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Everything posted by Psyonico

  1. Alternately, since Fearsome Stare is up so regularly, cast that, then jump in and cast Heart of Darkness.
  2. Yeah... Looking at the gifs you've put in this thread, to me it makes the game seem choppy and unpolished, so the "dramatic impact" is lost on me. Should I hazard a guess, I'd say anyone who hasn't spent 20 years playing games that have hitstop would feel similar.
  3. I would personally avoid shield/rad. It's a great combo, sure, but it is also very endurance heavy. Mine didn't get endurance under control until incarnates. As for my recommendations, I want to say Super Strength. Rage (especially if you double stack) brings damage to really good levels, however, Foot Stomp doesn't benefit from Gauntlet's AOE increase, and I personally don't like the rage crash. A couple of my favorite tanks are Bio/Energy and Bio/Spines. Spines is better for AoE damage while EM is better for ST damage. I've got an Electric/Electric that is a lot of fun, but the Toxic hole is painful on Apex. Battle Axe is a good set, especially with Axe Cyclone. however, it is also endurance heavy, so I'd pair it with something that has some endurance management.
  4. I haven't played this exact combo, but yes, it should be very strong. A great recommendation. Love mine.
  5. OP also forgot about Fearsome Stare which is available at 8(?). It is easily permable and as long as you stick to single target attacks, you'll get no retaliation. Also, I LOLed at "controllers can not perform alpha strikes"
  6. I've repeated individual sets a number of times (I have a bunch of Trick Arrow and Poison toons, for example) but I've only repeated powerset/AT combos on accident and I usually end up deleting one of them when I realize that I have 2 of them.
  7. I'm going to disagree with you. Like Rudra said, the momentum of a giant weapon is significantly greater than the momentum of, say, a rapier. Knowing this, a Titan Weapon would, to me at least, feel weaker if it stopped part of the way through every single enemy. Now, if it were possible to only implement this on something like a Goliath War Walker, then I could see it. Yes, the momentum of a Titan Weapon would be significantly reduced against the inertia of something that big. But to my knowledge, that would be outside of the engine's capability.
  8. Cross Punch is actually a decent cone attack, and taking both Boxing and Kick increases its damage. The Superior Might of the Tanker process (recharge/+resist) grants 6.7% resistance to all and can be up pretty much constantly (and can stack with itself). Mids, however, doesn't show the resistance it provides in the totals tab. So there's the reason why Tough isn't needed. I'm on my phone, so still haven't gotten to look at Mids, but hearing Superior Avalanche tells me this is not a beginner's build. The non-superior version of Winter IOs (not including Winter's Gift) regularly sell for 20,000,000+ for each enhancement. Additionally, you can only slot the Superior version (or use a catalyst to turn a regular into a superior) at level 50.
  9. Set bonuses (including the winter's gift unique) work regardless of if the power is used or not, so no, Super Jump wouldn't have to be on. I personally like proton shift and Devastating Blow, but they were likely skipped on that build because they have long-ish animation times. I am not looking at the build, so I can't comment on not taking tough, but perhaps the build is capped to S/L resist without it?
  10. Honestly, Huntsmen don't perform better than Banes, but it's more about feel than performance for a huntsman.
  11. To my knowledge, AVs don't have inherent resistance to resistance debuffs beyond whatever resistance to damage they have.
  12. I've played a handful of ice tanks, their endurance issues disappear once you have a couple of recharges in Energy Absorption.
  13. Liquify is best used for the -to hit debuff. On controllers, it's -28.56% base, meaning ED capped gets you around -45%. You'll want to slot it for to hit debuff and recharge to get it up as much as possible.
  14. I may be wrong about magnitude rather than duration, but I do know that taunt auras were normalized at some point. I don't think its just a matter of 2 taunt auras, because Bio also has 2 and yet people don't usually say that Bio is a threat machine. An interesting thing I just noticed looking at COD... Some taunt auras have a Taunt (mag 3) and some just have a Gauntlet redirect. Both Chilling Embrace and Icicles only have the Gauntlet Redirect, not the baked in Taunt (mag 3).
  15. To be fair, two people could be using the exact same build and have vastly different performance due to play style. For example, @Linea has a Katana/Energy scrapper that is neigh unkillable, however, me using basically the identical build, can't drive it anywhere near as hard because.
  16. For most of the game's history, different taunt auras had different threat magnitudes. While this was the case, Ice Armor had the highest threat magnitude. I remember specifically that WP had the lowest. I believe it was HC that normalized taunt auras.
  17. FWIW: I think you actually can do Eagle Eye's arc without doing Shauna Stockwell's. I am pretty sure that if you just talk to him at any point you're in his level range, he'll start the arc. Also, through Ouroboros you don't need to do the prerequisite arc.
  18. I suspect it was power analyzer and not your defender that was glitches. That is, the debuff was stacking, but just not showing up for some reason.
  19. I don't know why, but I find this power set suggestion to be amazing and I want something like it to happen nao.
  20. Maybe one of Provost Marchand's Brickstown arcs? I believe those were not part of live. Only question is, which of his arcs?
  21. I'd probably go Illusion/Dark or Dark/Dark. Illusion/Dark is just stupidly powerful and Dark/Dark is a great candidate as well, fewer pets, but more lockdown.
  22. Arse provides the same invisibility as Illusion.
  23. Dark/Dark is a very different beast than Fire/Storm. For one, /Dark has an endurance management tool, while both Fire and Storm are extremely endurance heavy sets. For endurance, I recommend panacea/miracle/numina's uniques in health by 27 with a performance shifter proc and a generic or performance shifter end mod in stamina. I would start Hot Feet with an accuracy and then 2 end redux. Tornado and Lightning Storm also need some good end redux slotted. It hurts me to say this, but you can't spam Fire Cages. I've always loved the idea of Fire/Storm, and I made one on live several times, but never got very far, mostly because of endurance issues.
  24. Arsenal Control is a fantastic control set. Perhaps and Arse/Arse Dom?
  25. Fire or S/L will be the easiest since they don't have the -recharge that most cold attacks have. You can get 100% -recharge resistance on ice armor though.
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