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Everything posted by Replacement

  1. Excellent that this is a separate launch option instead of the whole new launcher exe I feared when I started reading. It means if you're trying to get something done and have crashed a few times (and thus sent data dumps), you could still launch normally to just get that TF win! Is this at all times, like expect slideshow events to get choppy 5-8% sooner? Or more limited to things like initial client launch, map loads?
  2. Wrongo. Due to the flagging system they added, the Repel should fully deactivate with OF slotted. Test it out. Also, you should ensure you're aware of the interaction within storm cell.
  3. @Luminara That's an interesting take but the more I read it, the less I'm sure you comprehended what was being suggested here. You have painted this suggestion focused on focused feedback threads as something that will infect every thread and will choke all speech out of everywhere you go! You have used this hyperbole to construct a perceived attack against your freedom! Everyone to the polls! Vote Luminara! I don't think you need to worry about little ol' me -- I couldn't be this damaging to discourse if I tried.
  4. I'm specifically thinking of Feedback threads, here. Like this one:
  5. Damage over the course of the fight Is not the same as starting a fight with 1s cast time, scale 4.5 damage (that's AS-level damage). This is why "revert the nerf" was never going to happen. Believe it or not, you can make it better than pre-nerf and still avoid the thing that made a Brute bring all the burst advantages of a Stalker with none of the drawbacks. Roles are a thing, and Assassin's Strike exists to tell you specifically who is allowed to have this role.
  6. Hello from page 2. https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=defender_buff.cold_domination.infrigidate Infrigidate did nothing wrong. It is a fine design for a simple tier 1 ST debuff. The fact that its particular recharge nearly guarantees any proc, and can take nearly a full suite of procs (4x damage + -res) isn't at all this power's fault. It seems a strange thing to portray this simple truth as cherrypicked data: powers like this were fine, and Defenders were nearly fine, before this beta PPM system entered the equation. Hiding behind procs is keeping your favorite weak builds from getting proper buffs. The kind of buffs that don't require you to have Bopper's spreadsheet handy just to feel strong.
  7. Orrrr it would require other things to manage in the place of the additional pets. I mean, the hit to bodyguard is explicit, because that's how that mechanic works. Between that penalty and the loss of an automatic mob of free action economy, it would already be a huge hit to an MM's bottom line. Throw in the idea that you would probably have to invest in something in the place of those extra pets to make a few superpets and I don't see a problem at all.
  8. Why? Why shouldn't I get to make a wolf-only beast MM? Why is it important that such a combo be self-gimping? What value is that decision adding to you? This whole thread leaves me baffled. Voltron merging is somehow in support (which makes you no longer/less of a pet class) but if playing with fewer pets is the goal, somehow it's suddenly a sin. You disembodied thumbs are inane.
  9. Always wanted this. Something using the same style as the Incarnate window or a bigger version of the power inventory (the screen you see when you click Powers next to Enhancements).
  10. (first, as an aside: understood on your first response. Thumbs up for clarification) Onto the quoted bit: this either doesn't make sense or is just irrelevant. Buffing Kinetic Melee buffs all Kinetic Melee characters, but it does not buff War Mace characters. If you are saying buffing Kinetic Melee buffs Bio Armor because you can combine them, that's irrelevant to Bio Armor. Because stronger Melee set+Bio Armor combinations exist as the natural ceiling already. If a Kinetic Melee buff brought it up to, say, Rad Melee levels, and Regen were simultaneously buffed up to Bio Armor levels -- that just means it's competing with Rad/Bio combos. Those particular characters are improved, but the AT as a whole is still not contributing more than was previously expected of them. If my delineation of "at the AT level" is confusing or seems random: it's the core "package" level. Only AT defines what Primary+Secondary(+Epic) combinations are possible, and therefore what the performance ceiling of that particular package can be. Of course, if we want to get lost in the weeds on this topic... for some reason? Yes: the exception is "emergent" combinations. AKA "The Soul Drain" problem. You can take a mediocre set and combine it with the right set and get a sum greater than the parts. I boil this down to a simple A+B=power level for simplicity in conversation (five pages into a tired topic that has now doubled that in a few hours), but I'm not ignorant of this reality. Thank you for coming to my TED talk, etc...
  11. Exactly standard, actually. These conversations where the entire value of a set hinges completely on how it performs under one precise best layout are exhausting and completely miss what it means for a set to be considered good (i.e. fun). And no, don't give me the "it's just not for you/your playstyle" response. I prefer the click-heavy approach of the set and it's just not good at it for 40 levels.
  12. Power creep is only really attained if it adds to the top. E.g. making Empathy as good as Nature isn't power creep since you can only have one Support set on your character. That's just diversity. If you don't want Regen buffed, focus on that. These power creep comments just feel like scare tactics against the principle of improving any underperformers at all. This is also relevant to my opinion on Regen. Just reading the winds on what I think a rework would look like: I would strongly suspect any build with purples and Incarnates (IMO, your actual armor set since Regen is a Sustain set) will see nerfs to pay for the baseline buffs. Ideally, if your toons truly are powerful but not OP, the changes would wash out and your performance impact would be minimal. Everyone under that benchmark would see universal buffs, but Troo will still hate them (but I will still laugh at your jokes along the way). I don't have numbers to reference but I think RoP changes were like this. Iirc, the recharge changes made it so everyone has the equivalent of what a high recharge build used to give, even level 20s. But people with upper crust bueno recharge builds are probably still smarting.
  13. It sounds like the problem is that there's no such thing as Numpad Equals as part of a standard keyboard. Standard layout includes 0-9, Num Lock, Decimal, Slash, Asterisk, Minus, and Plus. https://hcwiki.cityofheroes.dev/wiki/List_of_Key_Names
  14. So, City of Heroes doesn't have a mechanic, per se, to Hide from individual enemies. Hidden is just a flag that tells the game how Assassination (inherent) and Assassin's Strike should work. By itself does nothing to stop someone from punching you (and thus losing Hidden). Placate (the effect) is essentially mez. The affected enemy is just not allowed to target you.* Hide grants Stealth and Hidden Placate (the power) grants placate (effect), Hidden, and Stealth (though this last part mostly is just to trigger aura suppression). * I never noticed before this past beta cycle so it may be new, but if you're stealthed when placate's duration runs out, they seem to drop you off their hate list as well.
  15. Just to be thorough, it's actually 25% contribution by confused frenemies. When the game calculates how much every party helped to determine xp shares, Confused targets have their numbers cut to a quarter.
  16. Anecdotally, I didn't have this issue at all during beta cycle, where I mostly used Electrical melee. Now Live, I have yet to pull off a clean Placate>slow AS using Energy Melee.
  17. Pretty sure this boils down to t1s having "lesser" secondary effects. In this case, unenhanceable slow. It's also already the set with by far the most slotting potential. It really doesn't need more. Might I call your attention to the defense debuffs in Earth Control? Seven unenhanceable defense debuffs.
  18. Spending well over one full attack rotation on a Fake Nemesis before realizing why his health isn't going down. Oh wait that was yesterday.
  19. 0.833s cast time (melee version) 1.07s cast time (blaster version) That makes it a lot of work. Not impossible, of course. Just dealing with one of the most infamously annoying parts of the game.
  20. Well, we found Hera's nemesis, I guess.
  21. We need a post to track all of these. Ok! Can do!
  22. Excellent start. A+ ///Topic Not to incite superstition, but i24 was internally/unofficially being called "Fix All The Things", iirc. The fun thing about bugs is everyone has 'em! It's not just a problem for coders. We know Cobalt Arachne has mentioned several mission fixes (which covers mission scripts, FX, map editing, enemy definition edits), Naomi has a costume bugs thread, Powerhouse and the rest of the Powers Division always have a bug reports sub-forum full of player issues for them to sort out, so on and etcetera. So... definitely don't think there's any question of "what does everyone else do?" All that said... I don't see this happening with an "Issue" title attached (but definitely a patch between Pages). I think the more realistic approach would be a feature-light page with a lot of bug fixes. I tried to imagine i27p3 bereft of most of its features but I think any new Page is always going to have something shiny at this point. The stakes were simply set too high at i27p1 to imagine otherwise. I don't think we need a new quest and epic story every Page, but I would expect any page lacking an arc or TF to instead include content improvements in other ways, and things like powerset touch-ups sure feel like bugfixes sometimes.
  23. That would be cool, but it definitely does not. The thing about the "boggled" status (actually a granted Temp power to the enemy) is that it's completely detached from the Confuse component, so effects buffing or modifying Confuse are completely ignored for it. But on the good side, that exact behavior is what this thread is built to announce: even a Confuse-proof enemy is unable to avoid being Boggled!
  24. I don't think this is viable as Resist, but it would be super neat if Absorbs applied to positions, perhaps with efficiency (e.g. 20% Ranged efficiency means the other 80% goes to Health). Would still be a nightmare to develop, but at least we wouldn't need to refactor and redefine how all of damage is calculated, not to mention the scales of expected player values... (If you need justification, Absorb typically suggests a material between you and the attack, so overcoming it from a different position makes sense)
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