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Everything posted by Herotu

  1. I think the OP was hoping that nobody would reply and thus prove the point, but maybe that's just my love of irony showing.
  2. The trouble with giving people as much freedom as we have in CoX is that we people will, without other information, take it. I think these self-restrictions are pretty cool - but only if you can bring a community of people with a similar mindset. That's why I would suggest this should be organized on a server/supergroup basis, but I like the fact that it's being brought up on a pan-server thread.
  3. I've been tempted to take the entire fighting pool on my tanker, but it's sadly not feasible.
  4. I'm surprised it lets you slot taunt into it because paragonwiki... https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Ice_Armor#Chilling_Embrace ... says it does neither damage (which I presume would trigger Gauntlet's taunt) nor it's own taunt. So I wonder how that works.
  5. Flush Gordon would be punnier...
  6. It IS bindable. Check out Shenanigunner's GABB... http://www.shenanigunner.com/
  7. A renegade plumber? Harry (Harriett?) Tuttle! Paperwork is his(her) weakness: How about Mario...nette? Of course, Victoria Plum is named after the fruit... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victoria_plum ... Which gives you a nice purple colour-scheme to play with, too! Similarly, Mirabelle: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mirabelle_plum ...which is a different colour. That one is AKA Cherry Plum, which is another cool name. I know what you mean about having fun names in your character list, for me The Poseidon Avenger recently joined Roger Beepover.
  8. For me, Spring Attack is a nice AoE aggro grabber (doesn't matter because that's not how Gauntlet works), it also provides a way to get through blocked doorways. Best of all, Spring Attack is AoE knockdown which can save you from alpha spike by disrupting several mobs. I really enjoy it. You can also make a macro to have it teleport to your TARGET instead of your ground target. What the macro look like? I would be interested in trying it out. Zolgar gets the credit, I didn't write this: /macroimage Jump_SpringAttack SpringAttack powexeclocation target Spring Attack You don't get cool down indication, so put the regular skill next to it on your bar for that.
  9. For me, Spring Attack is a nice AoE aggro grabber (doesn't matter because that's not how Gauntlet works), it also provides a way to get through blocked doorways. Best of all, Spring Attack is AoE knockdown which can save you from alpha spike by disrupting several mobs. I really enjoy it. You can also make a macro to have it teleport to your TARGET instead of your ground target.
  10. I think the Calvin Scott one is hard... the one where he blows up the supervillain volcano at the end! The devs really got good at making missions after a while - once they got over that Tina Macintre and Maria Jenkins guff. Bleh!
  11. I agree - there are already quite a few lots of pieces that aren't compatible and are allowed. I don't know whether they will be blocked over time. I'm not sure I like the idea of having freedom to make a super-clippy, ugly character but... maybe that freedom is what this game is about?
  12. It's Wedding Tux in Jackets, but sometimes it doesn't show up because of incompatible other costume pieces, so make sure you start with something like "Bare" and add the Tux before other costume parts, then you know it's compatible.
  13. Thanks for your build. I'm trying to tweak it now. :) ALso, many thanks to everybody else who contributed to this thread. It's amazing to finally see some inspirational WP/SS builds!
  14. Thank you very much for information on incarnates, squeezing this info from the internet is like getting a bleeding stone... oh.
  15. Apparently, some say other sets have more regen than regen set and wp is one of them.
  16. Awww no cross punch or spring attack? :( Anyway, those last two builds were Invulnerability, not WP matey ;) hehe
  17. THIS IS AWESOME. I concur with this because I love watching enemies fly. This would give incentive to slot KB enhancements and say a big, "Go Home", to those stupid KB to KD enhancements!
  18. This sounds like valuable advice, and I appreciate it. I heard that endurance should be less of an issue when you get an expensive fully setted out character. So my question is: Is a full, expensive, set build; enough to remove the problems such that you can pick Earth mastery AND the Resilient alpha slot, or is the 45% end reduction alpha required? I'm just curious.
  19. I just wanted to do a mini hijack here with a note regarding patience. If you are buying something like white salvage and expect the sale to complete quickly and it DOESN'T, click find - you might note that someone outbid you by a LOT - don't panic, the AH is just filling their order before you. It doesn't mean you need to start bidding much higher. I've seen prices of orange salvage go shooting up from 500k to 700k just because the orders aren't filling instantly. If you are patient, it will probably come down again, unless everybody is trying to outbid one another (we can call it a bubble, if you like). On the other hand, it's a phenomenon you might want to try to exploit and I wish you well with that endeavour. Have some patience and save some inf.
  20. I CAN'T GAME THE MARKET TO MAKE BILLIONS OFF OF COMMON SALVAGE! The market is RUINED! *flails and cries* >.> Whatever you like, darling. I'm using Shinobu's guide to make my millions of the AH for my main.
  21. Firstly, thank you very much for being the ONLY WP/SS tanker to post anything useful. Wow! You're hardcapping Smashing & Lethal - I like it a lot. Anyway, it's a lot better than anything I could come up with, so thanks for posting this :) I will try to change my own WP/SS into this!
  22. I wonder if it might be possible to add a half-and-half horizontal colour pattern to enable some awesome MODERN asymmetrical costumes! I would also advocate the creation of a half-and-half vertical pattern that works like the Blend pattern but with a hard line.
  23. It's a little odd because the older costume parts tended to have the matte finish because the tech didn't exist or was expensive for shiny things, whereas while lots of newer parts - such as vanguard gloves etc - were shiny, not all of them were, or had that option. Which I found curious.
  24. It's a compounded effect. As I stated before, Archetype homogenisation is a similar effect to power creep. Remember, set bonuses happened many Issues (content patches) before incarnate powers.
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