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Everything posted by Vea

  1. I like poison for the fact you don't need to take many of the powers. You could literally get away with taking Envenom, Weaken and Venomous Gas, this gives you a lot of freedom for builds. From the top of my head the -res powers are greater than that of cold and dark before self stacking, self stacking however requires significant investment. There is no -regen in poison which sucks. There is no self heal, the heal itself also has throws a projectile so there is a delay to healing. There is also no buffs for teammates, if your teammates are rubbish then -res doesn't offer much (Cold had shield, Dark has a pretty intense heal and both have a +def/res aura) I went for poison/beam defender for some -regen and an additional -res attack. It's definitely not a bad set and would choose it over some other sets, I do think it requires a more aggressive play style. I do wish Poison Trap was the same as the traps version of Poison Gas Trap, I also think the Mastermind version of Venomous Gas (Noxious Gas) would be better as it makes it more team orientated and removes the need for a poison corr/defender to play in melee distance.
  2. Not going to even bother opening the build. No fireball/lightning ball is a huge sign that the build is going to be bad. There are a number of guides in the guide section, and sooooooooo many topics posting builds. https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/6516-zen-and-the-art-of-farming/ https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/7594-farm-fresh-builds-farming-focused-builds-and-tips/ 0/10 - nothing slotted in brawl.
  3. https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Enhancement_Sets The set bonuses table shows a comparison pretty well. Purple damage sets mainly provide accuracy, recovery and recharge with the latter being a primary focus.
  4. Some powers can stack with each other when cast by the same user, but in game tool tips aren't really helpful to determine which ones. Many hands make light work so I was hoping we could have a list of what powers can stack from the same set. I've attempted to make a list for the main buffs/debuffs from Corrupters/Defenders and dabbled in some other ATs. I've ignored most pure dps powersets/ATs as the secondary effects are negligible. The main goal for this would be to gain an understanding on whether or not it worthwhile recasting certain buffs/debuffs early and if stacking some powers via Burnout would be worth it. Some validation of what I've put being accurate would also be welcome, as all information has been taken from City of Data and Paragon Wiki. (No access to the game at the time of writing) Shields/Toggles aren't stackable. Cold Domination Dark Miasma Empathy Kinetics Nature Affinity Radiation Sonic Storm Thermal Time Traps Trick Arrow Poison Pain Mastermind Powers Controller/Dominator Blaster/Dominator VEAT/HEAT Other
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  5. Procc'd Out means many damage procs. If you see Darkir build, it has 5 procs and a purple damage IO. Hemorrhage is bad. It's only worth using at 4 stack of blood frenzy, even then its not as high damage as the other attacks. (Look at its damage per activation). You are getting there, adding maneuvers could help. Kinetic combats are a bit weak as well. Perhaps over slotted the blood frenzy. There's two builds here: It's kind of mixing and matching information from everywhere to suit your playstyle.
  6. Points on savage: You don't need Shred or Hemorrhage. Savage Leap should be procc'd out. Points on WP: You don't need resurgence. Arguably, quick recovery can be skipped, savage is one of the lowest end-use powerset and it also provides an end discount. General points: You lack defense and resist. I think there isn't any excuse not to get up to soft-cap melee. Pretty sure you can soft cap to all on WP. Consider what alpha you want, this impacts your whole build significantly. An APP with an AoE would be preferable, even more so if you remove shred. There are significant holes in this build and it's probably easier to start again with a more narrow focus. I'd say defense, then +HP, then recharge. Darkir posted a decent savage/ build here: He's also posted */WP builds here:
  7. My vote is Bio/Stone. It's somewhat thematic to stone. You can leverage FF+Rech proc for all the clickies. Also the T1 is a useful pick for the optimal attack chain. Also Bio complements the end useage of stone. This would be my "grown up" pick. My secondary vote would then be Savage. Again mainly for the T1 being a useful pick. The T9 is also great. Shred and Rendering Flurry benefit from AoE buffs. This would be my "spicy" pick. If I really had to, SS would be my third pick because you can't get a Bio/SS scrapper.. and SS is just strong. This would be my "I care about numbers" pick.
  8. Come on, send a pic of your costumes file! I'm currently keeping hold of hero merits.
  9. Do you hoard any in-game items? Reward merits? Emp Merits? Biomorphic Goo? Invention salvage is pooled so not too impressive if you have 9999 sapphires. Share your hoard!
  10. I'm a little lost on this? Are you suggesting posting a build then people 'paying' for it, you then would trade the enhancements? The process being: Darkir posts a build Someone who likes the build goes "Yes please, I'll take one of them, how much?" Price Agreed Enh/Inf traded If so, I like the idea. It's similar to a shop. Just wondering if you would have any buyers? I quite like the building element (planning the build) so it wouldn't be for me. With that being said, the original idea would favour those who already "hoard sets" I appreciate your insight. If you were to purchase all enhancements as a shopping list method, I would say around it would take around 1 hour, and with my example above this would net 5mil inf/hour. Which is twice as fast as farming. You are right as for the fee/mark-up being maybe too low, the balance isn't quite there yet. For this to be worthwhile I think it would suit those who fall in one (or all) of the following categories: Those who hoard enhancements. Those who have stripped toons/builds (or can). Those who don't want to craft/convert grind. Those who don't want to fire farm. Those who want to slowly make inf, or make inf more passively. (The transaction doesn't have to be immediate) Those who hate tax. (Damn you Wentworths!) Those who enjoy making margins
  11. I have a PvP toon, but have yet to properly engage in PvP.. mainly because kickballs are a little bit late for my timezone. I personally think that combat attributes are too far away from the PvE game for the Average Joe to login to a PvP zone to try and have a go at PvPing. I feel like to actually PvP you need to do your research, have a well thought out build and even then it could be a pile of garbage. So if possible, some alignment to the PvE game would be nice or at least more intuitive. I'm not sure about the interest of low-level PvP*, but lower level PvP might serve as a stepping stone to Arena. *(PvP without IOs/Incarnates) - Something to sweeten the deal to participate this would be always be good.
  12. A TW guide without talk of the momentum mechanic?
  13. I don't think the transfer of funds/enhancements is the issue with this idea.. all that can be ironed out. The issue is participants, based on feedback here it seems that nobody is willing to do it unless its for a high fee. Adding 50% to my bids would fill them pretty quickly.
  14. Savage Melee is probably my favorite melee powerset. I run it on my tank, and intend to make it for all ATs with the exception of a scrapper. My tank is a Rad/Savage and can run the VS MS SS attack chain with no gaps and it feels fantastic, this chain seems to be sufficient and I've had my faster speed run times on this toon. I haven't played it much since the tank buffs, so should be even better? I even didn't proc out Savage Leap (which I should have). I think /Savage doesn't get much credit as it doesn't appear in this spreadsheet which spread like wildfire in the first couple months back (just a theory): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19VuZ9zJ_8eKN11JytgaK9mt9Fy-8pjANopb-FGh68Uw/edit#gid=1212000589 Looking at this spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1av2vWL9UVgGw183BbjFNweJze7N5P3Tn8tYSppdFQgE/edit#gid=647164741 - Savage is up in the top tiers. Hemorrhage looks like it could be worth it with a DPA of 73.81 with 4 stacks (if i'm reading the spreadsheet correctly..not entirely sure what 'True DPA' is). I prefer the VS MS SS attack chain, and if you are running a tank you have to take SS so you make use of the T1! Not taking Hemorrhage also frees up a power pick which is nice too. Savage/Fire looks like it can also beat Rad/Fires with farming when played correctly. Most importantly Savage is fun.. Savage Leap is my favourite power in the entire game.. i'm still shocked I haven't made a /savage Domi yet.
  15. AFAIK - the radius and arc buff does include APP/EPP. Damage is higher in energy torrent, cast time is considerably shorter. 24 second recharge makes it a perfect proc mule for +rech with FF. It has greater range, so probably easier to hit all 10 targets vs hitting 16 targets with BoF. The downside is needing 2 energy mastery powers and having to take it later in the game.
  16. Haven't got access to Mids right now so can't see the figures. With that being said, Greater Ice Swords sucks, swap it with regular Ice Sword. Freezing Touch is amazing, I'd proc it out. Going with the theme of control, ice patch fits, but generally the long cast time hardly ever makes it a worthwhile power. I've used it maybe twice since hitting 50, and that was in a +4*8 solo ITF. I can't see the superior blistering cold proc to hold - this fires off frequently, and alongside freezing touch and your APP hold should hold down hard targets. Overall, seems like a fun and survivable build. WM could be a contender for soft control with the amount of KUP in the attack chain.
  17. You have slotted for +hp on a couple powers, but with hoarfrost you'll be at cap (even before accolades). I'd personally have sting of the manticore in the snipe and find an extra slot in seeds for 5% ranged def. Overall power selection seems legit. Some minor adjustments down to preference really if it were me e.g moving one slot from tactics to a def power for kismet. Ice storm is a little off on mids compared to ingame stats:
  18. Vea

    Squeezed out?

    @Darkir Do you happen to have a run down of what power set is better on either Defender/Corr? You've mentioned a couple.. Kin/Dark/Cold on Corrs. Poison/Storm for Defenders. I'm curious about the difference of -res powers and the actual in game impact. It looks like defenders -res powers are 7.5% more than that of Corrs. How would that affect your calculations above? E.g using corrosive enzymes? Also I think there needs to be discussion around team buffs. Take nature (overgrowth) and assault for both Corr and Defender, the damage bonus is 20% more for Defenders, applying this to the rest of the team could exceed the DPS of increase of Corrs.
  19. Sure. If you could, why wouldn't you. But it looks like a sellers market based on the people saying they wouldn't do it! Using Yomo's signature as inspiration, I want to be a superhero, not a trader.. Not a negative Nelly at all! - I would say see above, that the 138million is only a portion of the total inf gained. I'm not entirely sure how long it would take to get 70-90 enhancements, but from experience I don't think it would take longer than an hour. On that assumption its 2m inf/min just on the fee alone which is comparable to AE Fire farming. The investment up front from the builder is an obstacle - but a 30% return isn't too shabby. I guess if anyone is interested, they can post a build to see if anyone would take them up on it.. if not I will (if I have the inf eek.)
  20. Thanks! I'm a little bit fed up of slotting characters, and generally speaking I don't enjoy spending time in the AH - I also end up being the chump overpaying when it comes slotting, I'm not patient enough to let bids fill and prefer paying for the instant buy price 90% of the time. So most of the time I'm the price taker. I don't get much time to play either, so I'd rather do a taskforce or run story arcs over marketing. If there was traction to this idea, I'd be the buyer because I value my time. As to why do this over than mass production? Variety is the spice of life! Do you want to convert 100 ATOs to make 250m, and then wait for them to sell through etc. There's also an element of risk if supply of ATOs spike (see winter IOs recently.. granted they've gone back up). Expanding from the example build above here would be the total profit from this 'contract'. Enhancement Price per enhancement (est) Profit margin per enh* Saving from not selling on AH** Total Profit from Margin Total Saving from not using AH 15 Purples 22 1 2.2 15 33 18 Winter IO 20 1 2 18 36 4 LoTGs 7.5 1 0.8 4 3 5 ATO 9 1 0.9 5 4.5 3 PvP 12 1 1.2 3 3.6 3 Uniques 5 1 0.5 3 1.5 45 Other 2.5 0.5 0.3 22.5 11.25 TOTAL 70.5 92.85 *Assumed you can make 1m for most enhancements and 500k for those classified as 'other'. The profit margin here is defined as the difference between the Price per enhancement estimate and the cost to source that particular enhancement. This in reality will be different, I think assuming 1m profit can be made is extremely conservative. **This 'saving' is not paying the fee on the AH and is 10% of the price estimate. Total profit from this contract would be: 70.5 + 92.85 + 139.5 = 302.85. Which to me, seems substantial? Divide that by how long it would take you to do it would be your inf/min. If it took 1 hour, still gives a tidy 5m inf/min. I'm not sure what is considered 'good' but considering the number of people who farm for inf, anything over 2m/min is decent. I think this type of marketing is geared towards those who have a large stock of enhancements ready to go.
  21. It seems like a consensus that the fee is a little light or not worth it, but i'd say to that there is three elements of being paid. First the fee, then second your ability to profit per enhancement vs the estimate. For example in the estimate LoTG +Recharge could be estimated at 8m each, where they can easily be bought at 7m. And the third one being you save 10% if you were to sell via the auction house. As for a trade I think its a function within the game that could actually be used here. The SG base is a nice idea but would be susceptible to scams. (throwback to Runescape scams) - but again this would be down to the logistics of the transaction and can change per person. As for opportunity cost of spending time doing this vs traditional marketing would be down to individuals and how well they can market. Perhaps a case study? This good ol' Farming build. Highlights of this build and my estimate of the cost (not spending much time or thought really): Enhancement Price per 15 Purples 22m 18 Winter* 20m 4 LoTGs 7.5m 5 ATO* 9m (more if superior) 3 PVP Procs 12m 3 Uniques 5m 45 'Other' 2.5m *Assumption of non-superior in the trade, as I have hundreds of catalysts and it always seems to be better to use your own. Total Cost = 928.5m Fee @ 15% = 139.5 (Rounded up) From personal experience, from the estimated numbers above includes a sizeable profit I've achieved on the market myself. Assuming 1m profit per enhancement that's another 90m. As for inf/min - this all depends on your stock and how fast you can purchase. It would need to take longer than 70 minutes to be worse off than farming for inf (based on 2m inf/min).
  22. Not actually - but in theory I would. Hear me out. I'm fed up of spending time in the Auction House trying not to be ripped off and making sure I don't add an extra digit on bids. I also don't hoard enhancements for ease of use (I should..). What if I was able to post my build here and people tender their service of buying all the enhancements for me and transferring them to me in the trade window, 70 enhancements at a time. Obviously for a fee. I'd be willing to pay 10-15% of the build value as a fee and any extra savings you could find would be your competitive advantage. Most builds I've done cost around 1bn. That would be a 100m fee for your time plus the pre-determined estimate price. The logistics of this would need to be refined and discussed prior. My suggested method would be as follows: Post build with estimated cost of the build. 'Builders' post a fee they would be happy with and any feedback on original estimate. Price and payment agreed. Date and time of transfer agreed. Deposit of 10% of the fee sent to winning 'Builder' During transfer the remainder of Inf is transferred at the same time (often over multiple trades)
  23. Would I charge for PL? No. Would I accept Inf for PL? Yes. Would I seek to trade PL 4 PL? No. Would I seek for people to join my farm? No. Would I pay for PL? Probably not - It would require account sharing if I wanted to. Time is money. Having extra people in my farm increases the time it takes to get to 50 and reduces the INF I get. So not worth having the extra people in. I would say it's a transaction not worthwhile. Now, paying someone to buy enhancements and slot a toon for me... that's a service I'd pay for.
  24. I would +1 for a Plant/Fire - it's a fun build to play and impressed me. The other build that is meant to be strong is Mind/Psi @Chirikiti has done some nutty things with one. Mind/Psi will be my next Dom... when Chiri shares his build.
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