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Everything posted by TemporalVileTerror

  1. Yeah . . . can confirm. It was around 35'is that both my spouse and I noticed the Big Sag beginning.
  2. Was that "makr" intentional? Anyway, a better solution may be a "Preview" button, which a forum user can optionally toggle as the default behaviour when clicking "Submit Reply." Any edits performed during the Preview period don't get listed as edits, BUT the post is also invisible to the general users of the forum. However, it will still "reserve" the spot in the discussion. Let's say the preview period is 5 minutes, and then (more options is best options) it will either reset to stored in the text editor, OR will post regardless, user's choice.
  3. . . . that sounds like something perfect for the 1st of next month. Make it so!
  4. eh, there's another issue with that list . . . There are still numerous missions (in the form of Task Forces, Trials, and the like) which are locked behind level gates, and even some that are "solo only." BUT . . . toward the sentiment that this game "does it best" when it comes to teaming? Yeah, pretty much. It could still do -better,- but it's miles ahead of the competition.
  5. "Furious Newton" . . . I think @Techwright's got a winner there!
  6. Similarly for Shadowrun. I know there's the big debate between Pink Mohawk and Black Trenchcoat, but I say: Black Mohawk in a Pink Trenchcoat. Examine the setting from the perspective of Shadowrunners who are just trying to make a living. They may look up to the Pink Mohawks and the Black Trenchcoats, but deep down they know that they're just not EXTREEEEEM! enough and not professionally paranoid enough to fit either category. They try to comfortably live in the middle until they can retire from their life of crime.
  7. Which Origin? Wanna go for "serious" or more playful and silly? Shake and Break? Gravitron Smasher? Extreme Forces? Neutron Star? Kerrrunch?
  8. Ah. I was considering the possibility of also examining a Whip Control Set. That one would obviously be a little more challenging in terms of delivering variety than an Assault Set with the limited animation package, but given the idea you start this thread with, I think that could be leveraged similarly. ie: There are only 4 Active Whip Powers, and the other 5 Powers augment those Powers in different ways. And then see about reskinning the textures for Entangle and the like to given a magical-ropey appearance.
  9. I mean, an Atheism Armour would also be a great defense against Incarnates, since the Lore bible suggests that belief plays a part in how Powers work in this game, and that the Rikti-earth world managed to slay their gods with the help of disbelief in their divinity. Heck, in this game, disbelieve hard enough and you might even be able to make the hail of bullets wink out of existence before they riddle you with holes. I'd be for it!
  10. No need to apologize. I'm not sure it ever got a dedicated thread of its own before now. I think it's just come up in general wishlists, customization threads, and beta testing feedback from Issue 27, Page 1.
  11. I'm thinking the "obvious" delivery method is to take @Tyrannical's wish for a splash damage mechanic and deploy the Toxic damage in .... Acid Melee! Lots of Single Target Attacks that cause minor stackable AoE Debuffs to Resistance, Regeneration, and Damage output to nearby enemies, while dealing Toxic Damage Over Time to the primary target. This would promote a playstyle of cycling targets to spread the Debuffs around, while still also capitalizing on the weakened state they're in, causing targets to melt over time. This would lend itself well to a Brute or with a Survival Set which gains bonuses for the more enemies still standing around (Willpower, Shield Defense, Invulnerability, et cetera). As long as enemies are not getting defeated abruptly, then such an Acid Melee Set would be a potentially fun way to solo content. And they'd also be popular in teams against hardened targets, like Archvillains and Monsters, thanks to those debuffs. Win-win. And then get around to making that Support/Melee Archetype, so people can play Poison/Acid and finally live the dream!
  12. Indeed. Having more avenues for creativity doesn't really equate to an increase in the amount of players who are going to try to push boundaries. They can already do that with character names, biographies, and costumes. The community polices that already by reporting anything to the GMs, who then get to review. Still, options to empower players to remove unpleasantness client-side are always a good idea. An option to hide other players' Custom Titles would certainly provide a solid tool to potentially de-escalating problematic encounters in a world where players can write their own surnames.
  13. This isn't the first time this has come up, and for good reason! Thanks for mentioning it @VinceBlood. 100% support to this happening, as ever!
  14. I really appreciate it when players take time to contemplate the deeper sociological factors at play in a setting which has cultural touchstones like this one. Players who think to ask the question "what's the reasonable way the society would continue to function in such an alien setting as this one, when you consider the deep impact that living in a post-war/post-global catastrophe world, where literal gods have disrupted the lives of common folk. What does it look like trying to keep your head down and living a normal life with such extremes? What factors push someone in to trying to step up and do something about it? Perhaps more interestingly, where does someone go after they decide to throw in the towel? Is there any going back? What does PTSD look like here? With crime being so prevalent and powerful, what does the average citizen do in the face of being caught up in constant events that threaten to destroy their agency, health, and security? When players take time to ask all those questions and more, and then let their estimations of the answers inform the roleplay . . . that's the stuff I really enjoy!
  15. Oh, goodness! "Awe?" No no. I don't think -anyONE- is there yet. I'm just saying . . . that's my eventual goal.
  16. https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/10109-reset-inspiration-tray-default-as-closed/
  17. Series of Badges for number of items in specific categories Listed for 1 Inf before being sold. Categories such as: ATOs. Purple and PVP Recipes. Purple and PVP Enhancements. Converters. Getting a complete set unlocks an Accolade. Something like Bash, on a 1/2 hour cooldown, but you have a golden sceptre and it's called "Touch of Midas"
  18. Also not ideal, and perhaps one of the three things you're considering, what if we applied hats using the Sunglasses Up method? Basically create three instances of each hat; low, middle, and high. Obvious downsides include the potential filesize and resource allocation in RAM issues, the amount of work to do this for each hat individually, and there's no guarantee that three options for height would offer enough granularity for an ideal solution. Still . . . I'd make the call on implementing that one, if I could. Some solution is better than no solution in this instance, I'd say.
  19. *clears throat* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iNCUyQVfNf8
  20. @Herotu; I've worked in the industry (past tense, close to ten years ago now), AND did a lot of focus on behavioural sciences as part of a couple of my roles during that time. I posted a comment in this thread last night, but it got pruned out . . . I was admittedly a little snappish in response to . . . stuff I won't get in to again, for risk of this message also going "poof." The short version: The industry largely operates in the way it does for the benefit of the publishers' financial gains, NOT the players (and not a developers either, frankly). Pushing players with in-game rewards and incentives to do things they don't actually enjoy and forming habits has been a mainstay since at -least- the early 2000s, when many publishers started employing people like me to twist behavioural studies in to truly sick and twisted shit. Not to be dismissive of players who truly personally enjoy that sort of thing (after all, some people truly personally enjoy sticking sharp objects through their own skin: Humanity is diverse!), but I -do- know that it was the express intent of many game mechanics introduced over the past twenty years to manipulate players in to -thinking- they're "playing the game," when they're really just trapped in entirely artificial and damaging habit loops. It's a messy prospect to intentionally re-introduce those sorts of mechanics in to a game like Homecoming: City of Heroes. Sure, some players will genuinely enjoy it . . . but I'll -bet- dollars-to-donuts that MOST don't ever want to go back to that hell.
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