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Everything posted by Techwright

  1. Weren't Apex and War Witch also original characters in the comics at first, and then added to the game when Croatoa opened up?
  2. That's a really fantastic job! 👍 The plushies...were they the Freedom Phalanx, or did somone custom-make players' characters?
  3. "What do they feed you...?" "Steel...Steel and pig iron furnaces so hot a man forgets his fear of hell. When you're hard enough, tough enough...other things..." -- quotes from "The Quiet Man"
  4. Took me a slow moment (duh...), but, yeah, it makes sense. 👍
  5. I could get behind this with a couple of additional points: 1.) "special train station" could be a stacked station: tram up top, buses and/or ground train on lower level. Then just adjust the Croatoa station to reflect the new transport. 2.) Casinos suggest organized crime, at least in the old-school sense, and since IP is next door, and is a major hub of Family activity, it would be a natural spill-over. I'd want a line coming off that stacked station and heading into the west side of IP, say middle west, and new material added to the west side of IP, opening it up to more than dreary runs to the other side for brief adventures. IP is big enough for 3 stations. 3.) Casinos also suggest the Rogue Islands and might present an opportunity for blue side to have some of the villains from the casino on the islands put in an appearance.
  6. Tank or Brute? Durabull Cyberbully Try "taur" instead of "bull", then add a preface (minus the dash, unless you want it): Mecho-, Mechano-, Techno-, or Cyber- Surely there's a Chick-Fil-A calendar over the past 25 years with a name for a mechanical bull you can use. 😉
  7. Thanks to all for the feedback (so far)! Just to be clear, I'm reading two +recharge enhancements per skill is not enough, but if three is still the cutoff to diminished returns, should I stop there, or overslot? I'm guessing I'm going to want to create enhancement sets that give recharge bonuses. It is indeed a very different mindset, as I usually run damage up to three.
  8. How is that adjusted exactly? I've only had a tiny bit of slow-down, but those buff numbers are highly annoying when trying to see what's going on in the crowd. I've tried several different things that sound like the answer(s) under "Options" but have had no change.
  9. Seems more of a chalkboard green to me. Not that I want to get into one of those "Is it blue or is it gold" kind of discussions. Might it help to isolate the color so the eyes aren't influenced by the others?
  10. Beggers a long-standing question in my mind: what would it truly take to open up a wide arrange of colors? The engine may not handle it, but I'm thinking of those color graphs in some other MMO's predating 2010 where you just move the dot around until it lands on the color you want. Apologies if this detracts too much from the thread. I rather like what you've started Greycat!
  11. A year ago, I built a Titan Weapon/Rad brute. I liked the concept, I liked the look. I...didn't connect with the playstyle. 😞 After 27 levels of frustration, I reluctantly tabled him and went to build...pretty much everything else since I understood them, even masterminds, which I'd previously thought were the big change in playstyle thinking. I'd really like to dust off my character and make it work this time, but I need some help in understanding how this beast of swing and smash smoothly operates. I've done a few hours of reading and searching, but either my search-fu is weak (likely) or what I seek is just not out there yet. First off, I understand momentum is necessary, and that I'm wielding something so huge that it takes a moment to start. But getting things going is painfully long. Is there something I can use, like say interrupt, that reduces that start-up by, say, 25% to 50%? Second, momentum is supposed to keep things going, yes? Then why, even when I've queued up my next move, before he finishes another, does the brute suddenly start going through a warm-up to an action again? It doesn't happen consistently, which makes it more confusing to me. Third, I was losing opportunity because other strikes were not ready to go, everything was still resetting. I've resorted to doubling up on recharge time enhancements to try to keep something active showing. However, I've never had to do that with any build before, so I suspect I might not be doing it right. How to keep something active at hand? Fourth, even when double-slotting the recharge time, when I get to the end of the abilities, the character again goes through a warmup to swing, despite having an ability available. I believe I was not out of momentum. Is there anything I can build into the character that would keep him swinging as long as momentum is maintained? Fifth, though I generally do not work with a rotation, I can see where rotation would be important with Titan Weapons. May I have a good brute TW rotation, please? Lastly, an opinion please: does TW/Rad lend itself better to a tank or a brute? I'd rather stop at 27 and rebuild as a tank if I had to, than to continue on and find I'm forever frustrated with the performance. Thanks in advance for any help you can provide!
  12. Yeah, a 3-hour monorail train to the countryside? The patch may have made that canon, but I'm not buying it, especially when the canon map conflicts with the location info. Had the canon map had an inset (like so often is done for Hawaii and Alaska) and had the train appeared differently in Croatoa, like more of a traditional commuter train, I'd be happy to buy into the idea of a distance commute, with an understanding that we just changed lines at the last stop in town.
  13. I remember also having the idea that a rail yard would be a great fit in the game. I still think it would, if for no other reason than I want to see Mr. Incredible clones lifting boxcars for exercise. LOL. I also recall catching the art director's interest at one point when I suggested this is a big Northern city, and it needs ethnic communities: Chinatown, Little Italy, Czech Village, etc. That's an interesting mission idea. I always pictured an International airport zone as a launch point for expanding the game to World of Heroes, opening up one continent after another with major expansions. Now you have me needing to go back to KW and compare it to what's on the map. I'd imagine it was heavily altered. Also, isn't the crossing in KW pretty low for letting cargo ships into IP? So not even a small craft downtown airport? I suppose the idea could be retconned into a heliport. Maybe even have a bit of near-futurism and add a drone freight business at one end.
  14. Even our train stations evolved. It used to be that we'd travel the yellow line then cross a zone to get on the green line. A third line, the red line, was destroyed in the war. At some point the devs just threw up their hands and merged everything. I kind of always wished the red line had been partially resurrected, and remained separate.
  15. Were there ever any known plans for the zones that are outlined but inaccessible in the Paragon City map? For example, that light green zone east of Independence Port, the one with the rivermouth, looks like they intended a green-line station, possibly a switch track to Salamanca. Also, the actual playable area for many of these zones is rather small. There's practically a whole 'nuther zone's worth of space in the map's center below Perez Park. Were there any plans to expand the zones into these areas, perhaps when the war walls were brought down? As a side note, I knew Independence Port was big, but compared to the other zones, wow. It really should have a third tram station on the other side of the harbor.
  16. Maybe I'm just jaded, but I'd always seen the excessive back-and-forth as a way to pad gameplay, and keep the paying players from burning up content too fast. Regardless, without the cosmic/base teleporters nor the team transports in the original game, I found it kind of fun to memorize all the shortcuts, including things like Pocket D, sewers, and the auction house teleporters saved up from day jobs, to plot the best route from point A to point B. It became kind of a mini-game for teammates to see who could get to the next destination most efficiently. Of course, those were also the days of the taxi supergroups, so invariably someone crossing a zone would hollar for one.
  17. Just a standard character creation process now. You'll have the crab and widow archetypes during creation. When you're all ready to go, it will give you options: go immediately to the original training ground of a side (which means you'd automatically be red or blue from the start OR enter the Galaxy City's destruction starting scenario (which will ask you to pick a side about midway through the scenario) OR choose neither and instead enter the game directly. It should ask you immediately with this last option to choose a side.
  18. Yes it is possible with Homecoming. Even if you goof and the character ends up on redside, you can visit Null the Gull in Pocket D and ask him to change your alliance to something blue side.
  19. You'd never need a leash. He'd always come back to you.
  20. Fun, and I'm going to assume it would have a conditional element for working, just like the jetpacks exhaust visuals. But wouldn't it need to be associated to specific powersets? I mean an MA/SR scrapper, for example, would have no need for such a piece, yet the option would be there for them to use under the current system. Unless...hmm...unless there's an added inf-purchase option with the P2W for acquiring tank cannon ammo giving those without range striking an option. Intriguing... *wanders off in thought*
  21. I love storm, but as one of my major characters uses it, I'm looking for something a tad different. I'd been thinking of controller, but I'll look over the dom option. Thanks! When plant control adds a moss monster option, I'll be sure to look you up.
  22. I like the idea of a stone controller, though I'm not a huge fan of how high the cage visuals are set. I find them hard to see into the crowd especially if I'm meleeing. That said, I'm not dismissive of them. Thank you for the feedback!
  23. I'm toying with the idea of creating an earth-powers alt, and would like feedback as to which archetype with such powers you think is the most enjoyable to play. Note I didn't say "easiest" nor "most challenging", though it may also be one of those. I'm fully aware of the old mantra "just play what interests you", and I ultimately will, but I still appreciate the feedback. Oh, and let me know why you think your choice is most enjoyable.
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