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Everything posted by Andreah

  1. It was a bit tongue-in-cheek as a suggestion, but it's growing on me. If such a pool existed, I could see taking them. There may be ideas for more serious powers related to missions and a thread would be a good place to mull them over.
  2. It occurs to me there's another option: A NEW POOL 😮 The "Mission Pool" It has powers in it to make doing missions more straightforward. Power: Hostage Lasso: use this on a hostage and it will follow you and only you through thick and thin until the mission completes or you are defeated or release it. Power: Hostage Carry: use this power to sling the hostage over your back. To carry to the door. You cannot use any offensive powers while it is active, but any and all movement powers including teleport. Power: Glowie Sensor: use this power to mark the nearest glowy on the map for the entire team. Power: Mob Sensor: Use this power to reveal the locations of all mobs within 150' as map triangles. One more power would round it out to five. Ideas? I have it! Power: The Bouncer: Use this power to bounce stuck teammates or mobs out of walls, ceiling, and unreachable positions.
  3. I think it would be a Huge QoL improvement if hostages, at least in radio missions, could see through stealth. It's always a mess trying to figure out who has a stealth field, convincing them they have a stealth field, explaining why it's a bad thing, but only right now, and then teaching them how to turn the $#!$!% thing off until we get the hostage out.
  4. Turns out, the floating truck is actually a cross-dimensional cellular repeater. The Wifi password is "Zero".
  5. Well, I'm not an expert, but I think Burt Ward was about 20 when the first TV show was being made. Wasn't Robin in college between the Ka-Pows!?
  6. When I go to the D, which isn't very often these days, I lurk old-school reading the newspaper.
  7. I always thought that Hover was the combat variant of flight. It has the control and the defense bonus; so I kind of agree the new one is duplicative.
  8. Yup. That's it. Right there. That's my number 1 objection. Number 2 is exposing them to crime/fighting violence, Number 3 is the often terrible effect on ongoing-roleplay. Number 4 is how badly many (not all, to be fair) are portrayed.
  9. So as long as they don't have super-speed turned on, if my kin speed boosts a person in a cave, they won't smash into walls at 120 mph, only at 90 mph? Good. Honestly, a slash command that toggled the effect would still be very welcome. 😄
  10. With the higher speed caps, Speed Boost is going to be much worse for most people, in caves, and possibly even more places. There needs to be an easier way to turn off its effects situationally than visiting Null the Gull. Could we get a slash command to toggle this?
  11. I'm okay with eighteen or nineteen year old heroes. Legally, they're adults. Sixteen and seventeen, at least could get drivers licenses, jobs, and are in many places at the age of consent. Below that, it's child endangerment, or even a war crime for them to be there.
  12. One peeve I haven't mentioned before is child characters. No, just no. Not now, not ever. It should be forbidden. I don't roleplay with them, I don't want to be near them, and I'll leave teams, drop from events, and remove chat channels to be away from them.
  13. No. I think I have one, and that's a niche team-support character.
  14. I did this myself, several times, on live. I cornered the Luck Charm and also the Iron markets, each once. I lost money both times, and was only able to sustain it for a few hours of constant attention. I believe it would be harder here on HC to do to the invention salvage markets due to the bucketing, and be even more of a money loser. Perhaps a coordinated team of players could do so, for a time. There's just too much market volume and our invention inventories are too shallow to buffer it. I have cornered other markets here on HC for very short periods, but only in a very loose sense. I could set a buy price that I was willing to buy all of something below, and a sell price that was just above my own buy price, but not be able to sustain enough spread to cover the 10% auction fee. To truly corner a market, you have to be able to drive out competitors who bid just a little more than you do, and who are willing, even temporarily, to possibly lose money by listing below your benchmark sell price. You need deep pockets, and lots of inventory to do this, and you will almost certainly lose out over time. That 10% is hard to overcome, and leaves a big hole for others to go through. One thing a player can do, which is a lighter burden and less predatory, is to be a "Market Maker" for a few items. A market maker uses a large inventory of some item and well-chosen bid and ask prices to set a bound on the price. Say, it's rare invention salvage. A Market Maker might buy up thousands of these, and then put in huge numbers of bid to buy at the lower end of the usual range, and offer huge numbers to sell at the high end of the range. This protects those who want to sell at "1" by ensuring they'll always at least get your bottom market-maker buy price, and protects people who might urgently need salvage from having to pay more than your market-maker sell price. And if the market-maker sets those prices smartly, they'll not run out of money to buy more at the buy price or run out of inventory to sell at the sell price, and will earn some inf along the way.
  15. What if, every pool had to be "Unlocked" by spending one power choice on it to get a useless, does-nothing-at-all / has-no-slots-to-fill, power; and you could unlock as many pools this was as you wanted? What if you could unlock additional pools past the first four this way? Do you have any characters for whom you would give up an entire power choice if it got an additional pool opened?
  16. I'm against this idea. All you have to do to lower the price now is take it down, eat the half fee for listing, and repost. This is not too much, and it incentivizes us to not set our asking prices too high. Measure once, cut twice. Measure twice, cut once. However, I could see something like this, but only if we paid the full 10% fee of our first listing price, up front, immediately. If it were then to sell for more, then we pay the additional fee on the difference between the sold and asking price. If later, we lower the price and it then sells for less, there is no refund on the initial fee paid. Otherwise, this could be exploited. What I would most like to see is a time limit on market postings, even if very long. Such as, if six months after a bid or ask is posted, it hasn't filled, it is automatically cancelled, possibly with a full fee refund. This is probably too much trouble though, since people store influence in the market with bids that can't (or probably won't) be satisfied, and the possibility that any auto-cancelled bid would run the character over the Inf cap would have to be dealt with.
  17. Indeed. This is also why any increased progression has to diminish further into the veteran levels. There are players out there with near to, or more than, 5000 veteran levels. I don't think I want them to have +5000 health and +500 end. Any linear mechanical progression reward will fail catastrophically.
  18. I'm not a fan of account progression, but I understand why it would have better altism incentives. That's really key for this game. We already have quite a lot of this, in a way. It's easy to leverage prior progression of other characters into greater capability of a new character compared to a player who did not have those prior characters. You can transfer influence, enhancements, supplies, and even incarnate empyrean merits. So I'm going to reluctantly agree completely with Replacement's A, B, and C points. What I would look for is some way for veteran levels to convey some small mechanical benefit (it would have to be really small, and diminish as those levels increased) that would apply to every character on the account at level 50 or higher. Perhaps these could be Account-wide Accolade badges with effects that apply to level 50's an up; unlocked at certain vet levels - like vet level 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000. Perhaps there's a series of them that offer, +5% health, +5% stamina, +5% to-hit, +5% defense, and +5% resist total accumulated by vet level 1000. And if you 'only' get to vet level 200, you've gained 80% of it all. Kind of like running the P2W amplifiers constantly. Bonuses like those are small-ish compared to what we get from IO's well-slotted or from full-fledged incarnate abilities, but they would make a significant difference and reward anyone who pushed at least one character up into the vet levels past the big incarnate merits & threads rewards. But now, think on this further. The base content of the game isn't getting any harder (and I would argue that some optional higher difficulty is already needed) and increased progression combat power just makes it even easier, especially account-wide. So with that in mind, although I'm in favor of Replacement's three points, -IF- this ends up being done, I would add a fourth point -- (D) An optional increased level of difficulty is made available (or the +4/x8 setting get some unique challenge tweaks) or don't do it at all.
  19. How about, and this is just thinking widely, if a character has taken four powers in any pool, then they can pick a extra pool.
  20. What would we have to do to the presence pool to make it a contender? I shudder to think.
  21. I could see a future incarnate slot giving the equivalents, or even literal duplicates, of various pool powers. Each higher tier might be a power further down the pool depth. Maybe left vs right side are how they're pre-slotted.
  22. The steady power creep we've seen over the years hasn't really been kept up to by corresponding increases in normal content difficulty. And yet the game still works. We need to keep a sense of constraint on build choices or it may not stay that way much longer.
  23. Mine doesn't have defense. Or resists. Or much of anything past inspirations. Just Repel-KD. If the tank doesn't save me, I'm toast! This adds a heightened sense of danger -- especially since I play very offensively. I'm right with the tank, and sometimes (oops!) there first. I'm surprised I don't die more than I already do. 😄 Also, Combat Teleport is great for escaping otherwise certain defeat.
  24. Measure once, cut twice. Measure twice, cut once. (I still have my share of blunders, but that's just how it goes.)
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