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Everything posted by Andreah

  1. This is a cool idea, really awesome in fact, but I hate it. I wouldn't hate it if there were also a character setting I could set that would prevent me from ever entering a base which has the FFA flag on, and that instantly ejected me if the flag turned on while I was in one. One could also have a variant of this FFA flag -- Group + Coalition vs Non-members. That could possibly get a lot of use in story based RP-PvP. Oh, and have a base setting for a super-sidekicking level to be set. You could have the base set to FFA Level 20, or Group-vs-Others Level 44, and so on. Everyone who enters would instantly take on that level until they leave, just as if they were on a team with the leader's level. Finally, have a base flag setting for Walk Only. In this setting, everyone who enters is put into Walk mode and all powers are suppressed until they leave.
  2. Hmm, how about a future Incarnate slot that allows customization of extra damage to or effects on specific sets or types of enemy group? Or a smattering of new IO sets that do something like that?
  3. I agree. I would prefer to keep the names of the powersets to be things that are more general; light and dark vs. holy and unholy. However. It would be also very cool if we could customize the text names and descriptions of powers and powersets to some degree. For example, if this powerset were "Light" and that one word was treated as a replaceable token with a default value of "Light" and you could substitute your own value for it at character creation or respec/new-build? The the OP could choose the "Light Melee" powerset, click the "Change Set Name", and put the word "Blessed" in instead. Then the set would take on that word in place of light (but still indicate 'Light' somewhere off to the side as the set it's named from), and the powers' names and descriptions would pick up the word "Blessed" where appropriate. Then people could also do things like recolor Dark Melee and call it Sand Melee, and so forth.
  4. Andreah


    Well, since you ask. The last few times I bought packs, I received 79 Defense 111 Offense 86 Survival Amplifiers out of 2,000 packs. In addition, Bopper has a thread where he's calculated the exact probabilies of the various drops: And according to that, one ought to get 4.41 of each kind of amplifier per hundred packs, which is pretty consistent with my pack opening history.
  5. Sometimes you have to tell people things plainly, or they just won't get it. "Look friend, this is not working for me. Turn it down or I'm going to drop and find a better team."
  6. One of the greatest joys I get in this game is when I can play one of my 50+3 support characters on a regular mission team with some lowbies on it. People helped me level when I was on a lowbie, and when it's my turn I love to pay it forward. And it will surely be my turn again in due course.
  7. I consider running teams almost every time I'm logged on. The few times I have, I've wanted to quit almost immediately. I mean log off instantly. And it's not anything anyone else has done or said, or might do or say, or anything. I have the skills, knowledge, and ability to run teams. I just fundamentally don't like doing it. When I have the star, I immediately am no longer having fun. I feel responsible for managing a team that's fun for the others, and that weighs on me. I'm naturally introverted, and that kind of position sucks the energy of life right out of me. No amount of bonus loot, or experience, or badges, or anything like that will make it fun. I can't be bribed into finding it to be fun. That would only make me feel resentful. Why do I have to be paid to play a game in a role I detest, a game I ought to enjoy for its own sake? Let the people who are natural leaders, who enjoy it, energize from it, and shine with it, continue to lead the teams. The rest of us should try to be good, gracious, and appreciative followers.
  8. Exactly! The best XP gain rate is from doing content at the highest difficulty your team can still defeat efficiently and quickly. Sometimes that's +4/x8 and sometimes it's not. Smart team leaders adjust for the team makeup and content challenge. I was on a Tinpex once where the team leader surprised us with "enemies buffed" and "players debuffed" challenge settings. After the first horribly difficult and slow mission, after trying to get him to see reason, he refused to change it up, most, maybe all, of the team quit, and he tried to recruit more people, indignantly calling us names in LFG. This guy was intending to do the TF's with those settings, and wasn't saying so in his recruitment, so we made note of that. A few of us had reformed our own Tinpex and completed it, and he was still trying to recruit for his disasterpex. If one intends to run on extra hard, no matter what, that's fine, but tell people in advance. There times when I would do it, but not always and without notice. If one wants maximum XP gain, then picking the right content and the right difficulty is vital.
  9. I hate leaving stuff before the end, even if the leader isn't worth my time, the other people on it shouldn't suffer for it. On the other hand, I've been on teams where most everyone left, and we restarted a team without the original leader. But on a task force, you get invested after the first mission, and people don't want to leave, and the leader can use that in an abusive manner. At that point, you have to realize you all have power too. Don't be jerks about it, but let the leader know you're not happy, xp is both difficulty setting and kill speed, and if several of you are ready to bail, maybe that person will see reason If not, it's not going to get better -- drop. Don't make some long speech, just say this isn't what you signed up for and leave. One-star the leader, or whatever you do, and move onward.
  10. I'd have to look at my build, but I don't think end was much of a problem, and I ran everything all the time. --- edit: Running ten toggles, six from Dark, three from leadership, and also hover. End consumption is 2.13% per second, and recovery is 3.66% per second. Also have Panacea and Perf Shifter procs for bonus end. Specifically for leveling, I used the P2W amplifiers and the temp power for end recovery. I also went straight into set IO's all the way up.
  11. I had so much fun with my Dark/Dark tanker, I made a ninja/dark stalker and a dark/dark defender. The only issue I have is that the coloring of some of the powers in some powersets is more dirty grey than dark darkness.
  12. December 1, 2012. Hazel Merrick goes public as a meta-human dimensional refugee, dropping her prior, mature, human appearance for her shadow-touched true self, and registered in both the Rogue Islands and Paragon City given her long-established dual-citizenship. She never publicly explains her origins. Complaints are filed with the U.S. State Department by business rivals that her original immigration status was sure to be fraudulent, but these cases are never taken up by authorities. One such rival disappears in the Isles afterwards. In the present day, Ms. Merrick is well known in the Isles for her work on the boards of the companies she and her late husband had run or formed; such as CI&I, Murcheson Transshipments, Matteo Toys and Entertainment, Mercy Marine Salvage, Manpower, Inc., Mondarian Medical Media (in association with Crey Enterprises), and Cage Support and Services, now a partly owned subsidiary of Cage Consortium. She's also active in the charity and relief scene of the Isles through Gutter Relief Services, Daughters of the Seven Years' War, Société pour l'honneur du Père Henri, and the Johnathan Merrick Memorial Scholarship Fund. Her current net worth is estimated by Forbes at $650 Million. Ms. Merrick maintains a modest townhome in St Martial, where she collects Mesoamerican artifacts, classical Greek sculpture, Italian paintings, Victorian tea sets in gold and silver, and her own knitting work. Hazel Merrick, a.k.a., Xtchtlythrqrlii Hazel Merrick on January 2013 Forbes
  13. 1947-1955. Mr. Merrick operates Covelli Industries and Investments, CI&I., and further diversifies across a wider base of businesses, and also focuses a small portion on his true passion -- marine salvage and treasure hunting. October 14, 1955. Mr. Merrick cohabitates with Hazel Johnson, a young mixed race woman from Virginia. They hold a private ceremony to family and friends alone to declare themselves married. 1955-2011. Johnathan and his common-law wife, Hazel, spend the years together running his companies, travelling the world, experiencing local cultures incognito, and pursuing his passion of treasure hunting and hers of collecting Mesoamerican artifacts. April 5, 1971. Johnathan and Hazel Merrick legally marry in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, during a month-long stay on a road trip to see the best local food establishments in the Midwest. A bunch of college kids left behind from spring break are rounded up to be the audience for their ceremony and two-day reception bender. January, 1991. The couple move their world-wide headquarters to St Martial, The Etoiles, to take advantage of tax laws. A short-term setback in valuation occurs due to the reputation of the Rogue Isles, but they quickly overcome this by maintaining what appears to be one of the better run and less corrupt, mid-sized business in the Isles. February 11, 2011. Mr. Merrick passes away peacefully at the age of 89. He leaves the complete portfolio of their business empire to his widow, Hazel Merrick, who founds a charity in his remembrance.
  14. January 20, 1920. Naples, Italy. Carmenza Melaku, an immigrant from Italian East Africa, takes over sole directorship of the Etoile-Naples Plague Relief Fund, having proven to the trustees that she met all the arbitrary and somewhat odd requirements that had been stipulated in the will of Maryanne Murcheson. A woman, aged 21-25, from a mixed European and African background, with education in the Classics, speaking English, French, Italian; possessing a certificate in accounting and finance, and oddly, who could name the phase of the Moon on the day interviewed- "Why, the Moon is just one quarter past full, tonight. Why do you ask?" August 3, 1921. Carmenza Melaku informally marries Matteo Covelli a minor boss in the Covelli crime family in Naples, and associate in the NFP, from which he is immediately ejected for his relations with an African woman. 1921-1934. The Covelli family cements social bonds with many of the Italian and Sicilian crime families. Carmenza notes with some distress the rising difficulty of 'business as usual' while the NFP's control on the nation solidifies, and then turns its ideology more and more into alignment with kindred parties in Germany. May 11, 1934. In a conflict with the NFP, Matteo Covelli is murdered, apparently by a dedicated NFP member who objected to his impure relationship with Carmenza. May-July, 1934. A wave of never to be solved murders occurs throughout the major cities. Macabre deaths with hearts cut from the chests of minor NFP members and allied crime family bosses. 1935-1940. The Covelli crime operation slowly liquidates into legitimate overseas trade groups, primarily partnered with U.S. firms. October 11, 1938. Carmenza Covelli applies for, and is granted refugee status to the United States. Given immigration laws at the time, strings must have been pulled. 1938-1947. The Covelli Cargo Concern, operating out of New York and Independence Port, provides logistical and transshipment services for war goods and industrial materials. Covelli Holdings diversifies financially into medicine, agriculture, insurance, and transportation. July 18, 1947. Carmenza Covelli passes away in her sleep. Control of her financial empire passes via her will to her most trusted aid -- Mr. Johnathan Merrick.
  15. December, 1864. Jerimiah Murcheson, his family, including son Charles, and their slave/servant Maryanne, escape Savannah ahead of General Sherman's infamous march. Why he had brought the slave, he had no idea. It seemed automatic, at the time. He'd had to pay a great sum for each of their places on the ship, and in retrospect it was a folly to pay such for a slave. Why had he done it? He couldn't put his finger on it. But the girl had uses, and Charles had an eye for her. What a waste, there. The boy wouldn't amount to anything unless he found a proper girl. They had money, and the port at Etoile was nothing but a poor way-station across the Atlantic; had been ever since the eruption back in '33. But it was out of reach of the Yankees, and none here asked questions if one had gold. April, 1876. Murcheson Fire. The Murcheson family, all except for young Charles Murcheson and his body servant, Maryanne, die when their home catches fire during the night. Despite the full moon's light to aid the fire brigade, the fire rages unstoppable until the structure is exhausted. July 10, 1877. Charles and Maryanne Murcheson announce their marriage. Locals scandalized by the scion of the once wealthy family marrying across race to the dark-skinned former slave, but this was the Etoiles, and it was far from unheard of here. At least he was smitten with the girl, quite the beauty, and rumor had it she knew her nightwork well. October 15, 1879. Constables were called to a disturbance at the Murcheson home in Port Etoile. They find young Maryanne Murcheson bruised and suffering cuts to her arms, and her husband Charles dead on the floor, bled out. Maryanne was held overnight for questioning, but released after it became clear Charles had attempted and failed to kill her in her sleep. Mrs. Murcheson attested they had argued earlier in the day over her having not conceived since marriage. 1879-1919. Mrs. Maryanne Murcheson lives as a widow in Port Etoile. What remains of the Murcheson estate is carefully nurtured into a small fortune. Mrs. Murcheson becomes something of a socialite, but never into the higher tiers of polite society. Behind her back, there are whispers about her slave origins. December 22, 1919. Mrs. Maryanne Murcheson of Port Etoile, recorded dead from complications from Spanish Flu. Final disposition of the estate went to an Italian Flu Relief charity; but one suspected of being under the control of one of the so-called Families.
  16. Midnight, September 13, 1862. In this new world, she instantly felt her connection to Tezcatlipoca fall to near nothing. So far, so very far away. His presence here was almost imperceptible. Her magic evaporated, the power of the dark leaving her, abandoning her. The touch of the Dark Plane of Shadows leaves her, and for the first time in years, her appearance is fully human again, dark brown skin, black hair, rounded ears, brown eyes. Naked, alone, nothing in hand but the obsidian knife she had held to cut her way into this world. A battlefield, how appropriate. The scent of blood still in the air, the suffering of the wounded still whispered on the wind. A waning half-Moon gave some small light; her own vision ruined by the lack of true sight. The scents of other things, fire, smoke; and odd things she did not recognize. Acrid, stinging. No matter. She could seize on this place, find fire and sacrifices, and through her own faith, rebuild the dark embrace of her Lord. The man was still alive, barely. His left leg had been mutilated beyond recognition. Something large had torn through the knee, and left a bloody stump. It would be a mercy to release him from this slow agony. His clothing was hard to undo, the fabric tight and fastened through slits with odd hard stones that glinted in the moonlight. Gold perhaps? She could not tell. But in time, she bared his chest, and the Moon still shone. His suffering amplified for a short time, perhaps he would count it a mercy from the afterlife. But he would not see it. His soul would burn with his heart. A connection. The Dark Lord lived here, or something enough like Him. She felt the hint of power, and found new resolve. She knew where she could hide, and find more sacrifices. South, towards more suffering, where in the chaos the smoke could rise, unhindered.
  17. 3959 B.C. to 1500 A.D. (Prime calendar). The Middle Empire conquers both northern and southern halves of the western continent. 1500. A.D. Ability to sail oceans in large boats re-developed. Physical technology slowly reaching heights of the old empire. Magical power still advancing. 1490 A.D. Eastern continents rediscovered. 1500 to 1800 A.D. Mass movement of excess imperial population begins. Indigenous eastern continental peoples have more advanced physical technologies; wheels, archery, bronze working; but little magic, and are easily overwhelmed and enslaved by Imperial forces led by Warrior Heroes. Forced labor builds Pyramids and temples throughout Prime Europe, Africa, and Asia; sacrificial fires are lit, burn for years, the sweet scent of the smoke being pleasing to the Gods. 1750 A.D. Rise of the House of Xtchtl. Warrior-Hero Xtchtltkhantoth returns from conquests in central Asia with great wealth and power to the ancestral estates in Yucatan; marries, fathers eleven children, and forges a clan dedicated to the worship of the Jaguar God of the Night, Tezcatlipoca. 1827 A.D. Xtchtlythrqrlii born into Clan Xtchtl, dedicated to the Lunar Aspect of the Night Sky. 1850 to 1862. A.D. Xtchtl-Hueomor Feud. Rival clans Xtchtl and Hueomor contest over commercial rights to slave-sacrifice imports from India. At first secretly, and eventually openly. 1852 A.D. Xtchtlythrqrlii Ordained into the Sept of the Gleaming Moon as a priestess of the second rank, to wield the dagger, to raise the heart, to burn the flesh, to send the smoke. 1860 to 1862. Clan war goes badly for Xtchtl; Hueomor worships Huitzilopochtli, and as the conflict comes into the open sun, the War God aspect empowers their magic. August to September, 1862. Clan Xtchtl suffers catastrophic defeats, surviving septs disperse, members desperately attempt to escape. Xtchtl prisoners are sacrificed in the Hueomor temples at high noon every day. September 13, 1862; Battle of Antietam, the deadliest single day in the U.S. Civil War. In the midnight aftermath of the bloody day, a portal opens, and releases a slim youthful figure of a woman, coal black skin, grey hair, entirely naked except for a bloody obsidian knife. The last surviving member of Clan Xtchtl finds true and final escape.
  18. Timeline of Dimension Pi-34-Epsilon-K ca. 70,000 Years Before Present Era. Humanity emerges as a distinct modern species, spreads across the Eastern world. ca. 19,000 Years Before. Glaciers in retreat; Humanity spreading widely, technological advancement. Stone tools give way to multi-piece tools; widespread command of fire, wood hardening, shaping. Application of the lever, wedge, inclined plane in daily life. Fiber collection, gathering, weaving. Sea-worthy boats. Ca. 17,000 Y.B. Western continent settled. ca. 15,000 Y.B. The Old Gods take notice of Humanity, elevate disciples who proselytize, and strengthen from widespread mass worship. ca. 14,000 Y.B. The rise of the great civilizations of Mu and Atlantis between the West and East. ca. 14,000 to 12,000 Y.B. Technological peak of human advancement. Wheels, screws, pulleys. Mass megalithic construction, slavery, centralized despotic government, mass pantheonic religions, command of magical synthesis, kinetism, elementalism, materialism, mysticism. Physical technologies and techniques stagnate, physical tools cannot compete with command of magical forces. ca. 12,000 Y.B. The Great Cold occurs, parallel to Younger-Dryas event in Dimension Prime. Ice sheets re-advance. Slave-agriculture cannot feed mass populations. Wars breaks out between Atlantis and Mu. Atlantis sunk beneath the waves. Rocky islands of Mu off the Western continent scoured clean by incredible surges of waves. ca. 12,000 to 6,000 Y.B. Civilization absent from most of world. Refugees from both Mu and Atlantis settle in the Middle Lands of the Western Continent, enslave native populations, and slowly advance back to an empire, Mulantis, over the native populations based on magical power. Third Day of the Eleventh Moon, Four Hundred Eighth Year of The Ascent, equiv. to September 1, 3952 B.C. (Prime calendar). The Red Moonrise. Mass slave uprising throughout the Empire coordinated in secrecy. Mass slayings of Mulantian elites, followed by mass ritual sacrifices of their remaining populace over the next year. All descendants of Mu and Atlantis dead. Native peoples put forth their own pantheons in the places of high honor, fuel their own Gods' power with blood magic to cast down the Gods of Mu.
  19. We watched it. Huge improvement over the theatrical version. Did not seem that long, it has good pace and drew me in. Story holds together much, MUCH, better -- I understood it, and I'm not a comics book person. The characters have more depth and feel more real. Some of the cheesy, stupid, crap's been removed. Imo, it's become a decently good movie, well worth the time to watch. YMMV.
  20. And how about for total market fees paid? 10, 100, 1000, 10,000 and 100,000 Millions in fees paid!
  21. Sure! 10, 100, 1000, 10000, and 100000.
  22. How about a badge that you rent for one billion inf per week? If you can pre-pay up to a year's worth of it in advance?
  23. I am against doing this, because of the shear havoc it would play on the current balance of the game. Good or bad, it has a balance, and we're used to it. Small changes here and there are good, wholesale destruction, not so much. But, if it were going to happen, I'd like to see buffs from all sources, self buffs, enhancement bonuses, IO set bonuses, everything, obey a root-sum-of-squares law. A complete replacement of ED and extension of the principle to everywhere. While we're at it, fix the combat system to use differentiable asymptotic probability functions for hit checks. And I'd like a pony for a travel power. Edit: Oh yeah, might be worth a look at modernizing the purple patch too.
  24. Even if all they do is park the money on unused alts or in emails, so long as it it out of circulation, it helps keep inflation down. What we really need (although this would make some people scream) is a series of badges that are progressed through by giving Inf to an NPC (who deletes it) in large amounts. A badge for deleting 1 Billion, another for deleting 5 Billion, then 10 Billion, One Hundred Billion, and the top-tier badge of badges, the Trillion Influence/Infamy Destroyer. You would be able to earn progress on any of these badges in one billion inf increments. Badge completionists would hate this, of course, and I would not blame them.
  25. As the song goes, "Don't tug on Superman's cape"
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