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Mr. Vee

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Everything posted by Mr. Vee

  1. those are seeded at 10k, unless you're just trying to award bonus cash to random people.
  2. I could get behind that for both powers. Could keep my VG on me and Major-Decoy could put it on a melee teammate. And i'd play my sonic a lot more if i could self target DF. But assuming it'd be non-trivial to change.
  3. I'd imagine the end cost was tied to the original recharge of the power which by my internal clock was around 3 weeks. Fortunately the devs finally lowered it so the mission only takes a few minutes. Of course it costs no endurance to just go in the mansion in the night ward and skip the whole dumb arc that you probably did 50 times on the original servers already.
  4. Probably not OP if it didn't stack with the aura, so your cone could apply it to things not in the pbaoe range. No idea how hard it'd be to implement though. I only occasionally use neuro breath since -speed/rch is pretty much useless against AVs and anything else dies too quickly to bother, but it's a pretty nice power for normal mobs. when i use it I just jump back, hit it, then head back in. not sure how easy that would be without combat jumping though.
  5. yeah i just don't like the idea. with the aura being auto-hit i don't even need to use the other debuffs except situationally. i can blast away at things and save the early tier debuffs for hard targets. (and btw my approach to paragon protectors is usually save a burst damage power for just before they mog). It's fine that we play the toons differently but i feel like calling for major changes in the way a set operates should really be reserved for powers/mechanics that are just plain bad independently of individual styles. I don't think that's the case here.
  6. Dock it and move the whole operation?
  7. Ah, that certainly clears up why you don't like yours as well. pm me your global if you need money to make a more concerted go at beasting it up a bit.
  8. Extended Reach-Around? I think the newly proposed changes to bombardment and tba seem like good compromises.
  9. same slotting I have. oh well. not everyone likes everything the same 😄 here's my build iyi. i do also run all three amplifiers on every toon, which makes a big difference w/r/t mez since two have to get through defenses to mez me. but i doubt that would be the clinching factor as i rarely take that many hits anyway and have friends who play poison without it just fine. could just be our playstyle differences. i typically run recklessly into melee on anything cackling madly and with this toon that works well for me. Hunter S. Burroughs - Defender (Poison).mxd
  10. yes it's only 12.5 base. that's why i said to slot it for -to hit. mine's throwing off 19.69. it's pretty easy on a defender to get enough melee defense to combine with that. And anything you're fighting at levels below where you have your patron shield is going to be easy enough that you can still jump into mobs and blast away. If you've got an av or a tough boss in there whack them with weaken too. all i know is my poison/dp is one of my 2-3 favorite toons and i absolutely hated it until the aura. It was probably the biggest turnaround of opinion of a character i've experienced from one power since i started playing this game. Sorry you're not having as much fun with yours.
  11. Sorry, got my power names confused. The aura is easily the best power in the set and one of the best powers in the game. Slot it for -to hit, build for ranged defense with a resist patron shield and you're practically immortal (as a fendur anyway, less so as secondary). Mine was so tough i took the taunt aura hybrid. The other day our tank dc'd right after we started the towers on stf and my poison tanked recluse for 5 minutes with the damage tower still up before finally taking two hits in succession and dying.
  12. I'm convinced a group of folks are doing it to troll. I can't believe anyone would put in this much effort just to make pennies.
  13. My suggestion would be to go back to the original bombardment. I don't see why it can't be the ranged analog of obliteration - 5% rech with 3.75 defense as the 5th and 6th slots. Like obliteration the weakness of the set would be the lack of endurance help rather than the set bonuses.
  14. I love my procced out toe bomb. you should be in melee with poison anyway to take advantage of the aura, just dump it on them.
  15. The ranged damage and more options are welcome but taoe is still looking like the red-headed stepchild of the damage family. Was really looking forward to bombardment, even in its second form. Now it's two more mediocre rares added to the two mediocre rares, worst of the damage purples and worst of the damage winters. But at least we know where to put our ATOs.
  16. will still show up there but if you look at your stats you'll see it's not active anymore.
  17. Not sure what ticket cap per map is on HC. If it's still 1500 that'd be 18.75 uncommon rolls per. So you're looking at 1.4 million and change if you get the 75k. Now between the salvage drops from a map and the common recipes i'd imagine you'd get close to that much per map if not more. The occasional pvp, purple, good rare would then be some pretty serious gravy.
  18. i don't see it. i think yellow salvage would have to go well north of where it's seeded for that to outpace regular drops
  19. I imagine it's a team of trolls as it'd take serious commitment for one person to manipulate it. I do think they're being flipped at certain times of day though. i typically bid 1111 for common and 11111 for unc. Lately i've been 55555'ing for unc just to make sure i don't have to bid multiple times for the one or two i want and a couple times that didn't even get it. I've toyed with the idea of buying every piece below the seeded threshold and relisting for one but i'm guessing those would mostly just go to the flippers and accomplish nothing. Plus it'd take way too long with stacks of 10. But basically yeah, what Troo said.
  20. yes, they're good. not the best of the ATOs but (at least if they're catalyzed to superior) probably better than whatever else you'd put in 2 powers. but I suppose you could do without them if the bonuses don't appeal to you. at minimum though you'd want to put the spider's bite global toxic damage proc somewhere. If you do decide to slot them try to put the dominion proc in an aoe if you can. also not recommended to use merits for them - much better bang for merit buck to use the merits to buy converters, sell those, then buy the IOs.
  21. I believe it's working as intended. If you had a level 10 of the IO you wouldn't expect it to convert by category since there's no other snipe at level 10. Since an attuned works as a level 10 if you happen to be fighting at level 10, the same holds for them.
  22. It's because there's no other snipe set at the bottom of its level range. Just convert to a different uncommon to get to something that'll convert to rare.
  23. I thought pets are immune to +recharge buffs, but would be happy to be wrong.
  24. /unsigned. I find the set bonuses to be perfect as they are. FInally a TaoE set i would want to slot rather than just posi by default after rags is slotted. I might even want it over rags given the ranged defense and damage proc.
  25. notalive isn't a parameter, but defeated is. and the void example won't work if they're not on camera and in perception radius either. I just had a brain fart when working on the venge one.
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