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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. Factually incorrect my friend. Vampirism is an alien dna retrovirus. Space Herpes.
  2. because it is not really Dark. yes, the color is dark. but the powers across Dark actually have fear, -tohit debuffs, and various things that scream "undead" invul is stronger, coloring it black does not make it as "from the grave" as Dark powers
  3. only when they are this good lol. i have run a lot of Dark Dark across many ATs, i know each piece of the swiss army knife and what i can mcgyver with it i just use cloaks the way i do on tanks and brutes, they are fire and forget damage mitigation. if i had a fear cone i would be very happy and use the crap out of it. but... gonna be busy slamming ST and jousting it looks like. leave the troll powers to doms and trollers
  4. yeah, in my rush i made about 400 errors. as i am actually building it i am moving sets around. 1) is decimation really that bad? (i moved it to t1 blast) 2) am at 60% S/L without tough and no easy way to get it in. 3) traditionally i have mystic flight on nearly all the time on all toons. not the fastest, not the slowest. and do you really want to get there 1st on a Sentinel lol? 4) yeah the cloaks are a theme. and surprisingly effective at damage mitigation. 1 attack not made on me is gold i need to be in PB range quite a lot for Nuke. and sustain 5) i split for range because i like the range/acc better than the 4-6 bonuses revised build: Sentinel Dark Dark Dark 2024 v1.40.mbd
  5. Sentinel Dark Dark Dark 2024 v1.40.mbd
  6. i actually have a 50 dark dark sentinel stripped and parked in the garage. (and no one was surprised) i just spun this crazy build on MiDs and am starting the respec on it right now in my base enhancer/parts dept. Sentinel Dark Dark Dark 2024 v1.01.mbd
  7. i have seen this work. i have also seen a TF fall apart when not everyone came back...
  8. I get the icky target cap, but I was considering Doms pretty seriously (rebuilt one with all purples) until I ran it for 5 minutes and remembered why I stopped. F-ing rainbows. Rainbows? On a Villain AT? Seriously??? But why is Sentinel damage half, when I can clearly see the ST DPS (on paper) looks very close to a Blaster ST DPS?
  9. vampire, not squid. HP Lovecraft Call of Cthulu weirds out even old vampires....
  10. Well.... I NEVER take melee Blaster powers. My "easy mode" Blaster is an AR Dev lol. Thing is a trench sweeper. Yes, I was expecting Corr (or gulp less) damage with no Scourge. How does the ATO Opportunity work now? Isn't that gone from Sentinels?
  11. Okay... What am I missing? I know they buffed Sentinel damage a while back. But the MiDs numbers I am seeing do not make sense. Unenhanced MiDs values: Blaster Sentinel Dark Blast 62.56 61.17 Gloom 110.1 107.7 Umbral Torrent 60.06 58.72 Abyssal Gaze 132.7 129.7 Life Drain 102.6 100.3 Blackstar 250.2 194.6 Am I being catfished by MiDs? These are fresh open no hidden buttons clicked "naked" MiDs numbers....
  12. Okay... What am I missing? I know they buffed Sentinel damage a while back. But the MiDs numbers I am seeing do not make sense. Unenhanced MiDs values: Blaster Sentinel Dark Blast 62.56 61.17 Gloom 110.1 107.7 Umbral Torrent 60.06 58.72 Abyssal Gaze 132.7 129.7 Life Drain 102.6 100.3 Blackstar 250.2 194.6 Am I being catfished by MiDs? These are fresh open no hidden buttons clicked "naked" MiDs numbers....
  13. I do not, ever ever ever PvP. Unless you play chess. I am a moderately grumpy 1600-1700 player. it HAS to be Dark Dark. Preferably Dark Dark Dark. Is there a 4th Dark. I am being told just my attitude. Okay, I will work on 4th Dark.
  14. This is a weird one for me. I am trying to mesh my “fictional vampire” from some bad fiction i write with a workable AT from CoH/V. The problems are many. The close calls fall around me like artillery shells in no man’s land. Which one will be mine? I started with Brutes. After a long time on a Dark/Invul i was encouraged to try Dark Dark. It was a good suggestion. A very good representation. Tough, a self Rez, very Dark. No ranged powers. Fury. A slave to the CoH melee/agro box and 7 ft attacks. Tanks. More survivable than Brutes. Less damage. Still melee Scrapper less and more Stalker ditto A Corruptor. So damned close. Healing others? Squishy. Sigh, so damned close. A Blaster! So much sweet sweet damage. No self rez. Kind of…. Let’s just say not sturdy. A Dominator! So cool, decent ST ranged damage, controls to not be as squishy. Hmmm. Wait, what? Domination and Dark build up are both rainbow effects? Can we just leave it out for the sun. Let it die, just let it die. A Controller. Very cool. Very Dark. Very cool. No self rez, squishy, no damage. A Defender. It is like a Corruptor. Just… okay, moving on. Hmmm. Now I will own up to smack talking Sentinels. But…. It has toughness. Not like a Tank, but enough for story. Self rez. Okay. Spell caster, ranged damage and things like Darkest Night ( Dark^3 ) Hmmm. Damn thing checks off every box from short story. Anyone know if this Sentinel thing has rainbows coming off its Dark powers or if Netherworld Tentacles are white like Blaster/Soul Patron/ Soul Tentacles, or some other rainbow, bright glow, pretty princess BS?
  15. Yeah a celerity +stealth proc is useful when a character has a power like dark’s shadow fall that gives partial stealth.or Blaster device’s partial stealth. When wanting full stealth just toggle on sprint. Turn it off to save endurance when the need to hide is over. But Concealment Stealth is a “full” hide/stealth. Except against the usual suspects: Ritki drones, Rularuu Eyeballs, a few Nemesis arseholes (they all look alike. ) You’ll know they have when when every Nemesis in a spawn suddenly points their rifle at you…. Some mobs just see through stealth and tell all their friends.
  16. So i was running a Yin with a team today. 5 person team and i am on a Blaster. A very aggressive AR Dev Blaster. Not built for defense. Built for range and damage. Multiple times i get to about 30 feet (devices has a half/hidden ability) from a large group. I throw smoke grenade. (Blasters always throwing shade…) Then i unleash Full Auto. It does not kill all at once. It pisses everybody off. Rarely do i get hit one time even though i do this about 20 times during the Task Force. So… was your stealth on? Do you shower regular? Are you allergic to shellfish?
  17. rozshyrennya is the anglicized spelling of Dilatant in ukrainian. I would look at other ukrainian words that match your concept and see if one fits. sad news, they will never do alternate animations. i wont get an all zombie MM, and Doms are off limits to me because they are rainbow smears across my dark creations. long story short, alter your concept or be forever unsatisfied. Make him a strange polka dot man / cyclops story hybris and use EnergyEnergy on a Blaster. That would destroy a city block in an origin event.... on Live I had one named Zerg. Erg is the unit of energy, as i am sure you know. Z is just a cool sound to slap in front of it. i had never heard (consciously) the word zerg, zerging, etc. making up words is fun. slam a few together. just ask the germans. then when they get too long take the first syllables of all the important words and use that as shorthand! a million ways to be creative.
  18. at least none of the powers shoot rainbows. seriously though, while obviously low dps i do see a lot of value in Controllers. A specialist like Dark Dark brings a ton of value to a team when "working the crowd." to put it in perspective i would rather see a well run controller on a team than a Brute. and i love Brutes. But a Controller can ...well....control. while a Brute herds (if we are lucky) and does dps.
  19. yeah, i only check the forums sporadically in the archetypes. but if you had searched.... i have a few dark dark brute builds in Brute Forum...
  20. I only "multibox" when I use my alt acct Farmer to PL a main acct toon. Or use the Farmer to move products one toon to another en maaase. I am not even sure if the way I do it is "multi boxing" because I use two separate computers. Does this look like two separate comps, or does it look the same as multi accts on one comp client side since all from same IP address? And if so, what if a family of 3-4 different individuals all played in the same house? Multi boxing?
  21. While I appreciate the authority by which you speak (1 post ever) I have run a Stalker and did not encounter this. I would remember. And i would have posted. Doug Graves seems to be saying what I have experienced in my limited time on Stalky MxStalkerton from Stalkville.
  22. Yeah, this is not how i thought it worked. But I generally run Blasters so I snipe. I ran a Stalker for about two-three weeks a year ago. I had great luck killing a Lt from stealth then killing the minions in combat. Very consistent. Then I realized how much more damage a Blaster can do in less time and switched. Kill alls are a bitch after all.
  23. Fear is great on all Dark builds. It is a strange control in that it reduces the number of times the enemies attack. Usually it comes with a fat to hit debuff on Dark. I assume the above reference is the presence pool. Which i would pass on.
  24. if you dont keep this updated at top of brute forums all the short attention span brute players forget it....
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