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Burnt Toast

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Everything posted by Burnt Toast

  1. Please post the code needed to implement this feature... I'll wait. It would take someone five minutes to implement this feature vs thousands endlessly hobbled and spending time quitting and rejoining groups to get to these zones. Wrong.
  2. Why? It's not difficult to get to either place.
  3. Well according to the discussions had in Beta - while it was intended - it was decided against by the development team as too punitive - hence why it was never changed. You realize the exact same argument was used in fire attacks that the fear component should remain on all fire attacks right - remember the burn nerf? While something may have been intended or envisioned a certain way - decisions regarding the actual implementation of such things always happened in beta and sometimes were never implemented for good reasons. The -Defense aspect would hurt many armor sets - especially considering that development changes were/are weighed against SOs and not IOs. If you start using IOs as a standard for what a character can do then most sets should be nerfed - which in turn will ruin the characters of those who still prefer to simply use SOs/HOs.
  4. If you are trying to run PINEs while CoH is open I hav enoticed it does this... if that's the case - simply close CoH. Only time I have PINEs open when CoH is going is when respecing or leveling up.
  5. For the last time... THIS IS NOT THE REAL WORLD! My sense of duty in the real world has NOTHING to do with a frickin video game. Get over yourself and your superior attitude. Stop trying to compare this.. a game.. to ANYTHING in the real world. My sense of duty... I work for the government making sure you and everyone else is safe... I deal with the worst of the worst - rapist and murderers so you can sleep at night. Don't come at me with real world morality when it has no place in this conversation.. THAT is what I mean by circular - you keep bringing up DUTY which is not applicable in a game. I have no duty to any of these characters because they are not real.. the "danger" they face is not real... can you not understand that? Either stay on topic or be ignored because frankly I find you to be condescending and purposefully obtuse. I don’t assume anything if the sort. Everyone has their own combination of preferences and playstyles. And my statements in other posts support that. I get that content isn’t important to you. It is to me. Do I have to justify the morality of duty to you? Really? Are you saying (and I’m still assuming you are not), that it would be OK for soldiers to choose which orders to follow or for firefighters to not go into that burning building? Because you’ve accused me of having warped morality. I’m really trying to give you the benefit of the doubt. And the conversation is circular, because I keep asking the same questions and you keep not answersing them. I’ve heard you say that you aren’t into RP, every time. I’m not asking you to RP anything. I’ve asked why not keep things consistent? I don’t hear you complaining about ANY other mission where you are required to rescue hostages, so why is Lady Grey so sacred? You’ve mentioned repeatedly that you discussed it during Beta. That’s great, but you’ve never mentioned why you decided it be this way during Beta. I’ve asked several times. I’ve said several times, that I’m more focused on Moonfire, and not that worried about Lady Grey, but you keep going back there. I’ve never said you were wrong in anything you’ve said. I’ve not used one adjective to describe you. You seem like a decent sort, and I’m trying to be civil. It’s OK to just agree to disagree since neither of us have the power to change anything. It’s clear we look at this from different POV’s.
  6. Then start a Moonfire thread. Moonfire and LGTF are completely dissimiliar and a totally different conversation. If we are going to be technical about it’s not belaboring the definition, it’s actually defining what duty means since I am being accused of having a warped sense of morality or bein selective in my morality. A soldiers duty is to follow orders and to complete their assigned objectives. In real life this can be a rescue operation, protecting high value assets, or emergency response to save lives. Some military missions have single objectives, some have several. These aren’t foreign citizen casualties you are trying avoid. These psychics are intelligence assets, something that is of high value to the people you agreed to follow orders from. Now again, I get that villains on Lady Grey might be inclined to not follow orders. To shirk their duties. Which is why I am fine with not changing it. But that doesn’t apply to Moonfire.
  7. It is a GAME just like you said.. and this so-called immersion you speak of.. does not apply to everyone. I do not assign a personality or morality to any of my toons. They are not real in the slightest to me. They are toons in a video game and have no morality attached to them nor any sense of duty. ALL of my characters are Vigilantes not because of their gray morality, but rather because it allows me to hop from side to side to do SFs..help friends doing patron arcs, etc. Stop applying morality and reality to a video game - THAT is where you are going wrong because you then erroneously assume that everyone does that. This game is a lot of different things to a lot of different people. I hang with min/maxers.. we don't feel for our characters anymore than I feel for my desk lamp that I bought off Amazon. To apply real world "duty" to toons in a video game is just silly - to me... it obviously isn't to you and that's ok - but your morality and sense of duty should never dictate what the masses do or how the game is played. So you see we do not share the same morality because I could care less about morality in CoX. I read the instructions to a mission/TF and complete said mission/TF within the boundaries set by the developers. I don't care about the lore... when Stateman died I laughed because I knew it was actually a slap in the face to Jack to kill Stateman and not some grand scheme lore thing. I don't care about Sister Psyche, Penelope Yin, or any of them.. I know their stories sure, but it's not like I care for them in any way. Stop assuming that everyone plays the way you do...that even the majority play this game from a roleplay standpoint. I actually (like most) started on Torchbearer and when the new servers were added made toons on them (to see which server population was going to be like Freedom server). The minute it was announced that Everlasting was the unofficial RP server... I deleted my characters because I have no use for roleplay in this (or any) game. This game isn't about immersion to me.. it is about pushing myself to be the best build I can be for that particular toon. So I guess with your statement we have nothing left to discuss... I have had to repeat myself time and time again while you try to justify injecting morality and RP into a game that for many isn't about that at all and is just a game. I get you like to pretend you are your characters and that you have a sense of duty... that's great if that's what makes you like the game... stop trying to make that something everyone has to do. I am done discussing this as it is a circular discussion that isn't going anywhere. Take care.
  8. Uh ok... Just because RP is in the acronym of the game type doesn't mean people role play at all any more than it implies that people team up together (plenty of people solo their entire CoH existence). I read the stories and that is the extent of my role playing. I find actual role playing nauseating and avoid it like the plague. My toons (not characters) do not have back stories. They do not have personalities. They are "avatars" with specific powers that I have chosen to complete tasks at the most efficient way possible. I don't spend hours in the costume creator - I have like 3 costumes i use for toons - although I do color their powers because that looks cool. My objection is: I was a beta tester from Issue 6 through Issue 24... This issue was brought up and discussed at length between the beta community and the developers. It was decided by the developers and the community that failing this part of the task force was completely acceptable. You mention the moonfire task force.. that is a hero task force 100% and if you are going to apply your morality to it (which I still do not think should be done) then yes that hero task force should require the hostage to be saved in order to successfully complete the task force. The villain SF that requires it... should then alternatively be changed to reflect your moral standards of not requiring it. (I do not play villain side except to get my patron arc on some toons). You can assume all you want (erroneously I might add), but that is just you ignoring the reasons that I (and others) have given for keeping the task force as is. I am all for change when it is not the result of someone's warped RP sense of morality, when it doesn't fly in the face of the way the game was designed (for 13 issues), and when it is not telling others how they must play. As it stands NO ONE is forced to let the hostages die or live.. it is an option... which is a good thing. If you personally object to this form of completion... don't join speed TFs/PUGs who are going to run it that way - that is your choice. Don't impose your beliefs of how it should be done discrediting the months of beta-testing, discussion, and ultimately the decision by the community and development team because you don't like it... thus robbing others of their choice or penalizing them for not playing how you think they should when the option to play YOUR way already exists. Easy there big guy...I know this...I called out exactly that about Lady Grey...However the OP and myself also mentioned Moonfire, which IS a heroic task force. And a comparable Strike Force (Villains only) does require rescue of the hostage or the TF fails and must be redone. True! Again, I mentioned that just because a thing was so, doesn't mean in needs to stay so. Saying NO to something because it is a change, is not in itself a valid reason. What do you personally prefer about the current way? It is a MMORPG (MMO Role Playing G). So I think immersion in the world is 100% part of the experience...If you think pretending to be a super hero or super villain is dumb or stupid, then I am not sure why you are here...And all of the missions/contacts have story content and objectives that range the comic book gamut from Do-Gooder to Morally Conflicted, etc...So again, I'm not really sure I understand. There are all sorts of rescue hostage missions that require you to rescue the hostages...Are those also objectionable to you? Maybe they are...IDK... This is absolutely a Hero game. It is also absolutely a Villain game. It can be more than one thing. It's not a lot of things, but it can be more than one thing. So hero content can be heroic, and villain content should be not so much. If we are going to go a moral route, then I agree that there aren't absolutes in morality.. But if we are going to talk about personal morality, I sincerely hope we both agree that if someone has the ability and duty to rescue someone else, and chooses not to, then they are a coward and morally wrong. I want to be clear here that I do not for a moment believe you think this, so I assume that we both agree that we share the same morality in this. I'm 99.99% sure you are saying that "video game" morality isn't the same as "real life" morality...and I would agree that we can express our desire to sometimes do immoral things in video games and that's OK (hence City of Villains). You mentioned the Family...the Mafia is a real life group of "villains", but the game does not play to the "italian" side in any way. Nazi's are real life super villains...and in the game, you can only EVER be opposed to them, even on the villain side. No where does it glorify them. But on the hero side, I would love to see our shared "real life" morality be the core story element. And it is for the most part...so I am still unclear on your objection to the hero side changes... I guess, I am asking, why do you like the current content. I'm still mostly hearing, don't change it because I don't like change...And if that's the only reason, that's fair, but it doesn't really need all the justification you are giving it... I'm not trying to pick a fight, so if I am getting your blood pressure up, just say so, and I'll let it go. I truly want you to enjoy your Holiday (or my Holiday if you are outside the US), and not be angry at that guy who really just doesn't seem to get your POV...
  9. Interesting people are talking about the actual powers and not the slotting of the powers. Is there a valid reason either should not be able to have sets for them? The argument that the POWERS work fine has nothing to do with the slotting. If that logic were the basis for enhancement sets - there wouldn't be many sets out there. No one has given any VALID reason as to why this suggestion shouldn't be implemented - and "No" and "/jranger" do not count as valid reasons.
  10. 1. This is a video game about heroes, villains, rogues, and vigilantes all of which take part in this task force. This is NOT a heroic task force - you can have a mixed team or a team of all heroes/villains. So let's get that straight right away. While many people simply call the game CoH - I much prefer CoX because that is more reflective of the true nature of the game which allows 4 distinct alignments. 2. This issue was discussed in depth on live for a very long time - and as a result it stayed the way it was BECAUSE allowing the hostages to die was a valid method of completion both mechanic and lore wise. Again.. because this is not a hero task force. 3. The desire to roleplay should never affect the general pve experience of everyone else. 4. Moral objections in this game are outlandish - this is not a hero game as previously mentioned... there are HUGE gray areas and personal morality should not affect the way thousands of others play. What if I object to the family being nothing more than a gross stereotype of people of Italian heritage? Why should we have a game with Nazis in it...? Anyone can come up with some "oh so personal" moral objection, but those said objections shouldn't matter in the grand scheme of things. It would be different if the game was glorifying rape, incest, killing handicapped people, etc... but it's not. The TF was allowed to be completed with the hostage section failing for a reason... an actually good reason... by the original development team. Saying there should be any negative aspect because of a moral objection when a valid lore reason has been given... is just silly. There is nothing saying you can't rescue the hostages, but forcing others to play your way because you object on a moral/rp stand point is one of the worst arguments to be made for changing a task force introduced 12 years ago... in Issue 10. Toast - It's ok you have an objection, but there is by no means an overwhelming consensus here...most of the posters have advocated for some kind of change...so even if it's a moral objection, it's one that so far, is supported... It is a video game, but it is a video game about heroes, and like it or not, many heroes (not all) have moral codes they adhere to, so it's not unreasonable to make the request. However, I am sensing (not assuming, so please correct me if wrong), that you find even the request unreasonable...Can you elaborate? Beyond the moral, there is also the fact that rescuing the hostages are a mission objective, and on a task force, where "the stakes are higher", it might make sense to increase the "stakes" in completing the objectives. I don't think anyone is fervently advocating for the entire TF to fail, so that shouldn't be the objection/concern anymore... I'm on the fence with Lady Grey...it could be argued that for a mixed mission some villainy should be allowed...but it still is a mission objective, and as was mentioned, the Renault Strike Force does FAIL the TF if the "hostage" isn't rescued...So there is also precedent On the Hero side, I'm more than OK with a larger penalty for failing to rescue Roberta Todd on Moonfire's TF... Finally, we should resist the argument that we shouldn't make changes in things that have been around for years. If that's the case, Homecoming should already be a massive disappointment, because MANY things have changed. So we evaluate each change as suggested, and we can decide to throw it out on it's merits or propose it, but we shouldn't be bashing ideas just because they change something. The old content ISN'T a sacred cow, and I've heard alot of people suggest that content refreshes would be very welcome. Otherwise, let's change the name of this board to just "Feedback"...
  11. It's ok you think that, but others have given plenty of reasons why it is ok for them to be left to die. You wanting to penalize people because you have a moral objection to a valid method of completion is ridiculous. It's a video game where people are slashed, burnt, suffocated, dehydrated, frozen, and thrown against walls... get over it.
  12. Not trying to be a jerk but gonna have to say No. The map is part of the lore. Why would they be in a regular office building for example? What's next - giving option to not blue cave it? Why not just give everyone the option to select whatever map they want then? Sorry, but this would take WAY too much resources to implement. If it bothers you that bad you are getting physically ill... you may want to find out why (could be a symptom of a larger problem) and avoid running DA missions. I personally get super nausuous in the Shadow Shard, but I also don't think anyone should be altering it for me... I deal with it by not going there unless I have to... which thankfully those weekly TFs are over now.
  13. From the wiki: You drive yourself into a blind rage to strike down your foes! Upon activating this power you will increase your recharge rate. All Hero Archetypes, Masterminds, Corruptors and Soldiers of Arachnos will receive a high damage increase, Dominators will have their Domination bar filled, Brutes will have their Rage bar filled and Stalkers will be put into a hidden state and receive a minor damage buff. The damage buff is 60%.
  14. Well thankfully nerfing is not gonna happen. If anything other sets may be revisited to see if they can be improved. Sorry you feel Time and Cold are OP...I personally think Rad and Kin are OP, but I wouldn't call for them to be nerfed.
  15. Hate to break it to you but farming/PLing was a part of CoH at launch. CoX was designed for people to play how they wanted to play, to make as many characters as they wanted to make, and to join with others who wanted to play the same way. I have a friend who played for a few weeks - got to like level 30ish doing story arcs and hasn't been seen in over 6 weeks... so your anecdotal acquaintance is just that...anecdotal. When CoH was live farming was so popular/in demand that Chinese Gold Farmers spammed the zones offering great deals...and I know many who paid real money to have their character farmed to 50 in a day. I think your rose tinted sunglasses are skewing your view of what CoH was...
  16. Because "arresting" people with a katana slice...is heroic? Throwing hot embers into the mouths of people...is heroic? And on and on and on and on. I have no interest in one minute of dev time being spent on this. This is a video game - not reality. The "let hostages die" thing has been a part of every Lady Grey I have done. Selective morality and RP should not dictate changes made to content that has been around for years. Moral objections can be made by anyone over just about anything...and should not change content that has been around for years.
  17. Frankly I would never take Medicine on an Empathy Defender because I am not a "healer." I am a Defender. I mitigate damage to my teammates through buffs, attacks, and the occasional heal. I don't rock the aura. I very much attack enemies in between buffing etc. I literally roll my eyes when I see a Defender set like Empathy, Radiation, Dark, or Time take the Medicine pool. The medicine pool can be helpful on TA, FF, Cold, or even Sonic since they have no direct heals.
  18. Impress - no one. Curtail people from throwing random numbers out there that are in no way accurate... anyone. You claimed "There's 685,000 players out there who claim to be playing it in the last few months" which is over three times what CoH had at their peak. You can't go around claiming stuff without the data to back it up. Maybe the problem isn't your "data" but the way you use such data to fit your stance/opinion at the time. You clearly stated there were 685,000 players who claim to be playing... no that is not the case at all. Reddit hits etc do not correlate into actual players etc... Choose your words more carefully is the lesson. ... Who exactly are you trying to impress, at this point, Toast? I acknowledged I was wrong about the subscriber count. I haven't tried to "Prove" anything using Third Party facts or websites. I also never claimed Homecoming has 3 times the number of users that CoH did. I pointed to the website to indicate that there's a lot more buzz -out- there about CoH than 200,000 people scattered across the globe. That website? Their algorithm is based on unique hits to the CoH Subreddit and the CoH Subreddit Subscribers. SHITLOADS more people have checked it out since April than have ever been on the CoH Subreddit before. As to HC going from 38,000 accounts to however high: Check the bottom of the forums. There's 118,526 users with forum accounts. Checking my post yesterday there were 118,317. That's 209 new subscribers since 9pm yesterday. HC is getting more and more users by the day. I eagerly hope to see them in-game.
  19. LOL Good luck with that.....
  20. The link you provided states it is an estimate - and I am HIGHLY suspect of how they reached such an estimate. I find it hard to believe that HC has over 3 times the number of registered players than CoH had at it's prime. I know HC at one point released data on how many accounts there were and it was NOWHERE near that - at the end of April there were 31,500 accounts - If we have doubled that amount I would be surprised which would still be 1/10th of what that site claims. You honestly believe in 2 months we have went from 31,500 accounts to nearly 700,000? I am sorry that you think 7000-9000 people is anemic spread across 5 shards - that leaves roughly 1,400 people per server at peak times - or 175 full 8-man teams per shard. Right now at 4:21AM EST on a Sunday morning there are 2,469 people playing... 308 8-man teams. And to clarify - NO there was not even 200k active accounts when the announcement was made - it was 1/3rd of that... that 200k is not even correct according to site data and Jack himself. Again... if you are going to try to use numbers/facts do not rely on estimates from 3rd party sites (who obviously have no clue what they are talking about)...and instead look for official sources/data. Yes, but as pointed out, it wasn't this anemic before shut-down. Something 's changed here and we should react to that, much like reacting to people doing nothing but AE farming required a nerfing of that system. This whole -game- wasn't this anemic before shut-down. There were still around 2 million players when the lights went out, Clave. Now there's 100,000. There's not enough people to fully populate the game to a literal 1/10th of the degree that it was populated before the shutdown. There were more players on -Virtue- than there are players, today. Consider that whackiness. If we should "Incentivize" anything it's getting another 900,000 players to come back to the game. That would largely "Fix" the Redside population 'cause if even 1/10th of them were to go Redside that'd be the whole population of all the Homecoming Servers. You're right. Though I had earnestly thought the number was 2 million it was 200k. My mistake! But even though that's the case... https://mmo-population.com/r/Cityofheroes There's 685,000 players out there who claim to be playing it in the last few months. Maybe there's a bunch of other servers out there I don't know about, or maybe there's 500+ thousand people who are nostalgic.
  21. Most of the teleporters can take 10 beacons. Why would you need an Oro portal in your base when a teleporter does so much more? Is it really that hard to ask in broadcast for someone to drop an oro portal so you can run and grab the badge? I would rather they focus on actual QoL things that limit people instead of things like this which just seem unecessarry.
  22. ROFLMAO! CoH NEVER had 2 million players.. NEVER. At the height of CoH there was approx 180,000 (https://www.gamefront.com/games/gamingtoday/article/cryptic-ceo-jack-emmert-talks-neverwinter-mmos-and-more) paying accounts. When the announcement was made on 8/31/2012 there was approx 65,000-70,000 accounts active (Not all of those were premium), but that doesn't mean they were all being played. That's 70,000 spread across all the servers that CoH had when it was live. There certainly were more ACCOUNTS on Virtue, but that again doesn't mean players. Your numbers are so far off it is ridiculous. Think of it this way... Atlas Park reached 33 during the rally - that was approximately 2200 people (Not all APs were full). That was the big showup on Freedom... Virtue was close behind.. so let's say another 2000... that's still HALF of what Homecoming sees on a busy evening. While it's true Paragon/CoH was not LOSING money... they were not making much in the way of profits because 1. The player base was 1/3 what it was in it's prime and 2. There were a lot of freemium/free accounts. There is no way to get 900,000 players back because that is 4.5 times the total number of players at the game's peak. Not sure where you got your numbers from, but there is some (limited) data showing what CoH had as far as subscribers out there. If you are going to reply (and poopoo other people) at least make sure you are using real facts and not just pulling numbers out of your butt.. that just makes it so no one takes you remotely serious. Yes, but as pointed out, it wasn't this anemic before shut-down. Something 's changed here and we should react to that, much like reacting to people doing nothing but AE farming required a nerfing of that system. This whole -game- wasn't this anemic before shut-down. There were still around 2 million players when the lights went out, Clave. Now there's 100,000. There's not enough people to fully populate the game to a literal 1/10th of the degree that it was populated before the shutdown. There were more players on -Virtue- than there are players, today. Consider that whackiness. If we should "Incentivize" anything it's getting another 900,000 players to come back to the game. That would largely "Fix" the Redside population 'cause if even 1/10th of them were to go Redside that'd be the whole population of all the Homecoming Servers.
  23. I concur with skipping Steam Spray and Dehydrate. Neither power is all that good and have issues. The only reason I would take Dehydrate is if I needed to slot some more Thunderstrikes for the Ranged Defense bonuses...and yes the "heal" is laughably small.
  24. For Portal Jockey you can see which AVs you have defeated by visiting Null the Gull in Pocket D.
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