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Everything posted by Generator

  1. Great job on that. I'm still 15 or so levels off from the Hive (and a server away), but I look forward to getting back to the Jello.
  2. I wish you had heeded my 5th Column Council to not start a pun thread like this.
  3. For me right now it's just a matter of resource commitment; in this specific case, the resources are time and Inf. God knows I wanna make a million alts and play them all, but that will only end with me having a million broke alts. I've got two heroes in that high-20s/low-30s zone where Influence is starting to come online, and I have two other heroes in the pipeline behind them (high teens/low 20s). Once everyone's got some basic IOs and I can send cash around to alts without flatlining myself, the villains are gonna get theirs...
  4. I read OP's post as saying that the problem isn't so much that those things happen, but that they're not spelled out anywhere (but I haven't played Bio yet, so I have no idea how it looks myself).
  5. You kind of sort of already have that. There's an in-game option to "turn off XP" that will automatically convert that XP into influence instead. Really? Where is that located? Somewhere in Options.
  6. /altinvite seems to be available. Is that new? I just heard about that yesterday and it damn near blew my mind.
  7. I made my Stone Melee Brute with Shield Defense. Man, she was a good-times smashin' machine...
  8. Will they always be on Excelsior (Heraclea said Excalibur but I have to assume this is hat she meant), or will they rotate?
  9. Thanks, I was 99% sure of my answer, but I never actually had Bonfire back in the day, y'know? Of course, with the Sudden Acceleration piece in play now, that may change... :)
  10. I'll go to bat for a Sp/Inv Scrapper, which is what I played back in the day. Lots of fun.
  11. I imagine a bunch of heroes sitting out on folding chairs in PI. "Ahhh, June. A month of nothing to do, and defnitely without any Weekly Strike Targets." "Yeah there are." "No, new guy, there aren't" "Sure there are, right thughgfyjgyf" (tranquilizer dart takes down the over-eager new guy) "Ahhhh."
  12. It could be that as dropped power, Bonfire is treated more like a pet (and is thus unaffected by Containment).
  13. Not in the old days. I read this thread working from the assumption that maybe the SCORE team proliferated it, but TBH I hadn't checked for myself.
  14. Those are the abbreviations Mids uses. Tonight I'll see if I can make it export something more descriptive, because I'm not looking forward to trying to manually edit all those pieces.
  15. In the limited context of this specific issue, yes. Not every viewpoint gets to be regarded as valid, especially when one is in direct opposition to a consensus the community arrived at a long time ago. I'm sorry this guy is so upset, I really am, but he's got to find a way to get over it. It's not our job to change in response to him on this matter.
  16. I was right, I definitely do not have the right mindset. I'm more of a "clean your plate, lick the spoon, and suck up all the crumbs off the table cloth" kind of guy. :) You and me both. We're the kind of player that this change hurts the most. (eyes up Vanden's plate) You gonna finish that? (reaches over with fork...)
  17. I was right, I definitely do not have the right mindset. I'm more of a "clean your plate, lick the spoon, and suck up all the crumbs off the table cloth" kind of guy. :)
  18. With the cost reductions you mentioned, it felt to me like 50 merits kept pace with the purchasing power tip missions had in the old days, but 20 merits puts us behind where we were. If I can go back to the point raised earlier about buying tip missions, I don't get how that's any sort of advantage. Maybe I don't have the proper speed gaming mindset, but what's the point? I always seem to get my next tip while I'm in the current tip mission, the only time I'm not ahead of the game like that is right after an alignment mission when the whole thing resets. What am I missing?
  19. I like your "limit Alignment missions to 1/day" idea. TBH I hadn't even known about buying tips (when we say Tips, do we mean "buying a mission to be completed for the 10/10 bar", or do we mean "directly buying progress on the bar"?).
  20. To further expand on a point troy made, SS is all single-target until you get Foot Stomp. Does getting it at 32 vs 38 make a difference to you? If so, then maybe going Scrapper is the way to go.
  21. OP, take a deep breath. In COH this is really small potatoes.
  22. If 50 was too much, 20 seems like an overcorrection.
  23. If you're level 50 (and have your Incarnate stuff unlocked?), Yes! Completing the WST grants a "Notice of the Well," a special component used in many higher-tier Incarnate abilities. There's some benefit to completing a WST on a lower-than-50 character, but it's been so long, I'll be damned if I can recall what it is. Sorry.
  24. Hmm, you're absolutely right about AEGIS's lack of a taunt, that's one obvious difference between playing as a Scrapper vs as a Tanker. I'm not sure what I'd take out to make the choice of Taunt, but I'm sure it could be done. The other thing is, if you took all of those powers, and all of those sets, and put them on a Tanker version of my build, it would probably be some ridiculous amount over the softcap value. So don't overbuild. As for your own build, I'd have to open it in Mids/Pine proper to really get a feel for it. The post shows it having a datalink, I'll check it out tonight.
  25. That was my recollection too, I just wasn't sure if the SCORE team had made any changes on that front.
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