning the iTrial badge stuff and doing Keyes, get Anti-Matter health down but don't kill him. I was totally in scrapper-lock mode on my stalker. I saw that little bit of health and popped him with my heaviest attack, boom Anti ded.....then I noticed chat...oops
  4. Would like to make a fat guy, so a belly slider on the huge guy. All the Carnival stuff.
  5. Yeah I lost VS couple of times in Maria Jenkins defeat Infernal mission. I back tracked to find it, was just sitting there no obstacle that I could see.
  6. With all these new Gold Bricker pieces will there be a Costume Set put together so you can put them all on at once?
  7. Any chance we can get the Gold Bricker holster set up for dual pistol ? The "Official Dual Pistol" is great but very modern, the Gold Bricker has a much better look for older vintage style weapons and outfits. Also Gunslinger 2 is to high?:
  8. First let me say, I like the set for stalkers, but it is a bit "middle of the road" damage wise. I am very hesitant to get near the numbers, there is a lot more smarter people on here for that but a quick look seems to show the set is on the weaker side of things. Taken from the character creation screen, level 50, average damage numbers Average Damage / Damage Type / Secondary effect:
  9. Oh. My. God. And great read and insight Number Six , thanx for sharing
  10. Stone /Stone stalker is the toon I didn't even know I wanted, just did one mission and that was so fun.
  11. Using Power Analyzer on a Death Mage: Each instance of PI that you see lasted roughly 4 seconds. Now how often it procs is to much math for me.
  12. Did a few kills on test with elec/elec Corr and when they both kick in it is very nice. Maybe it's just me not paying attention, but Scourge doesn't seem to be kicking in as much as usual....but I have always been unhappy with how often Scourge kicks in. And hey you get 2 Sentinels with this combo. Quick note/question....Scourge is a clickable link in combat chat roll, Shocked is also in brackets but is not clickable, should it be?
  13. My first toon I rolled when Homecoming started up was fire/kin troller. Because a) I knew you could farm with it and b) who doesn't want a /kin on a team? So it is a very versatile combo. I think that's why it was so popular. As to why it is less used now, I dunno, I do play mine from time to time but not often. Too busy with all the new toons
  14. That's gonna take some getting used to...having one in pet window and one that's not. Since they both ranged pets and most of the time behind you it's nice to see 'em in pet window to see if they even still there.
  15. Using Stalagmite without Seismic on my build has a CD of roughly 4 seconds , using it consuming Seismic it is about 8 seconds CD.
  16. Question, on a Electric Blast / Electric Affinity Corruptor the pet window does not show Voltaic Sentinel but does show the Galvanic Sentinel: The one with no name in the pic is Voltaic Sentinel. Is this how it is supposed to work? I was unsure and thought I would ask.
  17. Think this has been mentioned before, Fort Hades in Port Oaks There is a "gap" between outer wall and floor, you can walk along it to corner till you get stuck and have to back up. I run into this gap every time I am working on Spider Smasher Badge.
  18. Looks like the way Beta is set up there is no salvage needed to craft any recipes. So none of them show the salvage. The "salvage used in this recipe" button on the AH doesn't work either. They are all listed as Rare.
  19. Hilarious to me, the one power that throws rocks will be the one most builds skip.
  20. I always wanted to able to pick and choose the badges I really like in the Bio section of a toon. Since I don't write a bio for any of my guys. So when someone checked my Info they would see my "Proud of" Badge list. FYI, said list would only be "Master of" ..badges, so I am in favor of more.
  21. Question about this, currently you can only combine HOs with similar sets, i.e. acc/dam will only combine with acc/dam. But these new DSO have stats that HOs do not. So how would HOs combine with those? Trying again . is this a dumb question or does no one know ?
  22. Hmm, beside Geyser and Burst all the attacks are water projectiles so not seeing the similarity.
  23. Didn't say it doesn't do damage, maybe more like a dom than troller but not a blaster. Except Meteor ,that's an awesome fun power.
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