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Everything posted by Solarverse

  1. This right here, very true. I have even been known to say in a jokingly way, "Kill my clone first! He'll kill us all!" right before that fight begins.
  2. I guess because I personally have no issues admitting that perhaps I should have listened in a similar situation. I don't claim to be innocent of such doings, not listening, I think we all do that, but when I was wrong, I was wrong. So honestly, I don't "need" them to acknowledge that I was right, but more wondering why we as humans generally do not acknowledge it. To me it seems deeply embedded within us to ignore that we were wrong, even when we know we were wrong. For an example, the company I work for has made several huge mistakes by some of the changes they have made. These mistakes are costing the company more cash than I can count. However, the company refuse to admit they made a mistake, and instead blame the employees for their failure, rather than revert the bad choice. So even when money is concerned, where stakes are high and you would think people would force themselves to think more logically and admit they were wrong, they still don't do it. So to me, there must be some deep psychological reason for this. Hope that answers your question. 🙂 I agree, undoubtedly they will indeed do this. However, sadly, I think they will find the same result as I did when they attempt to alert their team, haha. Again, it seems to be human nature to not only listen to advice, even good advice. I myself have been guilty of this a time or two here and there. Exactly, and I am trying to understand...why? Where is this drive coming from? This is good advice, advice that I myself will pass along. 🙂
  3. So in other words, insufficient data for a proper analyses. Fair enough. 🙂
  4. It was right before the final fight, everyone standing there assessing the situation. There wasn't much conversation before that other than me asking the team to clear the mobs around the front steps before rescuing the final Hero.
  5. LOL, I think you could be on to something here. I think that is actually a very good break down of what happens in situations like this.
  6. So, this happens all of the time, on many different levels. You try and warn your team of something, not a single one of them listens to you, and then it happens just as you said it would. It happens all of the time. And once it happens, not a single person will say, "Damn, you were right, I should have listened." Now, I noticed that we had a Widow on our Team for the Posi Part 1 grand fight at the end. I knew that the Widow would blind the team if we did not take her out first. So I warned the team and asked them to kill her first. I was lead of this team. Here is an example, a direct copy paste from game chat to here. I will be changing names to protect those involved. [Team] Me: Take out Player A first [Team] Me: She will bind the team After none of them follow instructions...the Widow blinded the whole team except for me, I was ranged and kept my distance from the Widow. [Team] Player 2: I'm blinded lol [Team] Player 3: SAME [Team] Me: Tried to warn ya [Team] Player 4: pop a yellow [Team] Player 3: caps [Team] Player 5: still blind We finished the mission, said our farewells and that was it. Not a single player listened, not a single player admitted they should have listened. Now, before I even said a word, I knew that not one single person would listen to me. It almost never fails, anytime I warn my teams of things to come, this is the norm. However, in hopes that at least one of them would listen, I spoke up and warned them. So what is the psychology of this? Somebody explain this to me, please?
  7. South Koreans who run gaming companies don't have a good track record for selling very easily. You can bet the price will be a very costly one, if they are even willing to sell at all.
  8. In all seriousness, the only procs I tend to slot in the first slot are any KB to KD procs. Otherwise they tend to go in the 6th slot.
  9. Why make this political? I prefer to slot mine in the alt left, or alt right, or far lft or far right or even sometimes in them with independents. No need to SLOT them solely based on your one sided political views. Sheesh!
  10. Then its bugged. Otherwise it would also happen with Hide or Superioir Invisibility.
  11. I'm going to be that guy and say, if I catch somebody doing it even on a radio team of mine, they're gone. I don't care how anyone wants to justify it or how much they say I am wrong for it, they're not only gone but will make my ignore list.
  12. It didn't cancel out Superior Invis nor did it cancel out Hide. Also, I took a look at them using Surveillance and there was nothing listed to indicate anything like this.
  13. I don't think that information is accurate at all. I had this same issue with Cabal, seeing through everything but Superior Invis and higher, even though they do not have any bonus perception or any abilities that grant them perception. Tests were ran, videos were recorded and posted here on these forums. Everyone here were scratching their heads on it...it still remains a mystery. I am lead to believe that all available information we have concerning what NPCs have as far as Perception is either out of date or flat out incorrect.
  14. lol, okay. Settle down there, Procless. It's just a thread. 😄
  15. No affect sadly. As soon as you activate A.S., (or any other power for that matter) you lose your defense, even before it animates. Once you proc hide from A.S. (assuming that is where you keep the proc) you go back in to hide but lose the extremely high AoE defense that you get from your natural Hide.
  16. I agree, I don't NEED to breath either, I can always just chose to die, but life would probably be a better experience if I keep taking breaths. IE, Stalker play is just a better experience with all of those procs. 😉
  17. What I used is an expensive tool, but not even close to as expensive as some of the better tools that are out there. Hanz Zimmer uses one to create his compositions that I would die to get a hold of, it would be the best Christmas present ever. But yes, he is using a much better tool than what I have. unfortunately, what I have is all I could afford. One day, if the day ever comes that my musical experience pays off, I'll buy a much better tool and really get some awesome stuff going, but until then I am kind of stuck with what I have for the time being. Boy would I love to have a better program. I started off playing guitar at the age of 8 years old. By time I was in high school I was playing lead guitar for some of the local heavy metal bands. By time I was in my 20's, I had started an original metal band and we played the tri-state area, playing in some of the best clubs out there. At the age of 29, we had that one chance to make it and turned it down because we didn't like how the offer was presented. I don't regret that choice because now I am married and have three beautiful kids. If we had taken the offer, most likely I would be dead by now, heh. I started taking an interest in symphony orchestra (always had an interest in it, ever since I had seen Conan (the original) on the big screen when I was a child) a few years ago when I started creating Solarverse and the Ecliptic Comics Publishing Co. that I am still putting together. I didn't see the point in hiring somebody to write music for me, since I had the skills needed anyway...all I needed was the tool to do it, since I obviously can't afford to pay a real Symphony Orchestra to do it, heh. I have created a LOT of music since then and it's more of a hobby for me at this point. If anyone ever wishes to hire me professionally, I would absolutely spend the extra cash for the best tool on the market. But for now, even without having the best tools available, I am pretty satisfied with what I have for the time being. I appreciate your honesty. And I agree with pretty much everything you said.
  18. Actually, that picture was taken while the game was shut down on the anniversary of the night City of Heroes was no more, on the Paragon Chat server. It was all we had...or so we thought. Every year on that night a bunch of us logged on, did the hold torch emote, and stood proud until the next morning. And thank you for the up vote to the composition!
  19. I appreciate both of you for your kind feedback. I would like to see more feedback on this and get people's honest opinions. I know not everyone will like it; some will think it's too dark of a version, others will think it's not dark enough, so I tried to find a happy medium while keeping the piece heroic in nature and not veering too far away from the original, essentially keeping the spirit of the original. Even the version we have today is not the original. The one we have today is a remake of the first. I would be honored if people felt this one would be worth the title, but for sure wouldn't get my feelings hurt if people didn't like it.
  20. Hate it when that happens! P.S. It's happened to me once or twice too, heh.
  21. If your strat is to wait for AS and Hide, then you are playing a Stalker wrong. Pay attention to what others are telling you, a Stalker is a go go go class now, not a stop and wait class.
  22. So I read what y'all wrote me and I agree, it needed a bit more umph, a bit more bass. So I took it a step further than that and customized it a bit. Hope you enjoy this one much better than the last...I think you will. City of Heroes Remastered
  23. My original compositions are known for being VERY dark. Trust me, I had to struggle to keep it clean and bright. 😄
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