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Everything posted by Psyonico

  1. I've gotten this combo into the high 20s as a defender and high 30s as a Corruptor. I think I prefer it as a Corr, though I haven't played either much since the change to the pseudo-pets in whatever patch that was. That might make me prefer the defender combo.
  2. I know about that, but that's old Shadow hunter.
  3. Can we get his shoes while we're at it?
  4. I thought it would be fun if, when you clicked the 15th one, Shadow Hunter came back to life because "you weren't quite fast enough" and you got to fight him.
  5. Alpha slot doesn't do a flat increase like you think it does. It works like an enhancement. So any power that increases resistance will be 33% stronger, barring ED caps.
  6. Oh, I'm sure... Considering how fun it is waiting for them to come back with 1-2 spawns.
  7. Psi melee feels pretty slow to me, nothing like katana speed.
  8. It's on the coast. I know, not helpful
  9. I didn't start playing until Issue 6, so after the aggro cap was implemented. That being said, I *still* get bored when tanks insist on herding.
  10. The more difficult Council/CoT don't come into play until level 40... I feel like at level 40 you should have some sort of ability to handle a challenge, even with SOs.
  11. You can't make a Shield/Titan Weapon character, so if you decide to go Titan, then you're got one less armor to consider. You're picked three of the best armor sets in the game. Invulnerability and Shield are hybrid defense/resistance sets, while Radiation relies mostly on resistance and regen/absorb. Titan Weapon is a decent choice, if you can put up with the "momentum" mechanic. Radiation is a good choice, though a bit endurance heavy, if you want to go Radiation Melee, I'd probably pick radiation armor to offset the end cost (Radiation Armor has Gamma Boost, which increases endurance recovery). Mace is the most straightforward set in your list, again, a decent contender.
  12. Just spitballing here, but I think a controller with aoe immobilize would *not* be wanted because the farmer wants mobs to move with them.
  13. Most farmers are self-sufficent. When I do see a farmer wanting support, they advertise they want a Kin.
  14. I've studied Shakespeare a bit. I remember at some point talking about his comedies and how some of the jokes were plays on words that no longer make sense because of pronunciation changes. Sadly, even in your example, the joke gets lost simply because people don't understand what is being said anymore.
  15. Welcome to City! I'll make the controller/dominator debate simple... If you want to team more than solo, I'd go controller. If you want to solo more than team, I'd go dominator. That's not to say that a controller can't solo or a dominator can't team, but just that that's the way the ATs were designed. For primary, Illusion is my personal favorite control set. On controllers, it blooms a little later (23-26ish). On dominators, you get Spectral Terror early, which really helps. Mind is a late(er) bloomer for both ATs, it's not until you get terrify slotted that it really comes into its own control-wise. As for secondary, my suggestion is simply "pick what sounds fun/fits your character's theme"
  16. I was going to suggest electric control... I recently rolled an elec/poison for this very purpose. Poison's version of poison trap does a bunch of -recovery.
  17. Psyonico

    Trick Arrow

    I'll second illusion/Trick Arrow. Probably one of my favorite controller combinations.
  18. According to CoD, this is what I see... ((target>cur.kConfused > 0) || (target>cur.kHeld > 0) || (target>cur.kImmobilize > 0) || (target>cur.kSleep > 0) || (target>cur.kStun > 0) || (target>cur.kTerrorized > 0)) So, Confuse, Hold, Immobilize, Sleep, Stun, and Terrorize count.
  19. Looks like TK Thrust got buffed and they didn't change the long text. here's the CoD data https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=blaster_support.mental_manipulation.telekinetic_thrust&at=blaster
  20. Nemesis and KoA while we're at it
  21. Force Field is a pretty good set for that... Every 4 minutes you re-bubble.
  22. I may be wrong, but I believe all of the DDR in SR is in the passives, so you don't want to skip them.
  23. They do not give a bonus.
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