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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. the ability to sort telepoters zone list order, or possibly default to alphabetical order,
  2. This is true and I have slightly adapted my strategy. Not much you can change when the nuke is still PBAoE, but sometimes I can alter things.
  3. This is not a suggestion. It is a discussion. Can i offer you a refreshment?
  4. It should b right at top: ALL Inspiration drops Prestige enhancements etc click in inspiration drops will see disable enable
  5. You are all way too familiar. I will skim a few major things about SGs. These were set up to encourage long term MMORPG relationships. Lets be generous and call it a mixed success. The first issue is alting. The only thing I see to solve this is global channels. The second issue (on "main" or often run/much loved toons) is ONE SG per toon. A) a lot of people want a personal storage base B) Even on characters with no interest in a personal base you are locked into ONE SG C) Grouping on CoH MMORPG is way more organic and fluid than a rigid one SG per toon system wants to enforce Lets discuss possible solutions 1) More than one SG per toon. This is the "gold standard" in my opinion. It addresses 90%+ of all issues identified. What drives me mad about this is that it is literally in so many comic books. a LOT of supers are involved in more than one super team. I mean a LOT. 2) Somehow expanding coalition functionality with more ability to see who/what is going on in coaltion SGs. Downside, locked into only Coalition SG network so still limited. 3) Hybrid SG/Coalition model. Set up and tailored by each character you are involved in "SG chat" for each SG you are interested in, and (preferably) can see if anyone is on in the SG (that is all you need, not details, just on) This would be an invite from an SG member with permissions.
  6. Noooooo it works for ranged cones because the AoE of the cone (which is a degree cone with a “set” footprint) that takes basic +range enhancers and can therefore be increased. It is “enhanceable”. a melee aoe cone does not take +range enhacers and is therefore unenhanceable. a ball (fireball etc) is a specific area aoe that takes +range enhancer but that just enhances how far you can toss your balls. But you cannot makes your balls bigger than what the devs stuck you with.
  7. Whatever you are asking ( sounds like can radius increase?) nooooo the only AoE size that can be increased is cones. By increasing the range, through enhancer +range, set bunuses +range (ex bombardment ) and/or Aloha incarnate abilities +range (ex intuition). This will not increase the target cap, but will give a longer cone. See my AR Blaster and Dark Corruptor builds where I hit some serious +numbers that change the way you run the things. But the builds are very aggressive and if you rely on capped defenses you are going to be in for a rude awakening. These are hit and run builds.
  8. If you eat a lot then you will be much larger., and have a much bigger bu…. oh, nvm. Yeah, buffs? Cannot increase those
  9. i use the 1/4 alignment scale for the small lettering
  10. signage in base entry is easy. but i have deleted huge things in the big room trying to get one little letter placed correctly. aaaaaaarrrrggghhhhh
  11. is this a npc from the base builder i can do this with?
  12. I just love the response when I posted in league "please no knockback" Basically "Deal with it" Thats like being in a restaurant and asking for people not to sneeze with out covering their mouth. Then the person sneezing puts both hands behind their back and sneezes again "hey, it's a natural thing. deal with it."
  13. they were spamming knockback incan in a league event....? pure troll. glad i left. the new Excelsior
  14. So, i see a event start. I head to zone. On a 50 Dark Dark Corr Someone forms a League. I join. I am putting down patches, setting up pets, planning GM fight. Big league formed fast. We are already getting tons of fake Nemis. Except... Someone is using a metric crapton of KB. If I ran around and positioned myself I might get two peeps in a nuke. All the Nemis have been scattered far and wide. I say "please no knockback" response "honey KB is part of the game, you need to learn to play with it" I am typing out a Snarky reply about enhancers, or perhaps self destructing League leader teleports everyone. "we needed to move. bad spot" League member "We were fighting the GM" This was all in the first 3-5 minutes of the league I just quit. Damn. That is just a sad start.
  15. i have little to no idea what these two instructions mean
  16. Rogue Isles Villains MAYHEM-19149 Excelsior /macro_image "DarkArmor_FearfulAura" "Teleport: Rogue Isles Villains" "enterbasefrompasscode MAYHEM-19149" This whole base is a work in progress. I started it April 4 when Etched help me "open the sky" on an old SG I made but never had a base for. The Name!!! Your comments, suggestions, and patience are much appreciated. The build goal is to create a place that looks like a hangout for....Rogue isles Villains. I chose to try to make it look like a hidden grotto, probably set in the hollow of a skellig (sea rock/mount) somewhere in the waters of the Rogue Isles.
  17. Dont look at the explody thing is awarded for getting out of the mission AFTER the win before the timer runs out. just make it back to room where the old last AV fight happened. by running, teleport, ruby slippers. i am not good at this TF yet. heck, i still havent gotten some regular TF really good. the tactics of the big fights are beyond me. i just kill everything i can and buff/debuff "staying alive' song There is a lot to be learned about flow with a regular group. like most things in CoH/V, a strong group of teammates clobbering everything goes a long way to solving issues.
  18. I have a “friend”…. Okay, not really. It is me after all. Let me start again. Someone I know wanted to do a 1 star LGTF. After a good bit of looking for quality players they rounded up me (iffy) and my “friend”, a serious player, a drunk player, a hardcore grinder. So, we adjusted and found 3 other players willing to do a regular LGTF +4. The drunk hopped on a Tan (Brute), the Leader was a Blaster, I was on a Dark Dark Corr. We picked up a Stalker and….damn my memory. 2 others. It was going pretty good. We were doing it as a kill most. In the Rider mission my “friend” the Brute runs into the big end fight. While us squishier players deal with two large groups on either side of the door. Hard for no reason We march on. We get to the end fight of the last mission. I say (over Discord) “hey, do not run into the big group in the center. We got stuff here at the door like the Rider room. We start the battle. The Brute runs straight into the room, makes a hard left and agro the entire left side of the room all the way down to the far pylon left side… ”You said not to go down the center…” Vampire at a loss for words. A failure to understand. We marched on.
  19. then i did two incarnate trials and the damn things are working fine now...
  20. No, that aint it, Vigilnte. porters are aimed at shadow shard, Prae, and co op
  21. i have went through this 3 times. two of my porters just will not connect. have uninstalled and reinstalled 3 times
  22. …. A giant step backward. In fact a monumental step backward. Base aficionados want more control, not lesd SGs have problems recruiting already. This only has the opportunity to make that worse. No upside.
  23. Thanks for the tips! Yes, I am struggling mightily lol. I have little choice but to use the Structures Ledges for 99% of my bulk work. I used 12 of the non color "invisible out of editor mode" Towers. This got me 18 or 19 floors. I am using a bit of an anthill design. I do not want a square brick, which might have been easier but dreadfully boring. It is symmetrical, but not perfectly so. Both because I did not want it to be and also because the editor throws huge curveballs at me. I got all 12 towers clad and the floors (that i wanted, roughly 40% of the "easy" possible building space on the towers. Now i am working on the exterior walls. roughly 1/3 done. I have some basic services in place but have not really "moved in" during heavy construction. You can plop items on top of the floors, although sometimes, like everything in the base editor, it fights you. In that case shift and levitate. Thanks for the tip sbout surface tile over the ledges. That will be very useful when I get into serious decorating. Looking forward to exploring lighting. It is Dark! Good thing I am a vampire lol.
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