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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. reading is hard. i know. just keep trying. you missed the curve in the road where i said "unless you also have a fire fire blaster" just keep working at it. go slow. never be ashamed to ask for help
  2. My Fire Fire Blaster will blow the doors off any toon you got, unless you also have a fire fire blaster. even then, against large spawns, i bet I could clean a few hundred faster. Tankers damage is not great. However, with the AoE and other changes made to Tanks they are quite viable. Remember some peiople prefer them for +4/x8 farming over Brutes. Brutes deal decent damage, even after being nerfed 3 times and handed the worst Achetype Enhancer PROC in the game. Like a toy whistle in a brass band. I love Hyperbole. But once we get into the "do you think I am stupid" range it starts to get up on my nerve.
  3. Pretty sure I have been called that in more than one surveillance conversation.
  4. So... there is an agro cap. Having said that I have a Dark Tank (runs non suppressed stealth 99% time). I use Taunt and a ranged Targeted AoE toggle debuff to direct traffic. It is a little easier to get/manage agro on my Ice/Ice Tank, but not much. again, and I cannot say this enough. There IS an agro cap. NO ONE can overcap that. There are techniques to herd more than that. You are saying Tanks can't manage agro. That another AT would definitely be better. So.
  5. My Global is @Snarky. Please send funds. Here at the Snarky Foundation we are striving to end hunger.
  6. We all disagree once in a while. I even disagreed with the greatest, Bill Murray, once.
  7. You can talk to null the gull in pocket D to disable 90% popup trays including the one you mentioned. Then just grab the power icon for that power and put it anywhere
  8. -recharge attacks are a rarity
  9. -rech can be resisted by sets such as the Winter sets and the Winters Gift global from Travel sets.
  10. Yeah, Willpower deals with Sappers like this "Ha ha, you so funny! It tickles. Do it again, do it again!" I avoid slows (caltrops/tar pit) on most situations by flying. I fly 99% time.
  11. If you love what you play then there are no problems, just challenges
  12. Welll... okay, I am not saying I am a "good player" Come to think of it, I think my cup of blood spoiled on writing good. Damn you! But I tend to not PL most of my alts. The point of a new AT/powerset is to play it. So I do. Again, I may not fit the above criteria. I also may be an outlier data point.
  13. if you are not planning to do 1 star lgtf, 1 star ITF, (or more stars) or running a lot of Seon you are probably fine. Any Tank is a god in regular content. Just looking at flaws as the pressure increases at high end. Not taking Midnight Grasp though? c'mon,,,
  14. I love the graphics. I wish we had more options to switch animations or recolor. The rainbow on a VILLAIN archetype Dom’s domination power or Dark build up on Dom makes it unplayable for me. But in general I think the overall effects are very thematic and appropriate. When the Devs took their head out and looked around providing the appropriate animation for the AT Powerset it is perfect Having said that…. The game was never designed for Leagues and barely for large teams. Once you get 8+ players firing off effects and mobs doing their things, then 24…48 players and damage patches (you can see it right? We put in a blue hazy color on the floor to warn you…). The flaws in upscaling the population in a fight become super obvious. I do not have an easy solution suggestion. A complicated one would be a pop up menu looking something like: Suppress Personal effect: yes/no Suppress League effects: y/n Suppress Team effects: y/n Suppress non player interacting effects: (this one would kill any mob SFX that was not somehow affecting your own character in some way.).
  15. no soul transfer (everyone is defeated in tough content) no midnight grasp??? built for defense.... the preventative medicine proc in health is doing little for you on a build with that much healing, shove the slot to stamina and a 50+5 endmod i/o
  16. I am badging out my Dark Dark Tank and am enjoying it. There is one or two intrepid souls running a lot of Ouro on Excelsior for badges. Today i saw an ad go up in LFG for an Underground I Trial. I needed Avatar Assassin so I joined. The team was okay, if a little odd. We get to the start of the bomb run. I usually Blast here, so I post about taking it easy on my Tank for once. I look down to study German, thinking I had 5 min or more. I glance up. The team failed on the first bomb.... Makes you wonder how some of these folks ever made it to 50. Good news is I got the Avatar Assassin (dumb luck, no instructions were given) and my Master UG, plus a VR.
  17. In a perfect world these get Health: Panacea, Numina, Miracle. Procs/Globals Stamina: Perf shift proc, Perf shift endmod, lvl50+5 I/O endmod. When pressed for slots I strip off starting with health then stamina stripping from right to left. So on a “stripped build” i would have a panacea and a perf shift proc.
  18. the exact number of a High Coven. not a coincidence....
  19. soul drain is definitely a double edged sword. my thoughts are this. if the fights are tough (lots of opponents) its a great buff. if you are fighting an AV... you are mostly tanking more than DPS...hopefully. for anything else...there is a little patience.
  20. Snarky

    Dark Melee / Invul

    lol, was contacted in game by a new player with no mids. all i could think was the old mids export was "sort of' readable.
  21. Snarky

    Dark Melee / Invul

    bumped for request
  22. Shhh, you are giving away trade secrets.
  23. This MFing topic been necro’d twice a year apart. I am nailing a post it to my ghouls head to remind me to bring it back next May…
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