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Everything posted by Without_Pause

  1. I soloed a Claws/regen on Live using common IOs. Regen is fine. It just lacks when you want to start pushing the envelope. You can jam all sort of things into it to make it sturdier. You will not be able to get past it having no way to counter debuffs outside of using Destiny.
  2. I've self PLed a Spine/fire and Rad/fire to 50 using common IOs. It can be done even if not ideal. You just need to properly slot the IOs and take on the diff setting which works for you even at Level 2. Sure, it will be slower, but if you do it with using a 2x XP booster it will be fine. I thought I was leveling at a comfortable pace on a Scrapper at +0x4 without using a booster. Also note, you can go on Indom, or Reunion and use a 2x XP booster to get 3x XP although no Influence. I use Reunion as a place to duo box, and I just simply skip the booster there. Note: If you log out your farmer in the Bank vault in Pocket D, they can work on the Day Job which grants a 25% boost to Influence. My current Rad/fire isn't even built for post Page 5 content, yet I do a tunnel farm with EBs, and I don't touch my Heal. The real bumping of your diff setting will come post Level 50 and more so once you even get a budget build like the one in the linked thread. I used that on my Spines/fire and still remains its build although the build is retired. Someone else asked about a low clicking type of build, and I still die on the hill for how smooth an SR build will play since you can put PB on auto. I think a sneaky fun SR build is an Ice/sr Sent. Sents get faster recharging nukes. This means Blizzard with its AoE KD gets recharged all the quicker. SR gives you additional +Recharge. I built one on Beta to try it out and practically played it on auto pilot soloing +0x8. For melee, I will die on all sorts of hills for Claws or Dark/sr Scrapper. Claws blooms earlier. For a Brute, Savage or Ice. Fire or Ice for a Tanker. Ice Melee makes even a non-durable armor *cough*Fire*cough* durable. I should mention Ice might play best on a Stalker so that's an option. Stalkers are fantastic soloers. Note, you can put a build into Mids and then save export it to the Beta server and try out there. I wrote out all of the steps in a post a few weeks ago, but I can repost in need be. I try not to roll a build these days unless I have played it on Beta first.
  3. I beg to differ. 😆
  4. By playing the builds and seeing what is happening. I would suggest soloing some of the characters and getting some experience that way. For debuffs, you should be seeing a difference in things like how much damage you do or take and how often you or your target hit. Part of the reason I solo so much is to get a better understanding of the character I am playing and it helps force me to understand what mobs can do. I had a recent build planned out based on previous experience with both power sets getting them to 50. I got it to 50, upped to my standard diff settings for that point, and then went, "Wait, this doesn't work." I wouldn't have noticed it that much if I was on a team. Also note you can create builds in Mid's and then put them on the Beta server so you can play around with things there. I have currently done two builds there which I have rolled on a active server once I decided I liked them well enough. I have plans for another build going on Beta for the same type of test. I also need to put a modified version of a build on there to try out a power I've never used before so I want to figure out if it's worth doing a respec for.
  5. I'm not the one to help with Marine, but you are asking rather open questions. A lot of what you are asking about can be researched via the following links with adding in the in-game text. IIRC no single source of data is 100% accurate. Wiki. https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Main_Page City of Data https://cod.uberguy.net/ Additional guides. I ODed on Kin while playing on Live, so if you do have specific questions for it, ask away.
  6. I'm getting an Invalid Costume Scales error when I tried to load a saved costume. Note, I couldn't bring the character into play, it said there was an error with the character's look, to save it, and send it to support, so I am. Awry.costume
  7. Is there a channel for this? 9pm is difficult for me as I tend towards getting on at 10pm. Unless someone is posting in LFG, I'm not going to see how to get with whoever is on.
  8. Once you adjust to putting the mezz click on auto, Shield and SR can be smooth to run. I find SR a bit smoother in that it has +Recharge so the mezz click becomes perma sooner, and attack chains come together sooner. The +Movement just makes it feel one of the smoothest sets to play overall as well. There's a number of /sr Sents which could work. For melee, Savage starts off well enough early. I have a lower level Savage/shield Stalker. Two ways to TP into mobs. I'm like, "I don't care if it's all that great from a min/max standpoint. This is just going to be fun." I liked my play of a Savage/sr Brute on Beta so I brought it to one of the main servers.
  9. - SO/Common IO slotting as a general rule. Single Target: 1 Acc, 1 End, 3 Damage, 1 Recharge(Optional). AoE attacks: Bump Acc to 2 and skip on the recharge, - 4-slotting or higher any power with the same SO or common IO type is losing out due to Enhancement Diversification(ED). - I would stick a Gaussian's : Chance For Build Up in Combat Readiness and leave it at that until you can see if you want to spare more into it. - I would rather see Adjusted Targeting in Focused Accuracy. More so if you can 6-slot it. - System Shock is doing so little for you. Performance Shifter: +Chance for End and the Performance Shifter: End Mod should the first two things you slot in Stamina and Super Conditioning. - You have plenty of spots for the Health related procs. - Assault needs 1 End at most. I would debate even taking this. - Dark Regeneration needs to hit. - The Theft of Essence: +Chance for End is a god send for a Dark Armor build. - I really don't get using the Presence pool when you are already a /dark Brute. - I would rather look into something like the Sorcery pool to get RoP in spots to help further stack your Res, - I'm guessing you need some KB protection in there as well. Worth a read.
  10. Being more survivable while still being less so than Tankers and Tankers still having better clear speeds isn't the solution you think it is.
  11. Part of the problem is there isn't an exact science to it. Case in point, good luck getting those 16 target sized mobs in a typical cave mission. Pylon and Trapdoor scenarios are ideal settings to test out specific aspects. In terms of practical differences, my lean is Brutes are far closer to Tankers than what Trapdoor missions are showing. If a Brute and Tanker can do a mission at +4/x8 without deaths and a Tanker can clear it in 10 seconds faster, I can't be made to care.
  12. I recently went looking for something and found said info as well, so I know it is there. I did a search for 666 and I see him talking about doing it, but not where he was discussing it being the best or not.
  13. This has been my deal breaker most of the time. I even recently tried making a Tanker version of something only to realize I was missing Taunt. Tankers are more durable as they should be, but they can be to that way to the point of being boring. As in, I don't even look at my health bar in a mission. I can also make a Controller or Scrapper that can solo at +3/x8 which I prefer for the sake of speed. Will it take longer to get there? Sure, but I'm also not one to simply shelve a build once it hits 50. Those builds will likely get more play time at being able to solo that diff setting than the time getting to that point. If leveling speed is the draw, duo box on Indom or Reunion. In other news, I enjoyed doing a few missions on Beta with a Savage/sr Brute so I rolled it to my home server.
  14. I would be tempted to roll it as a Defender, but one thing to note, Dark can't light Oil Slick. You need Fire or Energy damage to do it. Water is a bit better of a pairing since it also has a partial heal and some blasts with Fire damage in them.
  15. I still think Claws is good on a Brute. It's just not Scrapper Claws. The damage resist aspect is true. Depending on the build, you might just want to factor in taking Musc. for Alpha and/or using more procs. I have a couple Dark Melee Scrappers at 50. I'm currently working on improving the damage for my Dark/sr as my Dark/shield is good to go, but that's due to /shield. In terms of the armors, I have too little experience to offer genuine feedback. I might just lean on Dark due to preference of playstyle and far too early of returns. My highest Rad is 30, so that's just as giant ball of whatever. Claws/rad. Absolute blender. Rad's damage can help fill in for Claws. I have wanted to do Claws with additional damage support, but my Claws/cold Scrapper just never clicked. This has been on the 'some day' list for awhile. Claws/dark. Given weapons customization, this could look really great. Claws plays fast enough the lack of +Recharge is less an issue. The damage aura is going to compliment Claws's damage type well. Dark/rad. I had a Brute and Tanker Dark/elec as part of a Ironman SG. Part of me has wanted to reroll it into this for HC. Dark/dark. It's a classic. I might at least copy @Snarky's build, pop it on Beta, and give it a run. One recent aspect at least for me in terms of Tanker vs. Brute is while a Tanker gets the +Res proc, you can of have to spam it to max it out which may or may not go against how you want to attack. Def. vs. Corr. All I'm saying is getting to the Debuff limit is far harder than the Buff one.
  16. I can't ever see them letting us transfer them between characters. I think the above mentioned Inspirs are a good way to burn through the extras you get.
  17. That's the beauty of /Dark. Fluffy fills that in for you.
  18. It's difficult to say much when we are only looking at slots. I will say it is weird to see Maneuvers 6-slotted while attacks are 3 to 4-slotted.
  19. I'll toss some other ideas onto Beta, but so far I think I will simply take out Hasten for my build and do Def and Def\End for Maneuvers. Why more Def on a build which is soft capped? I'm up to +3/x8 and +ToHit exists.
  20. Correct. I know back when I was making an EM Scrapper I looked into the conversation about where to place them, but that was more about where to slot them based on which one you want to to have as the creating the Crit chance and the one for the extra Crit damage. UF does roughly 7 procs/minute so you can figure out the math based on recharge times. BF is simply going to trigger or at least the Wiki doesn't give a number/minute for how often it procs, but then I don't really have an issue with creating Fury on a Brute.
  21. I went looking for data to support my point only to not see it, but my guess is Beam would outdo AR for ST damage.
  22. It depends on the rest of the build. If you taken an attack, you'll likely want 5 slots into it at minimum. Body/Energy pools tend to be nice since you can 1-3 slot the powers and call it good. If I'm tasking an Epic, I'm vastly doing it at Level 35 which is more than enough time to slot up two attacks if that is the route you want to take. That at least gets you to have one of the powers for Level 30+ content when exempted. You would have both at Level 33+.
  23. Just announce you are making CoH 2, and I'm sure NCSoft is getting a hold of you real quick. *ahem* Also, don't do this.
  24. 4-slot RI. You can likely do 5 or 6-slot RA. EF likely just needs a single slot as no sets go into it, so 1 End Reduc should cover it. You might not need to 4-slot CJ. It tends to get 1 as a default. Maneuvers offers more Def, so I would have more slots there. I forget what I take on my Water Blaster, but it really is rare these days I take everything from any powerset. I might be tempted to pick up one of the armors. That stacking with Tough/Weave and your Debuffs will make the build rather durable.
  25. Also, you don't really need or shouldn't need Eviscerate or Energy Torrent. Without Hesitation - Scrapper (Claws - Super Reflexes).mbd
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