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Everything posted by Vanden

  1. Corruptors and Defenders get archery primary and secondary powers, that's pretty close to ninja, right? That's pretty close to ninja. The OP has updated with a Ninja-themed pool for Corruptors and Defenders.
  2. So I was reorganizing my APP chart, sorting the pools to group them by theme, and saw a big gap in the Earth Mastery column for Masterminds. Now sure, they don't have any Primaries or Secondaries that match the Earth or Stone theme, but that didn't stop Paragon Studios giving them an electric pool, so why hold them back? The OP has been edited to add a pool for Masterminds.
  3. Well golly, Dominators can now take Gun for both their primary and secondary pools, so there should be a matching APP! The OP has been edited with a new pool for Dominators.
  4. Vanden

    APP Spreadsheet

    With the update to City of Data, I've added links to the pages for the new pools to the primary spreadsheet. In addition, the spreadsheet that includes the proposed pools has all-new icons for every pool. Primary and Secondary pools of the same name have the same color scheme no matter what AT they're on, so epic pools should follow suit! Check them out if you like.
  5. This new source of patrol XP isn't earned for not playing the game, though, but you still hate it?
  6. Hm, I'm looking at CoD now and it seems like only Beta is up to date; Live is missing the new APPs and the renames of the existing APPs.
  7. Vanden

    APP Spreadsheet

    The spreadsheet has been updated with the new pools and changes added in Issue 27 Page 7. Links to the City of Data pages for the new pools will be added when City of Data is updated. If you see something I missed, let me know.
  8. You're not just talking about these buttons here, are you? It sounds like you do know about them, but they do exactly what you're saying was removed.
  9. The... what? I don't know what you're talking about.
  10. So, PSA for players like me who knew about this feature and already have a keybinds.txt with a bunch of custom binds: If you'd rather just edit your keybinds.txt file directly, simply add the following line to the file to make all new characters default to the Classic scheme: KeyProfile Classic
  11. The current SBB has 4 movie theaters, but only two movies. The obvious thing to do is to add two more movies, and have the trial pick 2 at random for each run. It already sorta does this, but with only 2 movies to choose from the actual effect is you just run them in a random order. We should talk about adding completely new SBB trials once the current one has a full list of features (pun intended).
  12. It might have, if they'd made the button in the level up screen to pick one actually say "Ancillary Pool"...
  13. Honestly, this seems pointless. Just more busywork badges.
  14. So after mulling this over, I think this is a mistake. I think it's fairly evident that Water Spout is meant to serve the role of a ranged AoE attack, albeit one with an extended duration. That it's implemented as a pseudopet in order to achieve its intended effect is just trivia, it shouldn't mean the power is meant to be considered an actual pet power. There are numerous other AoE attacks implemented with pseudopets that still take ranged AoE sets, like Rain of Fire and Blizzard, and even mobile ones like Carrion Creepers and Storm Cell. There's no reason to single out Water Spout like this.
  15. Well then you're gonna want to attend a bunch of Hamidon raids once Page 7 goes live.
  16. We basically already have that, with the power descriptions, Detailed Info, and City of Data.
  17. Entirely possible, though it would involve adding hundreds of new recipes to the database. The guys who manage the dbs tend to get cranky when that many entries are created all at once.
  18. Teaching new players to rely on Mids for power numbers is probably one of the worst things we could do for them
  19. The alt animation it has in Fire Blast, where the character steps forward and emits the fire from their hand, would probably have the fire shooting out from beyond the maximum range of the Fire Melee version of the power
  20. 60 seconds is the cooldown on your Reconstruction et. al. powers, that heal just as much as Energize but with no +Regen or End discount.
  21. Jukebox? Is this some base building object I'm too homeless to understand?
  22. This seems like a solution in search of a problem.
  23. They should take the Camera emote animation, rejigger it into a sequencer for an attack, and have an NPC hand out a Camera temp power. Make Sally an invalid target for attacks, and using the Camera temp power on Sally the way to get the badge.
  24. The patch notes say the random damage is based on the hit roll. If it's actually on the chance to hit, they should be edited.
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