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Everything posted by Six-Six

  1. Carnival... because no, I'm not a perv... and because bewbs... both female AND male ones
  2. Doms are fun. You get range attacks, melee and control and even pets. The problem I have with Doms is not their lack of defence, but their overabundance of good powers. I simply can't decide which powers to pick without sacrificing some. I solo more than I team, so playing doms I tend to limit control powers and pick most of the attacks. A lot of dom's powers also tend to be end-guzzlers, so some of those powers, though available early on, I tend to postpone until I get my endurance sorted out. I also tend to favour a good offence over defence, so slotting is prioritised to attacks and control. enemies can't harm you when they're held. 😃 I have 7 doms, 4 of which are 50. Not one of them had perma-domination. almost all of them were late bloomers (real potential only showing around mid- to late-30s), though, primarily because of how much of a noob I am with builds. 2 of the level 50 ones can kill *some* AVs by themselves, but I wouldn't call them AV killers, while the rest are poorly built earlier toons. However, two of my more recent project toons are really strong early on: one doesn't train at all and stays at level 1 with only T1 primary, T1 secondary, brawl, health, endurance and sprint -- all with just one slot each; and the other stopped training at level 10, so it has only 7 chosen powers and very limited slots. both haven't died a single death at (equivalent level) 20. just remember, the costume and concept plays a huge part whether your dom will be an AV killer or not 😃
  3. I love me some blasters, whether they be blappers or hover blasters. I particularly like fire/fire/fire (or ice mastery), energy/energy/force, elec/elec/elec, and my all time favourite AV killer: Rad/energy/force. I absolutely loved levelling up the last one that I rolled two identical ones. I have an AR/Devices/Munitions that's not as strong, but only because it's a toon that gimped itself by not taking certain powers for the sake of the concept; still quite enjoyable. I'm in the process of levelling up dark/dark, so far it seems promising.
  4. The Sent's version of SR is better because of Master Brawler. SR also increases recharge so you can have Hail of Bullets go off on a single mob 😃. Personally, I think WP will out-regen Regen, but at the cost of slightly higher end consumption from all the toggles.
  5. I suggest you stick to one or two contacts at any given level range and see the arc through before moving on to other contacts. accommodating each contact will confuse you as your priority will be getting similar-level missions done instead of the arc flow. If you want, you can disable XP every now and then (like around level 9, 15, 21, etc. if you don't want to miss out on ALL of the arcs as some of them are really good (cough, redside and goldside, cough). Alternatively, you can keep earning XP and do the ones you missed through the ouro pillar which you can access at 15(???) or something.
  6. In my case, I think the human form is more of an introductory form, something most people are accustomed to: some powers + some armour + some utility. The first time I tried a PB, I couldn't wrap my head around tri-form, and proceeded with the toon as a human only PB. I was told I wasn't unlocking the full potential of the PB/WS. Then I met a Warshade lover who was really awesome at it, and was nice enough to mentor me a little. I've made an attempt at one, but its progress has been shelved to give way to other concepts until recently when I took her out for a spin again... still having trouble timing and making full use of the form change.
  7. I've stumbled on to something with a bit of both. I'm not a heavy roleplayer, and I do enjoy the content (over and over). after so many OP 50s, I've started to look for something that would kick the excitement/difficulty up a notch. Enter this group in Everlasting. We started out with agreements on how to level up (i.e. Issue 0 settings such as take fitness and health at level 14, none of the new pool powers, no P2W, no IO sets--IO procs are fine, etc.) As expected, our toons were not as strong, hence it forced us to work together as a team, to rely on particular ATs. Of course there is the RP part, but not too strict. 😃
  8. put yourself in their shoes. Wouldn't you run away when faced with a mob or single foe you can't handle? I'm sure a lot of us have done this instead of grinning and bearing it only to wake up in the med bay... I suppose the AI is only human 😃
  9. Just to nit-pick: they do lose their set bonuses IF you have the superior version and the regular version. So if you have all 6 ATOs slotted in a power, and you converted only 2 of them to Superiors, you get set bonus for 2-piece Superior and 4-piece regular. IIRC, both the regular and superiors can exempt down to Level 10 (which is effectively toon level 7) which is pretty much all the content anyway.
  10. Your dedication should be directed to your principle and how effective (or efficient) you are at getting it done with whatever powers you have available. Most heroes/villains suit up and do their thang, regardless of what powers they have or have not. They don't go and wait for their Squad or League. If you can't go and face whatever foe comes your way, all on your own, then you're just a sidekick.
  11. I've come across 2 similar groups so far. Do a search for Hardcore Rogue-Like and Ironman. The rules are quite similar as well, the most common and obvious is the no P2W lady (buffs, xp boost, enhancements and temp powers) rule. There's also a No AE rule, but with some of my toons, I have an amendment that says No AE FARMS, meaning AE content is fair game. Some have Hobo rules (no help from alts, use only drops) with varying degrees of strictness. There are those that ban the use of AH or limit it to just for selling, for instance, others forbid purchasing IOs and/or recipes or using merits for converters. There's a group in Reunion that also mandates difficulty per level (i.e. +0 for levels 1-19, +1 for 20-29, +2 for 30-39, +3 for 40-49, and +4 for 50 until alpha T4 is slotted). mob size is not as strict. A common rule is the perma-death: deletion of character when it dies. But different groups will have varying rules. one group permits the Heritage rule--you can re roll your original toon after death, but append a roman numeral suffix to indicate how many incarnations the toon has (e.g. Badboy IX has had 8 past lives). Some will also allow inheritance, which is the transfer of your current assets at the time of death to the succeeding heir. Some discourage joining TFs, others have rules for when you can join TFs. I find them extremely risky and do most of mine solo. And yes, I do have a handful of the "stay at level 1" toons.
  12. I say embrace your altitis and just do 1 build per toon. If you want a second or third build, roll a duplicate toon. With me, each toon develops a different personality even if it's the same power sets. I have 8 spiders if that says anything plus several power sets with duplicate toons but varying power picks and builds... and of course costumes. 😃 This will also explain why I always have no inf on me. haha
  13. Yes, you can change the SFX of Beam Rifle. Here's a huge repository of sound mods mostly by Solarverse. Thanks to him, Beam Rifle has stopped sounding like grating a guitar and has been an utter joy to play.
  14. didn't really keep track nor was I rushing, but my toon with the least vet levels with completed T4s is also 33. I have one at 47 that has more than 6 T4s.
  15. I'm from a different camp. I've been experimenting with toons that have close to no resistance and defences. And I've found that dps toons do justice to the adage, "the best defence is a good offence". That said, I tend to pick up Tough if my toons don't have any place to slot res IOs in as most of those have very attractive set bonuses even for 2-piece ones. Between Weave and Leadership, Weave is my choice for the slightly higher def at a slightly lower end drain. Also, when in teams, everyone seems to have Maneuvres anyway. So when I'm on a toon that doesn't have def powers, I'll pick up weave, rarely Maneuvres. I do pick up Assault and Tactics.
  16. On Doc Buzzsaw's final mish of the 2nd Arc (Find the Lab), the mission description says "Safelyl" with an extra "l".
  17. does anyone know if Oppressive Gloom in Soul Mastery is autohit or does it need accuracy? no, it's not auto hit, Does anyone know if the +Range enhancement of Razzle Dazzle increases the pbaoe radius? no it will not increase radius. Has anyone tried it with Lifegiving Spores PBAOE HOT to see if they will equalize vs the lifedrain and heal from the spores? I use Oppressive Gloom with Twilight Grasp and my hp bar is almost always full.
  18. Doms are a damage class, so it doesn't take much to make them "offensive." A lot of power sets, though, tend to be late bloomers (or maybe it's just the noob I am). For example, you'll have some very nifty primary powers, but you won't be able to afford the endurance cost at low levels, so I just postpone taking them later. Another thing I've noticed is doms have sooooo many cool powers that you simply can't take them all, not if you want to invest in some def/res and other pool/epic powers. what I end up doing is limiting the primary powers (control) and taking most of the secondaries (damaging) to have some space for def/res power picks. then again, I mostly run solo. If you're planning on teaming a lot, then damage will always be there which frees up some of your power picks to take those that will pin mobs down. If I just confused you more, may I suggest a Fortunata. they're like doms on steroids. you have a nice mix of melee, range, holds/control plus some def/res that you don't need to dip into tertiary pools except maybe for travel powers and a self heal.
  19. took an old fire/fire/fire dom toon out of the shelves hoping to breathe new life into him. renamed, respec-ed and re-fitted for renewed playtime Terran Hellbat
  20. wow, been a while since I played this challenge. Blastro's been gathering dust on a shelf. ...so here's my updated roster for the challenge: Heroes: Black Atom (formerly Blastro), Energy/Energy Blaster (Level 24) Cherri Rad, Rad/Rad Fender Rough Cut, Claws/SR Scrapper Cold Steel, Ice/Ice Tanker Villains: Wild Willy, Mercs/Traps (Level 27) [moved from Reunion] Killwatt, Elec/Elec Brute (Level 16) Hypno-Sis, Mind/Psi Dom Santeria, Martial/Dark Stalker And when these guys hit Level 38, instead of exiting the time eddy, they'll join the .38 Specials which is a lot similar to Classics/Issue 0 rules. Cranebump's already there, and I have a couple of spiders in the SG as well.
  21. couldn't help myself. added another toon to the pile. Herr Kroenen (...Karl Ruprect, Hellboy Villain) Night Widow. currently at level 28. 😃
  22. Spiders are my favourite ATs as well, and honestly, I don't mind the no redraw. you can minimise the "redraw" if you use similar powers successively (like gun, gun, nade, gun then mace, mace, mace). It retains a certain realism to me that they need to draw the particular weapon, but once in hand, it stays in hand. same with crabby legs and widow claws. 😃
  23. haha. sorry, not sorry 😃 enjoy your trip.
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