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Everything posted by Redlynne

  1. Nerfing set bonuses would do more harm than good. However, I've always been of the opinion that Damage enhancements slotted into Cone, PBAoE and Target AoE powers ought to have been put on Schedule B ... while Damage enhancements slotted into Single Target powers ought to have remained on Schedule A. This would have "nerfed" the maximum damage output of multi-target damage slightly so as to knock it off it's undisputed throne of always being the best answer to any problem ... and create room for competition of alternative approaches to the same outcome. As is, with Damage enhancements on Schedule A, 1 Damage enhancement = 1 Endurance Reduction + 1 Recharge Reduction in terms of benefits accrued (overall, over time, etc.) from slotting Damage enhancement. It tilts the field too much towards Damage enhancement for ... well ... everything.
  2. In my case, I put the files "where they go" and then write the bindloadfile command to point at that specific file. Specifically, inside of my coh folder I created a binds folder and I put my PB.txt file into that. Then I go in-game and put this in the chatbox. /bindloadfile "C:/Program Files/coh/binds/PB.txt" Hit Enter and watch it load the binds from the file that I pointed the game at. In my case, because of how things parse on my game client (ie. wonky AF) I am required to provide an absolute pathname to the file in question, and cannot provide a relative file pathname (for reasons that completely escape me, but this works, so that's what I use, instead of what SHOULD work but DOESN'T, for whatever reason).
  3. I blame ... uh ... ME ... entirely ...?
  4. Counter-proposal. If Brawl CAN'T be removed from Mastermind Pets for ... logistical reasons ... how about editing the recharge on the Brawl power that the Pets get? Give it a recharge time of oh ... say ... 1000 seconds ... so the Pets only try to pull that (STUPID!!) stunt once every 16+ minutes? So rather than removing Brawl from them, just make Brawl something that isn't "available" to them to use, due to a LONG recharge timer. How's that sound as a workaround? Devs?
  5. Okay, so here's the "push everything to Purple 50" variant of the build, so you can see what happens when you push everything as far as you can. | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |MxDz;1529;741;1482;HEX;| |78DA65944B4F135114C7EFCCDC822D85B694F22CA5E50D2D431B40139F89688C861| |24C15881B3229838CA1D3A68544967E0037BA40A34B9F0B8D4F20B832F1B93546C0| |074637888AFA0DF070CF11C67492C9EFF69C7B1EF77FE6367EF690F3EE91730798E| |4EE9DD072B991B8969BD4B329C31CB5C5B5D3465261F014C25BB9ED19494CA55269| |53ED37CC335A2E64711C9C1A1B534F18291DF29846666A429B34D2A6E7A839AE677| |57352FDB7700DA4D3136A9FAE8DEAD9DCB8917188DF898CAE8F3A7199CE26F5ECF4| |7F3FFC87334652B5548B6B499D1A9EAE8416DBE0BD6F63F46CD8D820672CC6993C4| |C5C81D35473C6BF200BBECA8CD939EBEC95857FD1B7150B7E40CCCEEE413E096D5C| |9A61187709B9E332F10AB2FCEAA64E9C2D411E45C21E946F58CBB146FC8EACFC41F| |C890CAE231F423D1BF5600B610F0F6C3882CD7C851DD86B8B4AEC44B6458931E21D| |3CF32388B553ACBD4B16F922DDB827D283ECD849DC455C855EBC9C3D86D8228A2D7| |AA6089FF339F115B2E435B19F8BFEDD09E43268508C1AF0E25959D84AE79065F3C4| |0564F913601967EF21C64531AEDD92F0B5EF21EE25EE4346F64B6276B3D0A387F4F| |2905E1F208F176D8AF72DD6685844362E119771F61F61AF8FF6FA686FE33B6433C5| |B4508C0786504173AD70601FC12264A898584274211B7C92F826E6A0CF2AD2B2EA0| |56A56FD12E93F89B3F20F2103ABF83D05D680259C7D82066BB0AE5CD30328505880| |18A4FCF5D05B2DEE61B561D4611E6AD6913675A4CD0AE4AA479B54FF06E7DDF014B| |5F80CBE26AAD3247214B0E6F3B8A7F922B214EAB4529D56CAE9055B98CE16BE865A| |755E27DE40C66E126F116FE3CCE7410295F2A974965F4EC6A2648BD259FC3CFF6EB| |65B6D1BF0B0689E259667E9CAB3745B2D1D98BBCF6AB3CB620EF16DDBC600DFFA5F| |6012F56877C3BD27FFBA03FC74068972FEDEB6C95248119ABB8F49E2AE550F026BE| |1ECD6B8568CFB638D0BA28D5FA03B35833A1E776C4E146B0F59D6A72CEB61CBFA2F| |8054ECF8| |-------------------------------------------------------------------| Level 50 Magic Mastermind Primary Power Set: Ninjas Secondary Power Set: Time Manipulation Power Pool: Leadership Power Pool: Speed Ancillary Pool: Mace Mastery Villain Profile: Set Bonus Totals: Set Bonuses: Proc Chances: Cross comparison of non-Purple 50 with Purple 50 enhancement slotting:
  6. Alright. Bindloadfiles for controlling (my, specifically) Ninja Mastermind Pets. But first ... I need to explain a few more things. I know ... this is my shocked face. So, first of all, I need to explain what my keyboard and mouse setup is, simply so as to make the ergonomics of my user interface is like. I use a (wired) full keyboard Apple Keyboard (I'm a Mac user) ... and I use a dirt cheap wired Logitech M100 mouse. These items look like this: Now, as for the keys on the keyboard I actually wind up using most/all of the time ... it's these: The ESC through F1-F12 keys get used. The Tilde through Backspace keys get used. TAB is rarely (if ever) used, but it does happen occasionally. Q and A are usually used for "throttle" functions in games, but I use them here for things like Auto Run/Walk and cancelling power queuing on the Q key (with modifiers for the extra functions) and doing the Ninja Run, Power Surge/Sprint toggling on the A key (with modifiers to differentiate) via slotting of those powers in specific slots in tray 9. WER SDF are my movement keys, and I "invert the T" so as to put side to side strafing movement on top, with turning down below. Backspace is used to return tells. Backslash is used to open the Menu (so as to change costumes, check ID or simply Quit). The Return key I have custom coded to require Shift+Enter to startchat, so as to prevent "rolling startchat" after hitting Enter to actually send a chat. The Semicolon key I have custom bound to toggle open the Auction House. M is simply there to toggle my Mission window from the keyboard. Shift+M opens the Contacts window, and Ctrl+M is used to toggle back to the "map" window. Spacebar is, of course, Jump and "fly up" ... while Shift+Spacebar is used to "fly down" when needed ... and Control+Spacebar activates the Jump Pack via keybind to a specific slot in tray 9. Which then brings me to all of the Mastermind (and as it turns out, Kheldian too) keybinds for controlling Mastermind Pets. The T, Y and U keys are for all of the Tier 1 Pets. The G and H keys are for all the Tier 2 Pets. The B key is for all three Tiers of Pets ... but when doing Shift+B I can address the Tier 3 Pet individually. Likewise, Shift+ T through U addresses the Tier 1 Pets as individuals. And Shift+ G or H addresses the Tier 2 Pets as individuals. Z, X and C are used for Attack, Goto and Follow. Shift+ Z, X and C are used for Aggressive, Passive, Defensive. V gets used invoking the Level 18 primary power (in this case, Smoke Flash), and gets "reassigned" depending on which set of Pets I'm currently commanding. Control+X is used to Dismiss the Pets I'm currently commanding. Control+ T, Y, U, G, H or B allows me to select that specific Pet as my current $Target, allowing me to target and train/buff my Pets from keyboard alone. Alt+ T, Y, U, G, H, V or B allows me to issue Inspirations to a Pet if I've got them loaded as the Pet I'm currently commanding. This disables when commanding more than 1 Pet at a time. Needless to say, this can come in very handy, but requires a good deal of practice/self-training to "get down" and loaded into muscle memory. So from here, an important starting point is going to be my "basic" default keybind set that I use whenever I reset and/or update the keybinds on ANY of my alts. I use this keybind file as my goto so as to simply go into the Menu > Options and go to the Keybinds tab and hit the Reset Keybinds key on the left in the window, to reload the factory defaults. I then simply click the Load Default Keybinds key on the right to pull my keybinds.txt file in and load it onto my alt. This then gives me a common basic setup to use for ALL of the characters I play ... and then I can use individual bindloadfiles for each character to "personalize" their necessary keybinds for their archetype and so on. So this is my default keybind file used for all alts. It's got a lot of extra functions built into it. Oh and incidentally, I use all 9 power trays in the bottom right of my screen, keeping them all open and visible at all times. keybinds.txt Note that this default keybind set assigns the 1-0 keybinds to power tray 2 ... not 1 ... and that the F1-F10 keys are assigned to power tray 3 ... not 2. This is because I use power tray 1 for "extra unlocked powers" on alts like Kheldian Form powers and the extra ammo types unlocked by Swap Ammo in Dual Pistols. Shift+ 1-0 is bound to power tray 4. Shift+ F1-F10 is bound to power tray 5. Control+ 1-0 is bound to power tray 6. Control+ F1-F10 is bound to power tray 7 Alt+ 1-0 is bound to power tray 8. Alt+ F1-F10 is bound to power tray 9 ... although I tend to load this tray with powers I'm in the habit of clicking with the mouse rather than using keybinds to address (due to the Alt+F4 combo being in here). This whole keybind regime lets me use a "common muscle memory language" for all of my alts such that I can put powers into similar places on different alts and not have to entirely "relearn" my whole keybinding scheme from scratch every time I start playing a new character. Everything "goes" to reasonably common places. Additionally, the binds used for the power trays point to the Slot In Tray to activate the power in that particular slot on that specific tray. This lets me reshuffle the powers in my trays without needing to completely rewrite all of my keybinds every time I need to move a power to a different slot in a different (or the same) power tray. The powers just happen to be in the slots and trays that make it easy for me to invoke them via keyboard binds, rather than needing to click on them using the mouse. From this foundation, I then load in my bindloadfile(s) for each alt. For my Mastermind ... that means loading a "master" Ninja control file that uses "reserved" keys that don't get overwritten by sub-options in the various sub-files. In my case, that is the Ninja.txt file which then controls which groups of Pets and/or individual Pets I'm wanting to address at any given time. Ninja.txt For whatever reason, my game client simply WILL NOT accept any additional commands being appended onto a bindloadfile command. This means I can't do something like load a bind file AND execute a power function (toggle on, toggle off, execute, etc.) within the same keybind. It just doesn't work for me. For this reason, I have needed to get as bare bones basic as possible with my keybinds so as to ensure that my keybinds actually WORK on my game client ... rather than FAIL spectacularly and utterly refuse to work (or even load properly, as it turns out). In my case, I named my Ninjas ... numbers (in Japanese) ... even my Mastermind. Ku no Ichi (九の一) means literally "1 of 9" for my Mastermind ... but written as KunoIchi (くノ一), which sounds EXACTLY THE SAME to the ear, it literally means "Female Ninja" while also being the stroke order for the kanji used to write woman (女). So yeah, multi-level linguistic pun in this context. San (三) is the number 3 ... is my Oni ... uses the B key. The pun here being this makes him Oni-San ... for those who like their onii-san jokes. Shi (四) is the number 4 ... is my Jounin 1 ... uses the G key. Itsutsu (五) is the number 5 ... is my Jounin 2 ... uses the H key. Roku (六) is the number 6 ... is my Genin 1 ... uses the T key. Nana (七) is the number 7 ... is my Genin 2 ... uses the Y key. Hachi (八) is the number 8 ... is my Genin 3 ... uses the U key. As for what happened to number 2 ... Ni (二) ... I deliberately leave that number (and pun potential) "unused" so it can mean anything anyone wants it to. Ninjas are just mysterious that way, you know? So that's how I named my Ninjas. I've explained it this way so that anyone who is (still) reading at this point will be able to easily identify what they need to do a Find/Replace on when converting my bindloadfiles for their own use, either as other Ninja Masterminds (easy) or as other primary type Masterminds (a little bit more involved, but doable with some extra effort). Also, just as an extra aside, I incorporated emotes that my Mastermind will "perform" whenever issuing any commands to my Ninjas. Attack emotes a Throat Slash. Goto emotes a Point. Follow emotes a Firework Bloom (so they know where to fall back to). Aggressive emotes a Bring It (as my Ninjas race to engage any hostiles nearby). Passive emotes a Stop. Defensive emotes a Backflip. Dismissal of Ninjas emotes a Buzz Off. If you're adapting my bindloadfiles to other Mastermind primary powersets, you may want to edit which commands incorporate which emotes, and to do so you'll want to do a simple Find/Replace All with the desired replacement emote in all of the bindloadfiles you're using for your own command set. I picked these emotes because they're thematic to a Ninja Mastermind, but feel free to get creative on your own if you want something else. So these are the requisite bindloadfiles called for by the "master" bindloadfile of Ninja.txt above (there are 9 of them). NinjaAll.txt NinjaGenin.txt NinjaJounin.txt NinjaOni.txt NinjaShi.txt NinjaItsutsu.txt NinjaRoku.txt NinjaNana.txt NinjaHachi.txt Now ... if you're still reading this, there's a few things I wanted to point out as little bits of clever conveniences built into these bindloadfiles, and how they inter(re)act with the ergonomics of the keyboard setup I'm using. So the first thing I've got is that if I've got the All, Genin or Jounin files loaded/active, because those files all address multiple Pets simultaneously, it's simply not possible to use a keybind to issue an inspiration to a specific Pet, because you need to have a $Target chosen to sent the inspiration to THAT specific Pet. This is why I've got the Alt+(T-U, G-H and V-B) keys doing this work of selecting the Pet and issuing the "largest" inspiration of that type available to that individual Pet automatically for me. All I need to do is use the Shift+(T-U, G-H or B) key combination FIRST to pick the Pet I want to send the inspiration to ... and then use the Alt+(T-U, G-H and V-B) to send the right inspiration TYPE to that Pet. Alt+T = Break Free Alt+Y = Accuracy Alt+U = Damage Alt+G = Endurance Alt+H = Heal Alt+V = Defense Alt+B = Resistance I set things up this way so that it's at least easier to remember "what goes where" by grouping categories together as a mnemonic aid. Break Free / Accuracy / Damage Endurance / Heal Defense / Resistance Another thing that some people may notice about my bindloadfiles is ... what's going on with that +v key in there? Well, that's a trick stolen from the Kheldian keybinds. By setting up +v the way I did here, it's going to try to activate Smoke Flash on the down press of the V key, and then when you release the V key (if you don't let go of it "too fast" it will queue up Temporal Selection to activate next ... all with a single keystroke. The idea here is that in a lot of situations (not all, granted, but a lot of them) I'd want to be using Smoke Flash as either an opener for a Pet about to take an alpha strike for me ... or because that Pet is in trouble and their green bar is dropping fast and something needs to be done to save them. The Smoke Flash will Placate nearby $Targets and enable a critical hit on their next few attacks (for 10s) by a Ninja Pet, but I'm thinking that if I need to "rescue" them from too much aggro like that, they're almost certainly going to need more healing if I'm using Smoke Flash as an "Oh S***!" button. What the +v keybinding does for me then is allow me to cause Smoke Flash AND Temporal Selection to be used on the same Pet with "one" keystroke ... assuming I've got that specific Pet's bindloadfile active so as to issue the keybind combo to THAT specific Pet. Another thing that I'm sure anyone else playing with these keybinds will notice is ... I've built in emotes for my Mastermind to "do" while directing traffic around the battlefield. I've even got a Firework emote for telling my Ninjas to "heel" and follow me, so as to "signal" them from afar, if need be, on where the rally point is supposed to be. Telling my Ninjas to attack involves a throat slashing emote from my Mastermind. It took me a while to figure out what emotes I wanted to associate with what commands, but I eventually got it all worked out and tested (that took a long time!). At any rate, I hope that this (updated) Mastermind Control Scheme of mine winds up being useful to other people besides myself, particularly since I've gotten a few PMs from people asking me for an update on the current state of play of my bindloadfiles for my Mastermind. Well ... here they are. Enjoy.
  7. You can have three guesses who's going to win. The first two don't count. | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |MxDz;1529;734;1468;HEX;| |78DA65944B4F13511886CFB453B0A5D09652AE2DB4DCAF0344DD784D44633414418| |C1A376452061943A74D0B0ABAF207E0758146972ABA318A0A4457FE056304BC6024| |514445FD07F875DE4F19D34926CF99F79CEF72DE3333D1F1FDEE87072FEE1592B76| |B444DA707A26A7A544BC57563D011554FEB31BBA02B97EED2CD9981FEB1783C6128| |3DBA71464D472C13FBC6868694637A5CA33C869E1C1B5147F584E13B640C6B29CD1| |855FE0E3CBD89C488D2ADA9835A2A3DAC275DE6737F52D306DD182652312D35F1DF| |43F040528F29966A5135A671C313A5D46213DD8F1D82AF0D87E89585289785ED287| |3D96E52FE04E6ACD88470CAA2BD8BD8298B85C0BF589A17A6F688F249D064694A20| |EE06B8E526F316587C3BE3932C16298F5D420FF6AFA8E55A637E034BBF337F80E17| |5F009D573700F8E087A9871E00832F9722751ABE112F332D874857995E8274ECBE6| |DE9E52AC93639DCDC8D73AC35C41CDB6CFCC2FCC55F019C5E6716CDE5968EE73CCF| |360C105660F3CF6F6834BE4413E3C90F3676DA656380716CD339F83C52F8845B278| |4B311E8EF1EC90CCB9E69DCC5DCCDD60EB1EC9DCDF2CF5E863BF7CECD73BCAE3876| |6F7BF468D9A05B07691B984B37F4F6B03BC36C06B6BDF80F51CD3C0313E3A84123E| |D71217FA08E781917C6601D303D60424F39D98A33ECBD8CBB27178563E01068FC0B| |3601F58B98AB3AC5C2316C8E203355881BAB68AED841CBBA86486397F35F516C21A| |116A810FF354B38ABDA9626F9629573534A9FA15DEFB9A97F0E223CDD5719D3A334| |78EA89FC49AFAEB6021D569E43A8D9CD34F5A0BEFADE50EBC6ABFCBBC07764E33EF| |331FE0CCE7C90285F329BC979F6E213A58EBE0BD04E5EC6FB3D9AA6DD0253AB294C| |E2C656B96B2CDAAB42177B75573DACC73886E6A1B995F0BFF1784C43D3ABDF4DDF3| |FCBA8BE6790F12E7FCB5A9D9A488DDF4DC7B5832BFD7F2E3C410EDDD1AD788B8DFD| |6B83034F91A7F5353F0B1CF953951D43E61199FB28C4F5AC67F004C72ED4F| |-------------------------------------------------------------------| Level 50 Magic Mastermind Primary Power Set: Ninjas Secondary Power Set: Time Manipulation Power Pool: Leadership Power Pool: Speed Ancillary Pool: Mace Mastery Villain Profile: Set Bonus Totals: Set Bonuses: Proc Chances:
  8. Okay … this … is going to take some explaining. There really isn't any way around that, because the interactions with the procs slotted into this build (and WHERE they're slotted, and why!) isn't going to be something that translates out as being intuitively obvious just looking at the build planner. It's why I really wish that future evolutions of the build planner we keep using will include a new section detailing the proc chances of any procs you slot into your powers, within the context of the build's "design" and overall choices. It would make cross-comparison of these factors to weigh alternatives a LOT easier to do! But since that hasn't been implemented yet as a Feature Request™ … we work with the tools we have. So, just in case all of that preamble wasn't obvious enough … WALL OF TEXT CRITS YOU!!! Seriously. Even I'm looking at what I wrote up for this, with all the Show Your Work math involved, and it's pretty daunting. Even I took a critical hit from the wall of text on this one (and if you think that's bad, take a look at my sig)! But if you're fine with taking damage like that … let's get down to brass tacks on what I've got going on here. However, if you're wanting skip over all the Good Bits™ of theorycrafting and just get on with the build spec, here's a link for you to jump to. First of all, a round of thanks is most definitely in order for all of the researchers in this community who provided their most valuable resource of all … their TIME … to hunting down and codifying a lot of the underlying formulas and maths behind how procs actually function here on Homecoming under the PPM regime instituted for Issue 24 (and consequently, the "Issue 25" we're all playing in now). I basically took all that info and "ran with it" to produce the results you'll be seeing here in this new build. This build is essentially a refactor/respec/update to a previously posted build I put in these forums. My Ninja/Time/Mace ... the Tankermindroller post was my starting point for this rework, for what ought to be obvious reasons. I am also drawing upon the lessons learned from my own dabblings into proc monsterhood in my Time/Dual Pistols/Soul ... Yet Another "No Escape" Build thread, which will at some point no doubt be getting updated (again?) using everything I've learned over these past few months since Homecoming "came back" to us all. A multitude of thanks are also owed to all of the researchers and participants in the Procs Per Minute (PPM) Information Guide thread, now in the Guides forum, without which this new build wouldn't have happened. Bopper, I blame you entirely for motivating me to do this … although I'm certainly willing to blame others too (including myself) for providing me the needed impetus to go ahead with this rebuild in the form you'll see it in here. Inspiration for this build was also drawn from the conversations found in the Proc Monsters - The New Offender thread in the Defender forum. Yes … I LOVE this community. Why do you (even need to) ask? 💖 So … with all of that out of the way, let's talk about what latest bit of "You did WHAT? With WHO? And for HOW MANY jelly beans?!?" that wascally Redlynne has been up to lately, shall we? "There is madness to our methods, YEEESSSSSSSS …" So these are all of the procs that I'm putting into this build that have a chance to proc functionality that we need to be worried about in an offensive context. Overwhelming Force Genin (@ 1): 20% chance per attack (not a PPM) for Knockdown Soulbound Allegiance in Genin (@ 1): 3 PPM for +100% Damage and +15% ToHit (on Genin) for 10s Decimation in Snap Shot (@ 2): 1 PPM for +64% Damage and +32% To Hit for 5.25s Preventive Medicine in Temporal Mending (@ 4): every 5s (90s lockout) for +Absorb Entropic Chaos in Aimed Shot (@ 8): 3 PPM for 5% Heal Winter's Bite in Aimed Shot (@ 8): 4 PPM for -Speed and -Recharge Annihilation in Fistful of Arrows (@ 10): 3 PPM for -Resistance Dark Watcher's Despair in Time's Juncture (@ 12): 3.5 PPM for -20% Recharge for 20s Basilisk's Gaze in Distortion Field (@ 20): 3.5 PPM for -25% Recharge for 10s Achilles' Heel in Slowed Response (@ 35): 3.5 PPM for -20% Resistance for 10s Gaussian's Synchronized Fire Control in Tactics (@ 44): 1 PPM for +64% Damage and +32% To Hit for 5.25s Here's what those procs wind up "doing" inside of the overall context of this build. Click Procs that are NOT chains PPM * ((BaseRecharge / ( 1 + RechargeBoost from Enhancements and Alpha / 100 )) + CastTime) / (60 * (0.25 + 0.75 * (1 + Radius * (11 * Arc + 540) / 30,000))) = Proc Chance *Note* For Single Target, Radius = 0 and Arc = 0. Decimation (1 PPM … minimum chance = 6.50%) 1 * ((2 / ( 1 + 37.91 / 100 )) + 1.188) / (60 * (0.25 + 0.75 * (1 + 0 * (11 * 0 + 540) / 30,000))) = 6.50% (pre-minimum 4.40%) Entropic Chaos (3 PPM … minimum chance = 9.50%) 3 * ((4 / ( 1 + 43.03 / 100 )) + 1.118) / (60 * (0.25 + 0.75 * (1 + 0 * (11 * 0 + 540) / 30,000))) = 19.92% Winter's Bite (4 PPM … minimum chance = 11.00%) 4 * ((4 / ( 1 + 43.03 / 100 )) + 1.118) / (60 * (0.25 + 0.75 * (1 + 0 * (11 * 0 + 540) / 30,000))) = 26.56% Annihilation (3 PPM … minimum chance = 9.50%) 3 * ((8 / ( 1 + 14.74 / 100 )) + 1.32) / (60 * (0.25 + 0.75 * (1 + 40 * (11 * 30 + 540) / 30,000))) = 22.17% per $Target hit by Fistful of Arrows Basilisk's Gaze (3.5 PPM … minimum chance = 10.25%) 3.5 * ((60 / ( 1 + 31.59 / 100 )) + 2.244) / (60 * (0.25 + 0.75 * (1 + 20 * (11 * 360 + 540) / 30,000))) = 85.87% per $Target Achilles' Heel (3.5 PPM … minimum chance = 10.25%) 3.5 * ((90 / ( 1 + 21.20 / 100 )) + 2.508) / (60 * (0.25 + 0.75 * (1 + 25 * (11 * 360 + 540) / 30,000))) = 90% (pre-maximum 117.45%) per $Target Notes for Snap Shot and Aimed Shot Swapping the Decimation and Entropic Chaos procs between Snap Shot and Aimed Shot yield a 6.64% chance for Decimation in Aimed Shot and a 13.19% chance for Entropic Chaos in Snap Shot. Since this is inferior to the (minimum clamped) 6.5% and 19.92% chances to proc (+0.14% and - 6.73% respectively), Entropic Chaos is used in Aimed Shot with the Winter's Bite proc (which adds Recharge, but not much when Winter's Bite is slotted as a Level 10 enhancement to increase the proc chance for both Entropic Chaos and Winter's Bite relative to higher Level on enhancement options). Furthermore, if Winter's Bite is upgraded to Superior, it will increase the amount of Recharge on Aimed Shot, lowering the proc chance of both Entropic Chaos and (Superior) Winter's Bite, but the Superior Winter's Bite will have 5 PPM instead of only 4 PPM, which may offset the lower proc chance due to Recharge for it, but not for Entropic Chaos when slotted into Aimed Shot. Note that in the context of this build, additional Recharge added to Aimed Shot would be "wasteful" since the power's recharge time is already below the minimum animation arcanatime of 1.188s, meaning that there is no additional performance "gain" that can be squeezed out of Aimed Shot while using it in an attack rotation by increasing the Recharge enhancement values slotted into the power itself. If anything, increasing the Recharge value of the enhancements slotted into Aimed Shot would cause the proc chances to be negatively affected for little to no gain ... unless switching to a higher PPM proc than the ones I'm using in this build. I'll be looking at this point again whenever I get around to posting a Purple 50 version of this build later. While the Hasten and Chrono Shift buffs are active, Snap Shot has a recharge time of 0.56s and Aimed Shot has a recharge time of 1.1s in the context of this build without any Incarnate slotting at all. Since both Snap Shot and Aimed Shot have arcanatime animation durations of 1.118s each (meaning recharge time for both powers is LESS THAN the animation times for both powers!). This means that against a single target it is perfectly possible to have a 121212 repeating attack chain using just these two powers(!), that lasts only 2.376s(!) at a cost of 3.54+4.59=8.13 endurance per cycle, which is an endurance cost of -3.42/s, which cannot be sustained indefinitely … but which this build would be perfectly capable of sustaining for "a while" with the endurance recovery options fully slotted into this build before needing to pause (or chomp a blue skittle). And as if that weren't enough, while doing a 121212 repeating attack chain, if the Decimation Build Up procs the 5.25s duration of the buff AFTER Snap Shot finishes animating it will last long enough for another FIVE ATTACKS … since 1.188*4=4.752s giving you multiple bites at the Build Up apple (so to speak). And in the context of the chances to proc Build Up at least once every 3 rotations of the 12121212 pattern of using Snap Shot and Aimed Shot, you're looking at a 1-(1-0.065)3=18.2% chance to proc Build Up EVERY 7.128s(!!!). That's slightly better odds than rolling a 1 on a 1d6, every 7.128s. Not bad, eh? A Build Up proc will yield the following. +13.312 Lethal damage per buffed Snap Shot +19.5776 Lethal damage per buffed up Aimed Shot +17.8112 Lethal damage per $Target per buffed up Fistful of Arrows Although that sounds like meager small potatoes, in the context of a 121212 repeating attack chain, this adds up to being … (Aimed+Snap+Aimed+Snap+Aimed) = 26.624 (Snap) + 58.7328 (Aimed) = +85.3568 additional Lethal damage to a single $Target. Given the animation duration of the 121212 attack chain producing this performance, that's +85.3568/7.128s=+11.9748597 additional Lethal damage per second(!) increase over the entire duration of the Snap Shot that procced Build Up through the end of the last Snap Shot attack to benefit from the buff (and this is on a Mastermind using the personal attacks!). Okay ... granted ... if you take that +11.9748597 and multiply it by the 18.2% chance to proc every 3 rotation cycles, you'll wind up with only +2.1794244654 additional Lethal damage per second over an averaged infinite time frame ... but that's if you're only using the single target 121212 attack chain. What happens if you're throwing in Fistful of Arrows into the mix too? Well, funny you should ask .... Notes for Snap Shot, Aimed Shot and Fistful of Arrows While Hasten and Chrono Shift buffs are active, Fistful of Arrows has a 2.39s recharge time in the context of this build without any Incarnate slotting at all. This is merely 0.014s longer than the animation time of Snap Shot followed by Aimed shot as detailed above. Meaning that with a 123123 attack rotation it is also perfectly possible to repeat (for as long as your endurance holds out) which will have an arcanatime animation duration of 3.696s and cost 3.54+4.59+6.81=14.94 endurance per cycle, which is an endurance cost of -4.04/s, which cannot be sustained indefinitely … but which this build would be perfectly capable of sustaining for "a while" with the endurance recovery options fully slotted into this build before needing to pause (or chomp a blue skittle). And as if that weren't enough, while doing a 123123 repeating attack chain, if the Decimation Build Up procs the 5.25s duration of the buff AFTER Snap Shot finishes animating it will last long enough for another FIVE ATTACKS … since 1.188+1.32+1.188*2=4.884s giving you multiple bites at the Build Up apple (so to speak). And in the context of the chances to proc Build Up at least once every 2 rotations of the 123123123 pattern of using Snap Shot and Aimed Shot, you're looking at a 1-(1-0.065)2= 12.5% chance to proc Build Up EVERY 7.392s(!!!). That's basically as difficult as rolling a 1 on a 1d8 every 7.392s. Not bad (again), eh? In the context of a 123123 repeating attack chain, this adds up to being …(Aimed+Fistful+Snap+Aimed+Fistful) = 13.312 (Snap) + 39.1552 (Aimed) + 35.6224 per $Target (Fistful) = +88.0896 additional Lethal damage to selected $Target plus +35.6224 additional Lethal damage to every additional $Target hit by Fistful of Arrows (max 10 targets) Or to put it in a more easily readable format … +88.0896 additional Lethal damage to a single $Target ... or up to +408.6912 additional Lethal damage to 10 $Targets per Build Up proc. SERIOUSLY NOT BAD (for a Mastermind's personal attacks), eh? Alright, you won't be shaming any Scrappers (or Blasters, for that matter) with that kind of performance ... but you've got to admit it's kind of remarkable, for a Mastermind! Given the animation duration of the 123123 attack chain producing this performance, that's +88.0896/7.392s=+11.9165178 additional Lethal damage per second(!) increase over the entire duration of the Snap Shot that procced Build Up through the end of the last Fistful of Arrows attack to benefit from the buff against a single $Target … or … up to +408.6912/7.392s=+55.2883116 additional Lethal damage per second(!) increase over the entire duration of the Snap Shot that procced Build Up through the end of the last Fistful of Arrows attack to benefit from the buff against 10 $Targets, requiring only 2 volleys of Fistful of Arrows against all 10 $Targets to accomplish that performance. Also note that this performance can (will?) be modified even further(!) by the -Resistance debuff procs in Fistful of Arrows (what a coincidence…) and Slowed Response, which can stack(!) with each other since they're different procs. NO REALLY SERIOUSLY NOT BAD, eh wot eh wot eh wot? Okay ... granted ... if you take that +11.9165178 and multiply it by the 12.5% chance to proc every 2 rotation cycles, you'll wind up with only +1.489564725 additional Lethal damage per second against a single $Target over an averaged infinite time frame using the 123123 attack chain ... but against 10 $Targets you'd be multiplying the +55.2883116 by 12.5% chance to proc every 2 rotation cycles, and wind up with "only" +6.91103895 additional Lethal damage per second against 10 $Targets over an averaged infinite time frame using the 123123 attack chain. Needless to say, in actual gameplay, with infinite endurance to burn you'd be looking at a gain of between +1.5/s and +6.9/s on average DPS gain, provided you never stopped attacking, which isn't ... how the game actually plays, but it's also not terrible when looking at a "pure" spreadsheet analysis of the situation. But more realistically, the damage "bursts" you'd get from Build Up(s) would be more "spiky" than evenly distributed, so that kind of pure spreadsheet analysis of the differences is a little bit of a mug's game ... but anyway ... on with the story. I mean … in the light of everything I've laid out above with Snap Shot and Aimed Shot in the overall context of this entire build, this is a pretty decent performance yield from a proc in a single target ranged attack, wouldn't you say? I mean, am I right or am I right? Now think about what the -Resistance debuffing from Fistful of Arrows and Slowed Response is going to do for your Ninja Pets (and Teammates as Pets?) with this build. Go on … just imagine the possibilities … I'm a */Time Manipulation/* Mastermind. I can wait for you to work out what it means … Toggle (and psuedopet?) Procs (PBAoE(ish)) PPM x 10 / (60 * (0.25 + 0.75 * (1 + Radius * (11 * Arc + 540) / 30,000))) = Proc Chance Dark Watcher's Despair (3.5 PPM … minimum chance 10.25%) 3.5 x 10 / (60 * (0.25 + 0.75 * (1 + 25 * (11 * 360 + 540) / 30,000))) = 20.03% per $Target every 10s Basilisk's Gaze (pseudopet?) (3.5 PPM … minimum chance = 10.25%) 3.5 x 10 / (60 * (0.25 + 0.75 * (1 + 20 * (11 * 360 + 540) / 30,000))) = 17.95% per $Target every 10s, duration 45s Gaussian's Synchronized Fire Control (1 PPM … minimum chance 6.50%) 1 x 10 / (60 * (0.25 + 0.75 * (1 + 60 * (11 * 360 + 540) / 30,000))) = 6.50% (pre-minimum 2.43%) per Teammate and Ninja Pet every 10 sec Gaussian' Synchronized Fire Control chance to proc based on quantity of Pets and Teammates. Team-1: 1 - (1 - 0.065)^1 = 06.5% chance to proc every 10 seconds Team-2: 1 - (1 - 0.065)^2 = 12.5% chance to proc every 10 seconds Team-3: 1 - (1 - 0.065)^3 = 18.2% chance to proc every 10 seconds Team-4: 1 - (1 - 0.065)^4 = 23.5% chance to proc every 10 seconds Team-5: 1 - (1 - 0.065)^5 = 28.5% chance to proc every 10 seconds Team-6: 1 - (1 - 0.065)^6 = 33.1% chance to proc every 10 seconds Team-7: 1 - (1 - 0.065)^7 = 37.5% chance to proc every 10 seconds (solo Mastermind with 6 Ninjas) Team-8: 1 - (1 - 0.065)^8 = 41.5% chance to proc every 10 seconds "Team-14" (1 Mastermind + 6 Pets + 7 other Teammates): 1 - (1 - 0.065)^14 = 61.0% chance to proc every 10 seconds Additional Important Note(!): Everything I wrote earlier upthread about the Decimation Build Up proc in Snap Shot adding damage to your attack chain? Copy Paste those yield results in here for the Gaussian's Build Up proc in Tactics … and even better yet, the two procs CAN STACK with each other! And it's right about "now" that I'm simply going to stop Feeling Sorry™ for my $Targets … along with anyone else who thinks that taking the personal attacks on a Mastermind is a waste of animation time, effort, power picks, enhancement slots, enhancements acquisitions, endurance and (of course) overall build efficiency. Foolish mortals ... Because … yeah … UNaugmented by Build Up, your personal attacks as a Mastermind look kind of wasteful/pathetic/squandery compared to any other Archetype's attack powers. But when you're proc monstering -Resistance debuffs and Build Up procs all over the place, while debuffing the stuffing out of your $Targets while you pincushion them with pointy sticks from your bow as your Ninjas go all La Machine on them in a frenzy of dismantle-age (in a hurry) … yeah … even with Time Manipulation, this Mastermind hasn't got the time needed to Feel Sorry™ for you. YOU'RE WELCOME! 💕 Okay … with that minor bit of business/preamble out of the way (and no doubt making your heads explode right about now) … the other thing I need to explain about this build is that, ironically, this isn't a build aimed at winning a Rikti Pylon Challenge. You can tell because there are numerous opportunities for damage procs that I deliberately passed up in order to skew this build more towards being a more Controller-ish type to play, relying more heavily on hard/soft controls to "neutralize" $Targets as an enabling tactic so as to keep my Ninjas alive (and kicking) longer. Pretty much everything I'm doing with this build is angled towards increasing the survivability of my Ninjas, rather than aiming for insta-gib DPS-ness Of Doom™! (+3) for fastest possible face planting of $Targets. This build is all about making the fight last longer on MY terms, rather than trying to end it as fast as inhumanely as possible. If you want to take this build and push it more in the direction of a damage proc monster … feel free to be inspired by what I've done here and see what you can make! If you're interested in doing that sort of thing, I'd honestly recommend seeing if you can somehow manage to shoehorn Enflame, from the Sorcery pool, into the build somehow, as an alternative to using the personal attacks like I'm doing here in this build. The "challenge" for how to do this, exactly, is left as an exercise to be pursued by the disinterested reader. Ye ken hoo i'tis. 👀 So, ideally speaking, when you're playing solo, what you want to do is open with Snap Shot from long range to attract the attention of only a few (preferably 1) $Target(s) who will then try to bumrush towards you and your Ninjas (that you've got on Bodyguard Mode). As soon as you're attacked, your Genin will respond by throwing Shurikens. This can potentially faceplant a Minion charging towards you before they even reach you, even if you aren't following up with Aimed Shot and/or Fistful of Arrows to take them down. If your $Target brought "friends" with them (who noticed that you Snap Shot-ted the first faceplanter) then you can pincushion them too while your Ninjas get to work on delivering the necessary beatdownage. I personally have found Time Crawl to be almost invaluable as a soft control/neutralizer of Lieutenants (and up) while soloing, because once they've emptied their attacks it takes them a LONG time to recharge … often "too long" for them to be able to attack ever again. This then lets me take them out of the fight while mopping up any other opposition with near impunity. For ease of reference, for those not steeped in the mechanics of -Recharge debuffing … the way the recharge formula responds to debuffing looks like this: RechargeTime = BaseRechargeTime / ( 100% + Buffs - Debuffs ) What this means is that a -75% Recharge debuff will cause a power to take 4x as long to recharge as normal (if it wasn't already recharge buffed). In a lot of contexts, this kind of -Recharge debuffing is as good (or even better!) than a Hold, because you can Breakfree out of Hold ... whereas you CANNOT Breakfree your way out of -Recharge debuffing! Consequently, against "most" PvE $Targets, sufficient -Recharge debuffing can feel an awful lot like a "harder" soft control, especially when you can stack it somewhat effectively. So the -60% Recharge debuff of Time Crawl makes powers take 2.5x as long to recharge on most PvE $Targets, which is quite the damage mitigator, particularly if you like to "kite" your $Targets so they can't melee you (which having personal attacks using your Bow will allow you to do VERY easily). This is why I've got -Recharge debuff procs slotted into Aimed Shot, Time's Juncture and Distortion Field, because combined with Time Crawl it turns $Targets into Test Dummies who can't fight back all that effectively (while my Ninjas use them for combat practice). I often times find myself using Temporal Mending either right after finishing a fight, so my Ninjas start the next one "fresh" and full up on their green bars (and to start the recharge countdown "early" before the next fight), or I'll use Temporal Mending after the first few hits have been exchanged so as to "negate" the value of the alpha strike(s) that were taken at the opening of the combat. Temporal Mending is a HUGE boost to the survivability of pre-folded origami rice paper thin Ninja survival rates, particularly since it effectively "multiplies" the damage mitigation by division offered when using Bodyguard Mode to share out the damage that your Mastermind takes. Likewise, Time's Juncture with its -ToHit debuffing affords a remarkable increase in protection to Ninja Pets … enough so that it's actually rare to want to keep your Mastermind more than 20-25 feet away from what they're engaging on your behalf (so as to keep them within the PBAoE of Time's Juncture). However, despite this factor, I still wanted to make sure that Fistful of Arrows got at least some Range buffing on the power (in this build, enough to reach out to 55.3 feet away) so as to get the power to better be able to reach the limits of your inherent Supremacy radius of 60 feet. For endurance recovery options, I am now completely "sold" on the notion of putting 3 slots into Health and Stamina, so as to maximize endurance recovery from those Auto powers. Fully slotted out, this build has 115.9% Max Endurance … meaning that the Performance Shifter, when it procs, will award +11.59 endurance, not just +10. With ALL of the toggles on the build running (except Sprint for the Stealth IO), as slotted the build has a +4.32/s endurance recovery (for 30s under Chrono Shift buffing) and a +3.43/s endurance recovery the rest of the time … while draining only -1.5/s endurance in total toggle costs, and detoggling Scorpion Shield can bring the drain down to -1.19/s endurance in total toggle costs, so there's a decent bit of room for "going negative" on net recovery while in combat and then letting your blue bar fill up relatively rapidly between combats so you're somewhat self(ishly) sufficient on endurance management issues. In other words, this build won't be starved for endurance quite as much as some other Time Manipulation builds you might have seen in the wild. Health regeneration tops out at 217% for 9.42 HP/s, which is somewhat lackluster. But when you can cast a Heal for 183.4+244.5=427.9 HP of your 1041.944 HP (which is about 41%!) every 7 seconds … AND do the exact same for every one of your Ninjas within 25 ft of your Mastermind … well, that starts to add up pretty quickly when it comes to soaking alpha strikes (assuming you don't get mezzed by it, but that's what Breakfrees are for). As far as Defense numbers go … when you factor in -14.33% ToHit from Time's Juncture (without Power Boost … or -20.48% To Hit for ~15s with Power Boost) against +0 $Targets, you get this kind of return on investment: Melee Defense: 21 + 14.33 = 35.33% without Power Boost and unboosted Farsight Melee Defense: 6.6 + 20.51 + 14.33 = 41.44% with Power Boosted Farsight during Power Boost downtime Melee Defense: 28.9 + 20.48 = 49.38% with Power Boost for ~15s Ranged Defense: 23.5 + 14.33 = 37.83% without Power Boost Ranged Defense: 9.1 + 20.51 + 14.33 = 43.94% with Power Boosted Farsight during Power Boost downtime Ranged Defense: 31.4 + 20.48 = 51.88% with Power Boost for ~15s AoE Defense: 21 + 14.33 = 35.33% without Power Boost AoE Defense: 6.6 + 20.51 + 14.33 = 41.44% with Power Boosted Farsight during Power Boost downtime AoE Defense: 28.9 + 20.48 = 49.38% with Power Boost for ~15s In other words, if you need more Defense for your Mastermind, you can always burn a small Luck to get into softcap territory if you need it (or burn 2 if you're up against +4s). Also keep in mind that your Ninjas will have another 6-11% more Defense (all) natively themselves beyond the above numbers, and the Pet Aura buffs slotted into their powers will add another +20% Defense (all) on top of that. In other words, your Mastermind is the "weakest link" in the Defensive chain … which is why you either love Bodyguard Mode (not fighting mez) or you skip it (fighting mez). Basic idea is, either you're taking the heat for your Ninjas (and sharing what gets through to them) … or … you're letting them take the heat for you because they've got the power of NO GET HITSU!! thanks to all the Defense you can stack on them. Either way, you've got what you need to keep yourself, and them, protected (until the get One Shot™ and then you just resummon your faceless minions). The only other thing that I want to mention about this build is just how … TIGHT … it feels in terms of power picks and slots. I at least don't feel like there's any "useful wiggle room" on being able to achieve the same performance profile as what I've got here by any other means available. I've basically wrung every power pick and every enhancement slot of just about everything it can possibly do (and then some!), and I just don't think there's any "room" left to push the build any further than I have without radically altering its inherent "character" in the form I've got it in here. Other builds using the ideas I've presented here are certainly possible, but they would be somewhat radically different in execution and "feel" for how they would play. As always … Your Mileage May Vary on this point. Anyway, I think that's enough pontificating on this subject for the time being (don't you?) … let's get down to the actual build itself, shall we? Also, I'll be posting my bindloadfiles afterwards too, so look forward to that.
  9. So ... basically a Caltrops patch that follows them around ... burning them wherever they go? I can dig that (grave for them).
  10. Finally ... a power that tells Tsoo Sorcerers and Skyraider Porters to "go and die in a fire already" somewhere else on the map without needing to watch them crumple at your feet.
  11. This is why it's a good idea to post a Forum Export (long or short) to the forums, so if you absolutely have to recreate a build from scratch ... you can ... even though doing so is tedious work.
  12. Possibly. I'm using a Logitech M-100 mouse.
  13. Yet more proof (as if needed any more) that I'M A BAD INFLUENCE™ ON YOU PEOPLE ... seriously. I try to warn people before they go gallivanting off to try out my builds ... and this is what happens to them. Reminds me of something that happened to me back at A-Kon 5 (yes ... FIVE ... my first A-Kon was 2). So there was a LAN party set up in one of the rooms with 3 computers all networked together so as to multiplayer DOOM ... which had only come out that year(!). Well, I'd played DOOM a goodly bit, so I knew all the maps and where all the weapons and ammo spawned ... which meant I knew all the camping spots and knew that when I heard a sound "there" it meant "that" was being done by another player, so I had way more situational awareness of what was going on than I had any right to be. The deathmatches quickly devolved into my kill score always being higher than BOTH of the other players combined ... but we were having fun and just playing (and playing and playing). My internal body clock was trying to tell me it might be like 100a or 200a in the morning, and I really ought to go to sleep sometime, but there was simply too much fun being had to stop. And then from behind me, someone (I don't know who) uttered aloud the words that became symbolic of my entire con experience that year. "My God ... is that the Sun?" Sure enough, we'd lost all track of time while enjoying playing DOOM all night long and it was now sunrise. We'd started playing at like 1000p or something. That was the A-Kon where I wound up staying awake for 58 hours straight without intending to do that ... it's just the way the weekend wound up working out. That seems to be a common refrain among the people who have tried the combination. Management is not responsible for excessive overdosing on endorphins and/or loss of time sense while playing any of the builds that I have posted. Use at own risk, because Your Mileage May Vary. Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln ... how was the play?
  14. Speaking just for myself ... this is great as a "show your work" exercise demonstrating what all the parts and pieces are when plugging formulas together ... but it kind of sucks for any kind of copy/paste work to use for plug'n'play when making a forum post. For that kind of functionality, I'd want the formula already written out in its entirety so all I needed to so is substitute in the appropriate values read off the screen in the Hero Planner and compute my answer. Also, I'd honestly prefer to see the * character instead of the x character used for multiplication (computer programming habits, doancha'know). So here's how I would summarize the above into single expression formulas for plug'n'play use in forum posts (and calculator applications that let you write out the entire formula for computation): Feel free to provide this info, Bopper, anywhere you feel would be useful for someone wanting to use this thread as a reference touchstone for computing proc chances.
  15. You know ... I'm starting to think that the build planner is missing a VERY IMPORTANT FEATURE for the Long Forum Export package. A PROC CHANCES readout. I'm working up a (refactoring re)build post right now and I'm having to do all of the math for the proc chances "by hand" (well, really by touchscreen on my iPad, but different sameness...) and it is mighty tedious work to compute all of those proc chances. Now I know this would be one BIG FEATURE REQUEST for adding this functionality to the builder program ... but since it's kind of becoming more and more important to a LOT of builds ... maybe it's about time for an update to accommodate this feature?
  16. The power is named CLOAKING DEVICE ... and you expect it to NOT hide your avatar from view?
  17. I'm rebuilding my Ninja Mastermind right now ... and this is what I'm planning on using: Level 1: Call Genin (A) Mark of Supremacy - Accuracy/Damage: Level 27 (3) Mark of Supremacy - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance: Level 27 (3) Overwhelming Force - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance: Level 27 (5) Overwhelming Force - Damage/Chance for Knockdown/Knockback to Knockdown: Level 27 (7) Call to Arms - Defense Bonus Aura for Pets: Level 10 (48) Soulbound Allegiance - Chance for Build Up: Level 50 Level 12: Call Jounin (A) Command of the Mastermind - Accuracy/Damage: Level 27 (13) Command of the Mastermind - Damage/Endurance: Level 27 (13) Command of the Mastermind - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/Recharge: Level 27 (15) Command of the Mastermind - Recharge/Pet +AoE Defense Aura: Level 27 (15) Mark of Supremacy - Damage: Level 27 (17) Mark of Supremacy - Endurance/Pet +Resist +Regen: Level 27 Level 26: Oni (A) Command of the Mastermind - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge: Level 27 (27) Command of the Mastermind - Damage/Endurance/Recharge: Level 27 (29) Mark of Supremacy - Damage/Endurance: Level 27 (29) Mark of Supremacy - Accuracy/Endurance: Level 27 (31) Edict of the Master - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance: Level 27 (31) Edict of the Master - Defense Bonus: Level 15 Set Bonuses: Mark of Supremacy (Call Genin) 6.25% Enhancement(RechargeTime) Overwhelming Force (Call Genin) 12% (0.4 HP/sec) Regeneration Call to Arms (Call Genin) 5% Defense Command of the Mastermind (Call Jounin) 2% DamageBuff(All) 15.06 HP (1.88%) HitPoints 7.5% Enhancement(RechargeTime) 10% Defense(AoE) Mark of Supremacy (Call Jounin) 6.25% Enhancement(RechargeTime) 10% Resistance(All), 100% (3.35 HP/sec) Regeneration Command of the Mastermind (Oni) 2% DamageBuff(All) Mark of Supremacy (Oni) 6.25% Enhancement(RechargeTime) Edict of the Master (Oni) 6% SpeedJumping, 6% JumpHeight, 6% SpeedFlying, 6% SpeedRunning 5% Defense Helps me reach +100% global recharge with the rest of the set bonuses in my build. +26.25% Recharge AND +20% Pet Defense ...? Yeah, I'm going to want that on a Ninja/Time/Mace build! I'm even using all 12 enhancements from both Mastermind ATO sets.
  18. Correct. This thread is deprecated for having out of date software. Look to the new sticky thread at the top of the forum for more up to date info and resources.
  19. That was my fault. I asked the forum mods to move this thread here (and presumably they figured the idea had merit) so it wasn't subject to the high turnover of the threads on the General forum. Also, this thread may not have started out as a guide (per se), the research that has been done and shared within this guide really has become something of a touchstone for the entire subject of proc and how to (ab)use them in builds. At this point, this thread is basically a repository of experience and knowledge (and blatant theorycrafting) that really deserves to be in the Guides forum (I think). I've even go so far as to say it deserves a sticky. And as one of the "share the wealth" believers, when it comes to knowledge and experience, this thread has most definitely become a resource so valuable that it's making me think of doing v2.0 for a lot of the builds I'd already posted in the forums ... so I Blame You Entirely for that, since time spent in the build planner is time I can't spend playing.
  20. If using an existing FX animation is acceptable, but with some simple modification to differentiate it for better visual clarity ... I'd honestly recommend doing a repurpose of the "Dizzy Head" effect used for Stun (minus the stumbling around, of course) that simply recolors the "Dizzy Head" effect a dull (burnt?) orange color, to indicate that a -Resistance debuff is in effect. I'm thinking that ought to work and be relatively simple enough to shoehorn into the existing codebase.
  21. Curious. I'm playing on a Mac also and I don't encounter this problem. However, I'm playing fullscreen rather than windowed, so that might be relevant.
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