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Everything posted by plainguy

  1. I have petless masterminds doing 3/8.. So everything is a moot point.
  2. Didn't quote the poster because I didn't want to deal with the complaints on how to play your build. But the poster made some sense here. I would try to get if possible (some builds based on primary and secondary are just not possible) S/L Defense capped, Range capped and S/L resistance cap if you can. That will allow you to play at a 3/8 setting solo if that is your thing. I am looking at your endurance use vs recovery.. That is close.. if your pic up WOC those endurance numbers might not cover it. But WOC with the proc on top would help mitigate the melee range damage as well. Similar to Oppressive Gloom.
  3. Hey anyone able to get Performance shifter proc to display in mids ? Meaning as if the proc was active.
  4. If you notice Overgrowth is not showing any endurance discount for your build in MIDS. If you are like me, you need endurance numbers. DO THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK Do the following. Options > Advanced > Main Database Editor > Click Main Database Editor button > Power Database Browser appears Left side Groups Column > highlight Mastermind_Buff > Set Column changes>Select/highlight Nature Affinity > Power Column changes to Nature Affinity powers > Double click Overgrowth > New box opens up Edit Power (mastermind_Buff.Natgure_affinity.Overgrowth) Click on Effects Tab > Highlight 74.5% Enhancement ( EnduranceDiscount) to Ally for 60 seconds ( Non-resistable) [Ignores Enchantments a & Buffs] Effect does not stack from same caster. Click the duplicate button. You will now have this twice on the list. Pick either one as you will need to change one of the setting to SELF.. Click EDIT Button. New box appears Edit Effects # (each affect is given a number, mine said 9 ) for :Mastermind_Buff_Nature_Affinity.Overgrowth Left side look for a box that says Affects: It should say Ally. Change that to SELF and save all the way back out. It then shows up on your View Totals section with the endurance discount.
  5. Traps is stationary so on a fast pace team you will be limited. But Bots is one of the Staple Secondary's for Tankermind builds. I have petless traps builds that do 4/8 setting. That's how good Trap is.. I am not crazy about nature, the looks and such personally. But it is good for a moving team.
  6. Anyone provide link for the popmenu or commands to level up and get IOs in beta testing.
  7. I have a Dual Pistol / Super Reflexes that is doing Comic con fire farm on 4/8 setting.. I think Super Reflexes for Sentinels is great..
  8. my signature has a link to defenses and how it works
  9. Having Higher Defense numbers sort of of do not matter to some degree, let me explain. Hurricane will give you a To Hit Debuff of -22.5 which is pretty much interpreted as a defense bonus.. So your numbers would be ( just doing whole numbers for explanation ) Melee 34+22= 56 Ranged = 37 AOE 42+22 =64 My numbers Melee 25+22=47 Ranged = 43 AOE 30+22=52 The Defense cap is 45% We are both Defense capped for Typed Defenses and you are just a bit short on Range Defense, the comparison is a moot point. If you look at my recharge compared to yours and then look at the recharge for Lighting Storms I think you will catch the point. Further again your endurance is no good. Your Endurance Rec has to be 2 points above your End Use.. So you need to get End Rec to 4.5. You just don't have it. With Burnout I can put out 3 Lighting Storms and if I really pay attention and spread them out correctly I can keep up 3 storms. But that is mostly for AV fights. Provoke for Storm is just useless because just too much going on. I use provoke on other builds, but I wish it was a bit better as well. Not saying mine is better. I will say Endurance wise and Recharge wise my build is better. Unfortunately with Masterminds there is really limited wiggle room with builds. Masterminds have big endurance issues overall compared to other ArchTypes, especially with high endurance secondary's like Storm Summoning. Seriously if you take the time to look at builds for Robot Traps, so on and so forth on this forum you will see not that many difference between builds. Maybe 4 to 5 powers difference. Assuming the player is looking at defenses and survivability. Which has always been a gripe of mine with Masterminds, meaning the limited choices compared to other ArchTypes
  10. You are right ! IF a Pet gets involved, maybe some sort of alternate animation of sorts. Maybe whips could be the first NON VEAT set with leveling choices.. All whip attacks or mix of whips and guns or demonic theme or Tech Theme.. IF a Pet.. demon or some turret type ETC.. But overall you are correct
  11. No need to reinvent the wheel Its about 10 thread below yours.
  12. I think this mostly a Mastermind issue.. I know what the OP is say. But I say expand on this a bit, because I play masterminds ( yes I do have many full pet masterminds for the incoming petless comments ) and I think its just the whole issue of pets and Masterminds at the wrong moment. You are the only Archtype in a cave mission that is told not to play your class fully. EG don't summon your pets. Which I get.. But that was Original Dev poor design choice. As can be seen with Praetoria those caves/tunnels accommodate everyone. I recall they were hoping to one day fix this cave issue and were aware of it, that is why tunnels were much larger. Mind you it not just caves, it is pretty much anywhere where it becomes crowded, like in small rooms and tight hallways.. I know pets can be pushed. But players do get annoyed. I have had to bail a couple of times on a team because people just weren't happy with my pets. They just asked me to change toons or they were leaving. Or the team lead invited a 2nd mastermind and players were like I can barely tolerate one and people start to bail. So again I would bail not to cause any issues, I'm okay playing solo. Nonetheless it is this stigmata that you play with and it can compound. So its your pets are a pain in the ass and now they knocking mobs all over the place.. So yea its about knockback but I think there is more involved here.
  13. Items in mail last how long ? I thought it used to be 30 days.. was that changed on homecoming ?
  14. Been posting this for a long time. On only 30 characters + I have tons of recipes, assorted salvage, tickets, brainstorm coins, Holiday salvage, ETC.. When I go to IO out another 50, I spend HOURS moving things around between characters. It would just be nice to know what is on everything honestly. Characters, reserve vault, Auction house.. In previous post people say sell this, don't save this.. Don't hoard this if you don't need it. But I cannot tell you how many times I look to buy some specific low level IO and they are gone or at some crazy price. When I bought them a while back for a few thousand. I am always thank goodness I bought and saved these IOs. I say make it some sort of sink and you buy this super computer that does it all. Or increase base storage. Not minimizing the cost of disk space, but in this day and age it probably the cheapest thing you can buy.. Back these storage was expensive.
  15. Ahh.. Good catch.. My head is all over the place. I was pointing to a post by Darkir on the corruptors page..
  16. Like the Pentagram idea for an AOE attack. I know stationary pets are disliked. I pushed and was very vocal to make Gun Turret to Gun Drone. But I know some sets have pets like Voltaic Sentinel or Dark Servant on Corruptors. My half baked suggestion - What if one of the powers was a demon recolored in the pentagram that would just shoot attacks as a turret. Like you see in the movies the pentagram is usually used to keep something in or something out. In this concept the demon can not leave the pentagram but can attack with range attack and also fight back if engaged in melee range.
  17. Must have been in my head but never got it onto paper.. But I wasn't looking to do it for EVERYTHING.. Again I don't want to be dragged down the rabbit hole debating over how good or bad the idea is. I completely get everything can be a power creep. I suggest and I leave it to the devs to decide good or bad, as they are the ones doing the work and have to 10,000 foot view.
  18. I have TA/AR.. With the advent of MIDs nothing is a secret. You just ask for a build and someone will post it. For the most part there is no reinventing the wheel here build wise. Again just for some clarity.. I said or made it clear, limited use. Sometimes when the thread gets a bit long, the main concept can get a bit warped. To me the discussion seems to be leading down the road of swapping out every IO set for another. I went with 3 because that is the number you need for power pools. EG Aid Self , Aid Other, Field Medic. But make it two.. Heck make it one and see how it goes.
  19. You could exclude rare IOs like those mentioned.
  20. Robotics [Focused Feedback: Various Power Changes] Protector Bots > Force Field Protector Bots will only target their owners. Only one of them will ever buff, and buffing the owner will result in the owner, and all its henchmen, being protected by the Force Shield. Scale increased from 0.75 to 1.3, this is slightly weaker than having the two Protector Bots slowly buff everyone, but at the same time, now both Protector Bots get to benefit from the same buff as everyone else, and don't waste time refreshing buffs on every target they see. Protector bots win out because they only got one bubble prior to change but now benefit from the increase, but overall you are loosing .20 in defensive numbers.. Need to do some math to see the changes.
  21. The Protector Bots are only getting a benefit because of how to worked out. But overall it is LESS defensive numbers. Mind you by .20 ..
  22. Just wondering if there is a way to pull down all Salvage and Recipes from each character, even if required for example to open up each inventory to force a count of each item. Initially it would be time consuming, but then as you play each toon if you just performed the necessary actions before logging off you could have a current state of all inventory across the account. But are there any sort of calls that can do this. I recall seeing something like this with a badge mode. You needed to open up the badges tab to let it get an inventory first time around.
  23. I won't post my ideas on what can be done. Just would be nice to be able to pool all your Salvage and Recipes across all the characters on the account.
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