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Burnt Toast

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Everything posted by Burnt Toast

  1. MA is lacking? Uhhh ok news to me. I run with a super team of MA Scrappers and we destroy everything/anything. My MA/Ninjitsu scrapper is an absolute beast. I am already sitting at 53% positional defense to everything and don't need anything else.
  2. The most CoH offered were yearly subscriptions. There was no lifetime subscription.
  3. LOL if you think for one second they are or will ever consider these changes you are delusional... Here's an idea - Find someone who can change the code...have them do that for you - then run your own server - because this will never happen on Homecoming.
  4. No thanks. Been asked for MANY times and dismissed each time. The game is easy enough already. Badges are something completely optional except for accolades... it takes me 3.5 to 5 hours to get the main 4 accolades on my toons. Tired of the "gimme" and "i win button" attitude that is prevalent in the game post-sunset/HC.
  5. No. That's all.
  6. Absolutely not. So tired of these suggestions that drastically change the core function of powers to "equalize" things... there is a reason they have higher heals than empathy or pain. There is a logical reason why they behave the way they do. Thankfully NEITHER of these will ever make it to an actual discussion amongst devs. Make suggestions... but please have the decency to stop asking for changes that change the core mechanics of powers and gameplay.
  7. Influence is absurdly easy to come by... I see no reason for this.
  8. So.... one could then deduce that I replied to/commented on ... the original point of this post. Not sure if you are being obtuse on purpose and just singling my post out, but seriously most of the most recent posts after your necro bump have stated the same thing and addressed the intial part of this thread....which had died. Don't want people to comment on the WHOLE post?? Then maybe create a new one instead of bringng back a dead post after it has been inactive for 5 weeks 🙂
  9. Yep... did you? My statement echoes that of most of the respondents in this thread..... Again.. thankfully nothing like this will ever be implemented.
  10. I don't like the way other people maximize their characters so I think we should nerf IOs.... uhhhh really? How is my character's ability to handle +4 enemies your problem? If you don't like all the fancy set bonuses - you do not have to use them! TADA!!! No one is forced to use set IOs...or even Generic IOs. Thankfully requests like this have no chance of happening on HC.
  11. So... on LIVE I had an Earth/Kin Controller that people loved me to bring to Lambda trials.. Why?? Because ... Quicksand which completely floored Marauder's ability to jump. So imagine my surprise today when I go to do a Lambda with my Earth/Dark Controller - who not only has Quicksand which does -5000% jump BUT also has Tar Patch which does -5000% jump... and ... Marauder STILL jumped every time. Is this an intentional change from LIVE.. if so why? Or is this a bug?
  12. Please create the code and pass it along to the dev team then since you have the experience, know how, and think it won't be difficult - much appreciated.
  13. This was done for a short time on live, but it ended up causing some type of issue and was removed.
  14. I guess I failed to see the memo where all sets have to perform the exact same when it comes to damage and activation. I have an Electric Corruptor and have no issues with it's DPA etc. My Corruptor can end drain mobs and have them stand there looking stupid as I finish them off.. THAT is what makes Electric blast better than say.. Fire or Ice. I see a lot of these threads where people wanna make all sets do the same amount of damage etc... and frankly that is not how the game was designed or meant to be implemented. You are completely failing to take into account secondary effects...which are a big part of each powerset. Ice slows, Psi does -recharge, electric does -end, and fire... does more damage.... they are not meant to be equal when it comes to dps.
  15. Really.. MOST players don't use the market....? I am sure you will have something aside form your statement and anectdotal "evidence" to back this claim up. I do not know ANYONE who doesn't use the market. Whether it be simply selling all their drops, buying generic IOs, or completely IO'ing their build... everyone I know/chat with uses the market. Saying things like "most people" is hyperbolic to say that least. Maybe "Most people I know..." would be a more accurate statement...and frankly people who NEVER use the market are missing out on a lot of influence just by selling all their drops.
  16. Then I am sure you...or someone you know...will gladly provide the dev team with the needed code for something that apparently is easy to do? The base code is one of the worst entangled messes in this game. So the dev team can spend the immense time and resources on this...or a power set - because frankly they both will take about the same amount of time. Which do you think more people would want? Would I like recipe storage in my base(s) - absolutely... BUT I don't want precious dev time spent on such a feature if it means things like new enhancement sets and powers would (and they would) be put aside to achieve such a thing.
  17. This has been discussed in depth in other threads. Please use the search function.... or just look at the thread that is on page 1/2. Your post is full of hyperbole and frankly looks to be simply there to incite an argument instead of an actual discussion.
  18. Frankly I am tired of all the "buff/change" these powers/options etc to make things easier threads... seriously the game is super easy already, but it seems like a lot of people want an "I win" button. There is a CoH server that offers that.... they need people there so....have at it.
  19. You can also do actual Incarnate content/trials to earn a lot of components. I generally only go up to like vet level 15 with my characters and still have multiple t4s in some powers because... I do actual incarnate content and get loads of drops. Just saying.... I see no need for this as components etc are easy to get and you can simply switch between which ones you use.
  20. Seriously? It was added as an emote when the game came back... I don't think it's clunky at all and way better than having to find an actual person to change your notoriety which is what you had to do on live. I would rather the devs take tim eto implement actual QoL changes and extras which would have way more impact...sorry.
  21. The impatience and entitlement are hilarious in this thread....no wonder I make so much on the AH.....
  22. So.... You were refunded you rmoney for that month you paid when you paid on announcement day... so you weren't out any money. The game was still live for 90 days...not one month... after the announcement. There are currently negotiations to make the server a legitimate/authorized server. If you are really concerned - all the data is out there for you to download for free and you can run your own server if you would like to as well....
  23. Please edit your post as I never said that.
  24. Are you serious or is this a troll post? Put 2 Recharge IOs in it and pay attention? Sorry you feel like having to pay attention to a power is beneath you or cumbersome. On Brutes: Shield is 6/13 when it comes to characters created On Tanks: Shield is 2/11 when it comes to primary of characters created On Brutes: At level 50 Shield Defense ranks: 4/13 On Tanks: At level 50 Shield Defense ranks 7/11 This is not some new mechanic it has been this way the entire time Shield has been a power set; since Issue 13 - December 2008 - so for 4 years on Live.
  25. Your suggestions were pretty good until you suggested forcing others to play the game the way you want them to play it. How about you play how you want to play and let others play the way they want to play.
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