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Everything posted by Bionic_Flea

  1. Filling up quick! One hour in and already 3/4 filled.
  2. It's like the multiverse! Same characters in different dimensions or parallel universes.
  3. Vanguard is under the HC umbrella now, but like the other test servers, transfers to and from are not allowed. Sad, but true.
  4. Sometimes I have a name in mind and try to fit powersets to the name. Other times I have a concept and find a name and look that fits that. Some of my prior concept exercises: what's the maximum number of holds you can have (I forget but it was a fire/rad controller with earth mastery, Rularuu lore pets, and Ion Radial)? What would a fear based character be like (dark/dark stalker with presence pool)? Can I make a character just using power pools (no, but I had 2 primary, 6 secondary, and SIXTEEN pool powers! Worked better than I thought it would). And finally, sometimes I want to play with a new powerset or pool and design a character and name around the powers. I have tried to use the random costume generator, but I always find them horrific and only used on throw away characters while testing something on test server.
  5. I'll see your poem and raise you a haiku: A tiny insect reviews request for taunt change. Much disagreement.
  6. Dr Q when it's the weekly, on a team that each has all the TPs. 244 merits in about an hour yielding approximately four merits per minute (MPM). It can be done solo as there is no AV at the end, but that adds a little bit of time as your various TPs will have some cooldowns. General rule of thumb: always run the weekly! In comparison, a very fast TinPex will get you about 2 MPM Aeon, ITF, Recluse, and Ms Liberty can all be sped in 30 minutes or less to average a merit per minute. But you can also get HOs with LRSF and MLTF, and run a one star for Aeon and ITF for extra Aether but adding a little more time. My friend used to solo run The Freakshow War in 10-15 for 57 merits. Eight missions but only one three kill-alls. I think once you learn it anyone can match those times solo and low settings. So that could be 3.8 -5.7 MPM solo. Not too shabby!
  7. Suggestion: I assume you are buying the Kheldian ATOs to convert to your AT and then slot them. While this is a good idea, you could also buy 3 super packs for the amount you are currently bidding. The packs average about 1.2 ATOs per pack, but you will also get possible merits, brainstorms, converters, boosters, catalysts, inspirations, temp powers, etc. -- all of which can be sold or used on your character. I would guess that you would get 3 or 4 ATOs, although it is possible to get zero. And there is also a chance that you could get exactly what you are looking for, saving you the converters to use on something else.
  8. I'm not sure they could, now that they have a license from NCSoft.
  9. Thanks for doing this! I always enjoy reading these kinds of diaries.
  10. If you like small Lore pets, check out the robotic drones. They are great as they fly, stay at range, do energy damage with a side of -regen, and don't have any knockback like the polar lights do. On defenders with the ATO procs, they become extra sturdy with the periodic heals and absorb because they stick right at your side to accept the buffs.
  11. Been there, done that, messed around I'm having fun, don't put me down I'll never let you sweep me off my feet I won't let you in again The messages I've tried to send My information's just not going in I'm burning bridges shore to shore I break away from something more I'm not turned on to love until it's cheap Been there, done that messed around I'm having fun, don't put me down I'll never let you sweep me off my feet This time, baby, I'll be bulletproof This time, baby, I'll be bulletproof
  12. A thumbs down reaction is disagreement with the post, not an insult to the player that posted. It's saying "I disagree with that" and not "you, sir, are a very bad person."
  13. I agree with Trick Arrow. I've also found /Dark and /Cold to be excellent pairings. All bring an AoE slow which helps keep things in your Arse patches as well as add more debuff and damage.
  14. Yeah, I've done Fold Space. And I'm pretty sure that my Acid Mortar has come with me sometimes. But I have never used team teleport so I wasn't sure. Too bad, that would have been awesome. Thanks for the responses!
  15. Have any of you used team teleport with all your traps set up? I was hoping I could set up a bunch of traps and then TP myself and all the traps into the middle of a spawn. Would that work?
  16. Bionic Flea was the first character I made on live and first again when I came to HC. He's Invulnerable/Super Strength tank and has done everything in the game. He is definitely my signature character. Between HC and other servers I have about 160 level 50s. They each had their time in the sun as I leveled them and they still get brought out periodically to fill a needed role on a team or just to play them for a bit. Looking at my list of characters, I seem to play support more than meatshield or DPS, so I have a lot of corrupters, defenders, and controllers. But I have more than one of each AT and I think I have tried all the power sets out, other than Arsenal Assault, with a caveat. If I played say dark blast on a corrupter, I consider that covers dark blast for defenders, blasters, and sentinels. Same with armors and control sets. I don't think of any of them the same way I think of Bionic.
  17. Can we call this the Number Six patch? Issue 27, page 7, patch Number Six.
  18. Pugs are Batman karma at work. You don't get the pug experience you deserve, you get the pug experience you need.
  19. Is RubyRed aka Red Tomax? I recall Red Tomax as the original CoD person.
  20. But Yomo, I am entitled to free things! You must give them to me!
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