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Everything posted by Psyonico

  1. there's also the sorcery pool and Rune of Protection.
  2. I'm still waiting on my always asked question on "should scrappers/brutes ignore their armor because it's their secondary and therefore not good enough"
  3. another possibility is Ageless Radial, the idea being to give yourself the Defense Debuff Resistance that you lack in Rad. With MA, I'm assuming you've built at least some defense, so the DDR can be helpful.
  4. Traps is thematic and you can easily make a build that caps Ranged/AoE defense with it while doing good debuffs. Dark is an awesome debuff set that plays at range, going well with AR being all about the cones. TA is a great choice as well, again, playing at range and having very solid debuffs.
  5. I think we've all done that at some point.
  6. You have rest toggled on
  7. The servers go down for routine maintenance every Tuesday, you can see if they are up or not on the main forum (left right side of the page in web view, button of the page on phones/tablets)
  8. If it was above the cap it would show in blue as 75%
  9. I suspect you have 74.995 resistance or something like that
  10. All patches like that create a sphere of effect, so yes, it's working as intended.
  11. What about a level 15 scrapper banned Bob?
  12. I guess the question becomes "do I want to play a controller or not?" Affinity is really good and Fade/Soul Absorption are awesome, but so is Fearsome Stare...
  13. Some people like clicky sets. I enjoy EA in its current form and would be sad if it were changed.
  14. @lemming, they are talking about Team Teleport, the pool power, not Assemble the Team or Team Transporter. As for changes, I *might* see value in the range increase, but I'm against adding a recharge to it, sometimes you want to TP multiple times.
  15. I should point out that EMP Arrow will not ignite it, as EMP only does damage to robots
  16. So, long and short, you're expecting to be able to solo something that is designed to be difficult (but doable) on an 8 man team?
  17. Heightened senses provides 21.625% DDR, not a ton, but it is there.
  18. Psyonico

    Defender Binds

    I've used two different set ups playing with binds, hopefully one will work for you. The original way I did it was to bind number pad 1-8 to be team select, then use multiply, divide, add and subtract for my various buffs/heals So something like /Bind numpad1 teamselect 1 And repeat Then /Bind numpad0 powexec_name "heal other" /Bind multiply powexec_name Fortitude /Bind divide powexec_name "clear mind" /Bind add powexec_name "Adrenaline Boost" Now, I bind to my mouse's side buttons so I can click on the player and hit a buff/heal /Bind button4 powexec_name "heal other" Hope this helps.
  19. The buffs that are meant to be cast on everyone are already AoE, they just don't affect the caster.
  20. Let's see if I can explain this without making it more confusing... If you solo a mob and it gives 100 XP for defeating it, then you get 100 XP. If you duo the mob, but are not teamed, you get a proportional account of XP to the damage that you do, so, do 50% damage, get 50 XP If you team, you get a proportional amount of XP to what the team does in damage divided equally among the team, plus a modifier based on the team size. So, if you're in a 2 man team, you'd get 50 XP plus whatever the modifier for a 2 man team is.
  21. Have you done Maria Jenkins' "A Hero's Epic" arc? If so, then you could do the flashback "A Hero's Hero" which is similar, but takes place before the "Who will die" arcs.
  22. Hemorrhage is skippable IMO but I'd keep shred.
  23. If you hover over your level in the hp/end bar it will show your actual level.
  24. You can use pet_select_name to get around the ATO thing mentioned.
  25. My theory has always been that 1 stack of Rage should not crash but 2 stacks should. Ice brought that idea up before and it came down in a fiery rage on these forums.
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