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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. Its prob a bug related to my airline ticket sca..... nvm. anyways thanks!
  2. Many of you know I have odd luck on PUGs. Did you know I have odd luck soloing as well? Usually on my solo redside arc I have 1-2 missions with mobs spawned outside the map. If there is a pattern it is Archnoid spitters on the webbed cave maps Today I had Knives of Artemis in an Arachnos base.... 2 of them under the map GM Crumpet to the rescue! On Saturday no less. Thanks for keeping the lights on Crumpet and crew!
  3. someones getting 2 cents for every post they make. thats big money in somalia
  4. ARACHNOS AIRLINES GET WHERE YOU ARE GOING NOW CAL 1-800-505-1337 You wont even need to book accommodations. We got you!
  5. Finished 34-39 content yesterday and am knocking out as much as I can of 40-44 now. As Dark Mastery powers come in the build tightens up. Soul Drain gives that oompfh needed against a lot of mobs. Loving the larger AoE on Dark Mastery than anywhere else I get the power. It may have cured my tanker AoE jealousy. Dark Consumption is rarely used, as planned. Generally in fights that are Mu heavy, and even then it is just a luxury instead of eating endless blues. perfect. I shored up that Blue with Panancea, Miracle, Numina, Perf Shift proc, Perf +end, and two End mods. plus ToE in both the heals.... Dark Dark will eat its own blue bar if you let it. Oppresive Gloom stacking with Dark Pit is a beautiful thing. You see waaaaay too many? Dark pit as you run up, now there is a Mag 4 stun on most mobs. Tar patch, Soul Drain, Blackstar, slap Darkest night on the biggest thing standing. step back and give them fearsome stare then start scourging what is left. If that shit dont work (real bad) Soul Transfer, if it still looks horrid Black Hole, wave and RUNNNNNNNN
  6. they just need to watch the old CSI las vegas episode. that one, King Baby, and Ending Happy just made me snort blood
  7. i see your genius now. put a suggestion in to streamline the game and delete the AT
  8. yeah, i'm starting a new back workout routine. since i just got educated that the three sets of strict pullups i worked so hard to get good at are, in fact, a crap back exercise. so, various rows and a very wide grip pullup set with the body sort of planked out at a 45 degree forward hits the back. i will probably need to cheat to get the 5+ i want of these. step stool ready. i may need to cheat the first one lol. luckily my squat rack has a landmine attachment for rows. need to get a t bar handle for the olympic bar. today i will probably just strangle grip it. narrow but it will start to get the muscles used to the new world order *update: I got 1 "wide grip pullup", although I did not have the focus to plank my legs out much. Then I did 8 full range wides with my legs propped out on the cage so not full body weight. oof, they are tough. I will get those eight though lol, it may take me all year.
  9. Yes, lint rollers. Been working with Crey to get zombies trained up to use them. Send an army over to Everlasting. The hardest part is not getting the zombies to use the rollers. Its getting them to distinguish between furniture and furry. We lose a lot of zombies to indignant Furries!
  10. Good luck with that. PS, you thought about visiting Compton instead? Myself, I think these inspired me. Called in "sick' and taking a staycation day! Time to finish those 35-39 arcs and start 40-44. 50 Here I come!
  11. i know it may seem redundant but you might want to tell people what level range to be in and if there are any/no restrictions to toon at io p2w etc or any encouraged things p2w tt?
  12. The 4 Corr will make him useless to himself. You wont even need to kill him. He will curl up and die of shame
  13. I have never understood those who prefer a bio. I am so grateful to be among the undead and not subject to such living necessities
  14. up until the proc blows out at 22 they are F-ing gold. After that they are valuable in that they are dual Rech/Dam Enhancers of SO value. So, depending on if you are having trouble slotting or dont want to spend on a set. 3 Damage SOs are kinda wasted. 2 Dam SO, one of these feel like you are using your few slots better. Once you start really putting in sets they are valueless.
  15. Anything to get somebody to click on a link. No matter how stupid. It is no doubt bot generated and just looking for victims with a wide net
  16. Someone has obviously mistaken our community for the jet setters of the world I f we had that much disposable cash we would have bought the rights to the game and hired a staff to start recoding it for modern platforms. (Faithfully reproducing everything of course…)
  17. I started on invul brutes. Layered mitigation and big old health pool. I moved to Dark Dark Brutes. Stealth, Stun, Fear, hardy resists, to hit debuffs, and the best heal in the game. With a comfy health pool I moved onto Blasters built for Range and Defense. Hit and run Now I am on a Dark Dark Corruptor. Not built for range or defense. It takes all of the Dark Brutes tricks and puts them on steroids, then adds adds some ST holds and enemy debuffs and even a enemy 30 sec time out (black hole, just break glass). Not much resists or health compared to the Brute, but decent AoE and great ST blasting. With great power comes not giving a crap what your enemies plan. Stun them black hole them, to hit debuff and fear them, floor their regen and lower their damage, just make their lives miserable. Then, once you’ve said “hi” scourge them down. Defense? Resist? Yes please meat shield…. Go make friends. I will be right beside you.
  18. it is early but my read is that defense at 45 stops minions at base 95%
  19. Defense>Resistance>Heal. (Unless you are on Dark Armor and are stunning and fearing and stealthing and to hit debuffing and have the best heal in the game on a few second cycle with a hair trigger, but, edge case) But no, Resistance , in my opinion, has still not overshadowed defense. Layered mitigation is the key. Whether it be the tortured path Dark takes to get there or the classic Invulnerability that goes Defenses with debuff resistance, and heavy resistances, and Dull Pain.
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