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Everything posted by Solarverse

  1. I disagree. It demeans an individuals view points at its very core by giving them a label that fully speaks volumes as to its meaning. "You are privileged, so your opinion doesn't matter." You can disagree, but this is the way the word "privileged" has been used since the day it was used in a political discussion. It is also unfair to call somebody privileged, since honestly you have no idea what that individual has been through in their lives.
  2. First, I feel like that was uncalled for. It's basically saying, "Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out" and equates to, "your views don't matter." I would also like to add that there is more than one way to contribute to the game/HC. For an example, but not limited to, I have created a lot of SFX mods for this server, but have not been able to get my foot in the door to contribute financially. So I contribute in my own way and I gladly give my time to create SFX mods for the whole community. People have a right to feel the way they feel about a subject. If you don't agree with somebody leaving the game over it or stopping their funding over it, the best thing to do is to just leave it be. To say anything negative at all just stirs up the pot IMO.
  3. Again, downplaying people's views to "privilege" is not how to hold a conversation. You are basically saying that their views don't matter because they are "privileged" and does not serve to add any real credence to the conversation. Let's try and hold the discussion without labeling people, please.
  4. Curious, why does my post confuse you, @Patti? Maybe I can help you understand.
  5. Not all Native Americans are insulted when referred to as Indians. I have heard Cherokee Indians (also known as Tsa-la-gi) refer to themselves as Indian or Native Americans. Mostly they describe themselves as Cherokee. I think people being offended by being called Indian is more of a new generational thing, as the ones that I know (I myself am part Cherokee and had many friends from the tribe in my younger years) or rather knew never gave it a second thought...at least not outwardly. P.S. Granted, this is Tennessee and Kentucky, nowhere near Nevada. The native tribes there may feel differently.
  6. People power level themselves with their second account. It's actually rather common.
  7. Exactly. The fact this thread has not been locked honestly baffles the shit out of me...it's not even in the correct subforum.
  8. He means real world bullshit in general.
  9. Umm, you forget it was the older generations that plowed the way for movements like this to exist. The fight began long before you were born...and long before I was born fo that matter. I thank you the older generations for making it possible for me to stand up or what I believed in when I was young, so that the new generations would have that same right. This is not a generational thing, it is a human kind thing. Always remember this and always remember each generation has their fight.
  10. I'm not here to argue whether or not they are a political movement. I simply made a request.
  11. I miss the days when people expressed their political views through their vote and they kept it to themselves. Please do not bring politics to this game. I grow tired of running from everyone's political pressures and this game is about the only place I can go to escape the world's bullshit. I ask again...PLEASE keep politics and real world issues OUT of this game. Thank you.
  12. Hahaha, so it is, a year old indeed. I didn't even check to see when it was posted. Too funny, man! That was a "Doh!" moment if I have ever seen one, lol.
  13. Justice! Nice to see you again. 🙂
  14. It may be. It also interrupts placate and draws aggro to it like a magnet. I think I'll stick to Energy Aura.
  15. https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/e63f8bfb-9990-478e-857e-58cfb809c234
  16. It works though. Remember when thread after thread was made to nerf stalkers even after the Devs said no, that Stalker's were working as intended? Finally, after about the 30th dead horse being beaten, they finally nerfed the crap out of stalkers. Remember when Jack Emmert said that PvP would not be introduced in to this game? After about the 30th beaten dead horse, they implemented PvP. Remember when the Devs said that it was near impossible to have power color customization and that it would not be happening because the coloring of the powers were hard coded in to the game? Point being, people beat dead horses because: A: They aren't satisfied with the current state of the game and they feel the game has potential to be so much better/funner. B: It has been proven in the past to work. Also, leave Mr. Ed out of this! 😄
  17. In all fairness, I think he was thinking that you could customize your flag in any way imaginable with my idea. I don't think he realized at that time that my idea restricted "flag making" to straight lines and in game symbols.
  18. Yeah, don't bother replying. I figured it out the hard way. Yuk... I don't suggest trying Ice as a secondary.
  19. Quick question, how does the Hide Proc synergize with Chilling Embrace? Is there a cancellation issue there? Does Chilling Embrace bring forth too much aggro to make it worth while? Or is it right as rain?
  20. How dare you insert philosophy into this thread! 😄
  21. On a flip side to that, changing Shadow Maul into a single target burst damage power would even out the power choices for Stalkers a bit. As it stands now, more power sets have AoEs than ones that do not. This would simply even up the choices a bit for players to pick between all Single Target DPS or a combination of Single Target and AoE/Cones. Just some food for thought there.
  22. On a more serious note, I would like to point out that Rad Melee and Broadsword (which were newly imported power sets) did indeed remove the AoEs. With this in mind, I don't think that particular statement (I acknowledge this was not the only thing you said in your case against the idea) can be held to be truth. Whoops, Atom Smasher. Wasn't thinking about that due to it being a T9 ability. However, I think you catch my drift.
  23. A few Stalker sets had their AoE removed in place of Assassin's Strike though, so this isn't really asking for anything new IMO.
  24. I can see Em on a Scrapper since that power set feels very scraperish anyway due to fast animations and quick strikes. However, SS just seems to sluggish for Scrappers for my taste.
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