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Everything posted by Herotu

  1. Neat idea! That would be a costume option, I suppose.
  2. Erm... These are very pretty, nice and crisp! Good job, Rylas... ...but what are these for? Do we put them in an override folder, or are people just using them as avatars and shit?
  3. Herotu

    Best Brute

    Spines/Fire is the answer you want.
  4. I've seen this argument a lot over the years, but I am not buying it. There's plenty to do at level 50. I find that I tend to abandon my 50s because after that you want a fancy dancy build and that's ... boring i.e. work.
  5. I think if I were to redesign the game, the "levelling journey" would be the Hero/Villain "learning their powers" - it's their origin story! At "end game" it'd be saving the world from existential threats. I guess that's sort-of where we are - but other players have different theory in their heads. Maybe that flexibility of concept is what's good about the game, or maybe that's a bad thing.. I don't know.
  6. How about the game (I don;t know if client or server) calculates whether the enemy will die from the damage, then ONLY knock them back if they've got low enough health to be killed by the attack?
  7. Oldschool gameplay was super-fun. As a tank, I enjoyed pulling a room around a corner and watching my team obliterate it. I enjoyed watching our stealther disappear into the distance as we waited for tp to the end. I remember having to be super careful for fear of teh wipe. That was fun and challenging, but tbh, it's still very possible to get TPK'd and it still feels good to do aoe knockdowns and such. I'm still having fun!
  8. It's like if they added Pocket D to Atlas Park, right? It's like bases with loads of teleporters. Hubs and remote access convenience stuff make games both more modern - everything is at our fingertips via the internet these days, ,,,but also less fun - we don't have to travel around int he game anymore! Why make a world if we don't have to use it? So where do we strike the balance? SHOULD the game embrace a setting of mid-2000s and bin the convenience stuff, saying, for example, "NO! We don't need to update all the CRT monitors to LCD instead."?
  9. It's a character in a video game. It'd be boring if they were all the same. If you read the computer file of Flambeaux in one of the missions it identifies her as a potential for Going Rogue (switching to villainy), which was the name of the product they were making at the time. There are reasons she's written like she is. Also, we all know of people like her IRL, so I think she's well written. If the miserable Emo Goth kids didn't like her, that's fine. Get over it and on with your life. As an adult at the time, I enjoyed it.
  10. I have many hearts for my Energy/Energy blaster, but I just don't play him. I speed-levelled him to 50 and abandoned him before I even tried to trick him out with an endgame build - I guess it's because I don't see any builds on the forum (I'm really terrible with the Hero Designer and I don't want to blapper, so ...well, I didn't see any builds).
  11. Yes it's very intriguing, isn't it? I'm going to imagine that it was a reaction to do with the recent "not quite as much inf when you turn xp off" change.
  12. Finished. Not sure about the sync, but I'm happy with it for now. I know it's a bit lot like the original, but I didn't like that wooshing sound. https://www.dropbox.com/s/1wkpmpyt370fgto/Herotu DW Guns.zip?dl=0
  13. This is a great way to get past those horrible low levels, particularly on Support clas... archetypes.
  14. Just finished Hail of Bullets (haven't tested anything yet), blimey, it just sounds like a swishy noise, haha. Well, I'll just stick with it and see how it turns out. Oh, I'm syncing it using a youtube powers video and VideoPad, then recording it's output (analogue) into Audacity. So far so good, a few more to go. I'll continue tomorrow. Hmm... watching the video it looks like they've cheated a bit to make the sounds more distinct - they use double-gunshots then a gap, instead of matching up every shot. So every odd shot is mis-matched. Maybe I'm just tired.
  15. The notion was that there could be more ways to vary up fairly repetitive-looking maps. I was originally considering suggesting something like locked doors. So the idea was to use game-creation theory, where you introduce a problem AND a solution at the same time.... you'd use a new hacker skill or brute force or something to open the doors- in timed missions it might add drama! Anyway I put that to one side. So I'm going to suggest this: Is there any chance we can get some things like ice walls, stacks of boxes that are vulnerable to physics? I know, performance, right? .... but would it maybe be possible to put them client side, like controller propel items? So the objects are all the same, and get created in the same arrangement on everybody's computers, but when disturbed, they just do whatever on your screen. It doesn't matter where the objects go because nobody else experiences it. All that matters is that it registers that the objects were hit. I would like to have some things to bash around/knock out of the way etc. Maybe a door we can kick open? Just things to mix up the missions, really, add a bit more to the fun factor. Also, people won't shout at a blaster for doing a massive knockback on a stack of boxes. Anyway, back on the locked doors notion. You know how some missions need a key? How about instead of that, you have to bring the hostage (hacker) to unlock the door? It's a simple idea, but makes it seem like a different thing. i.e. it varies the play up.
  16. If you ever get fed up with the shallow beat-em-up brawling and dive into the lore, it's solid. The stories, if you bother to read them, are great. The writing is superb, I love that we all float along without bothering, knowing that if I decide to pick a story to read, it's going to be good. To expand: The signature heroes have great backstories. I love the cape mission that tells you about dead heroes (spoiler) and introduces you to old, has-been heroes. It really broadens the scope for your own creativity,
  17. If it's just this one sound, you might try this;
  18. For Zombie summoning customisation I'd like to see the "throw caltrops" animation but obviously without the caltrops... FOR THIS IS HOW YOU SUMMON THE DEAD! Okay, maybe it didn't work for him this time, but it IS how you summon the dead, honest!
  19. Chest Emblems that are (slightly) enlarged cape clasp Brooches! So they're models and not just 2D images. --modern versions of heroes wear rubber suits with 3d effects like this on them. Hand Cannon - so it looks like we're firing a power from the device and not magically conjuring fire from our hand. Good for Tech, Science and Natural players!
  20. Oooooh... So you're synchronising the sound effects using a video of the power... I was just trying to match my sfx to yours via Audacity!
  21. Why make that change? Nobody would buy it. Nobody buys it anyway - Surely Knockback needs to be improved or removed entirely?
  22. Oh I'm the opposite, I love the massive boots. They're great! They're even better now that you can have them asymetrically - I'm a big fan of the Noble Savage costume, so I'm looking forward to (hopefully) asymetrical shoulder pieces, so we can really rock that lopsided look! Noble Savage.
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