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Everything posted by Psyonico

  1. Ninjas get a self heal with their second upgrade.
  2. I should add that I don't think it even takes accuracy enhancements.
  3. Illusion isn't great at AoE lockdown. It's more crowd control. Dark and Earth are both great for lock down. Earth is probably slightly better than Dark.
  4. Empathy would turn into a perma-Instant Healing ranged scrapper with ~25% defense to all with just itself and hasten... You don't see a problem with this? Force Field could soft-cap itself to all defense by level 15. With mez protection as well Team buffs were designed to be stronger because they don't affect you, if they could affect you, they would be nerfed. A lot.
  5. Titan is no longer top ST and AOE damage, but it is still very good ST and decent AoE damage. I've got an Inv/TW tank, it's a great combo.
  6. I *almost* failed it once, it was with 5 or 6 Trick Arrow characters, so we were all perma-blinded with our perception level at the floor. We ended up winning because we each took a full tray of yellow inspirations into the fight instead of the usual tray of purples.
  7. Seeing as munitions mastery is getting renamed, I suspect arsenal mastery is in the works for other ATs
  8. Before Valentine's Day... 2025
  9. If you're frankenslotting or using sets that max out at 30 boosting can be very handy.
  10. What if you're tabbing through targets trying to find a sapper/surgeon/whatever? The pet would attack the moment you started looking for something... No thanks
  11. Psyonico

    Bio/BA Help

    I wouldn't skip Parasitic Aura. Unfortunately, IMO nothing in Bio is skippable.
  12. I've got 8 or 9 TAs, what's one more?
  13. Psyonico


    I'm curious as to avoiding the attacks in Mercs... They cause your pets to do extra damage. I know they're not great for damage themselves, but it's there another reason to skip them?
  14. That is what I wanted to know... Looks like I'm off to Mids
  15. Did anyone know if Whirlpool scourges? If not, I'm going to be rolling the defender version of this combo
  16. Not liking pets is one thing, @Snarky, but liking Black Hole?
  17. As far as I know it can't attack with itself, however, the benefit of having it in multiple powers is that it's up more often.
  18. Electric is a fantastic set, but IMO is better on Defenders for the reason you said, it's just very busy. Have you thought about sets that don't have a self heal since you have dehydrate? Poison, Force Field, Trick Arrow, heck, even Sonic would go well with water.
  19. Just tried with Build 4, still cannot slot Synapse's Shock set into Temporal Bomb on controllers.
  20. Still cannot slot Synapse's Shock set into Temporal Bomb on controllers, have not tried it on other toons.
  21. Yes, accuracy is huge for pets. Especially since your t1 pets suffer a -2 level shift and your tier 2 a -1 level shift. I'd recommend 2 accuracy in your tier 1 and 2 and 1 accuracy in your tier 3.
  22. Submitting this in the Focused Feedback section as well, but (at least on controllers, haven't tried other ATs) Temporal bomb says that it takes End Mod sets, but you cannot slot them in it.
  23. Submitting this in the Bug section as well, but (at least on controllers) Temporal bomb says that it takes End Mod sets, but you cannot slot them in it.
  24. Note that part of the new player experience changes in page 7 is that the pets window option is always there.
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