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Everything posted by Vanden

  1. That's not how the devs (either Live or current) balanced powers. Powers don't get reduced damage in exchange for secondary effects.
  2. The charts assume you're not mixing SOs and IOs. You can't bypass ED by doing that, so if you do, ED will just reduce the enhancements effectiveness, hard, once you start going over 95% enhancement, same as always.
  3. The link is right, it is a 15-19 arc, but it's listed in the 20-24. So, like you said, it's weird.
  4. I suspected the same thing, which was why I sought out help on the subject, and testing revealed that the +HP and +End are both 3 PPM in the Panacea proc.
  5. There's people spamming LFG for DFB teams all the time, it's not hard to hear about it. Nobody recruits for Matthew Habashy teams. And doing the Galaxy City tutorial doesn't prevent you from doing missions from Kalinda.
  6. Those are (probably) the beams of light from the lamps in the warehouse. They're conical shapes with semitransparent textures, that become less opaque the farther from the lamp they get; a common trick to make lights look like they're casting light without any fancy real-time lighting effects. Looks like the texture compression on the light texture file introduced an artifact at the very edge of the texture causing it to not be perfectly transparent. And might I say that is a completely inappropriate outfit for a young woman to be wearing to a crime hotspot where there will be boys.
  7. And... are new players going to know to do that?
  8. All four Faultline story arcs are in the 20-24 bracket in Ouroboros, which is probably why you can't find it.
  9. This is incorrect. Hami is worth 80 merits the first time, but it does suffer from diminishing returns.
  10. You may have made a small mistake in your guide: you say the Regenerative Tissue unique gives 30% regeneration, but the tooltip in-game says it's only 25%, and the real numbers on the power match that 25% number.
  11. Well it seems pretty clear that all the controversy over the Rage crash hasn't hurt Super Strength's popularity very much.
  12. The map for Minds of Mayhem is a series of disconnected rooms that can only be navigated with the numerous teleports that trigger at scripted points within the trial. There'd be no way to navigate it without those scripts.
  13. It's true that it's not directly analogous to a -Regen debuff in the way it is to a -Res debuff, but it still reduces Regeneration's effectiveness as a form of damage mitigation, which is what players care about when talking about Regen debuffs.
  14. I think that's underselling it. Aid Self is very helpful to have, and with Elec^3 you have potentially 3 holds and Force of Thunder to create space to use it.
  15. I really don't like these suggestions to alter powers solely for the purpose of letting them mule IOs.
  16. I don't think this is a good idea, because some players are going to take anything on such a road map as a promise, and then if things change or it takes a while for the items to be delivered, they'll then start calling Homecoming team liars. You see this all the time and it's the reason developers rarely talk candidly about upcoming features.
  17. Are you running any toggles when you experience this bug?
  18. That's disappointing to hear that Equivalent Powers may never see the light of day, but I still believe in the idea!
  19. Functionally it ends up being similar to -Regen and -Res at the same time. For example, if an enemy has 100 health and you deal 10 damage, you've removed 10% of their HP. However, if you remove 10 HP from their max, bringing them down to 90 HP, then deal 10 damage, now you've removed 11% of their HP. It's similar with regen; if they recover 10% of their HP per tick, with undebuffed HP they heal for 10 at a time, but with a 10% debuff they heal for 9 at a time. The real strength, however, is the fact that it's simply not the -Res or -Regen Interfaces. Interface debuffs can only stack up to 4 times on one target, no matter how many sources are applying it. The -Regen and -Res debuffs are very popular and a lot of players have them, so enemies in incarnate trials hit that 4 stack max easily. -Max HP is less popular, so by taking it you're more likely to be contributing to debuffing the enemies.
  20. I don't think desperately chasing that 22% number is going to be worthwhile, but just grabbing Tactics and slotting it normally for ~15% ToHit isn't a bad plan.
  21. Builds that can make good use of every bonus an Alpha gives are very much the exception, not the rule. Most characters with a higher-tier Alpha slotted have at least one aspect of that alpha that's of no use to them.
  22. Well you probably overdid it, because even without the abnormally large Range enhancement, the Alpha as you proposed it would probably supplant Musculature as the default "I have no particular weaknesses I need Alpha to solve" pick.
  23. Alpha abilities give one SO's worth of enhancement to everything they affect. For example, Musculature Boost is like slotting one damage SO in every power you have. To convert all your knockback powers to knockdown, you'd have to slot a KB-to-KD enhancement in every power; a KB-to-KD Alpha would be the same thing, like putting a KB-to-KD in every power. You would lose the bonus that certain Core variations get where the primary enhancement type is stronger, but William Valence addressed that by giving that bonus to the secondary enhancement types in the power. (Both of them, in fact, which is not normal, but I'll just chalk that up to the poster not realizing that only one enhancement value in an Alpha ever gets higher than SO-level numbers, never more.)
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