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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. THis was my exact experience, two separate times last night in Cim. You know me, I start griping in LFG about people not wanting Brutes. Poor me! The second time I start getting tells from a person on the team that sees my LFG posts. That person becomes team leader and invites me. (I was back in AP then) I head back into CIM (via CAP, fastest at that point) Thats all I know besides the new team leader saying the first could not find or invite me. I received no tells from either of the original team leaders telling me anything
  2. that isnt the issue. i only pug, and i never form lol. i did a khtf in between the two sets of cim problems, smooth as butter on the invite
  3. Happened multiple times tonight. I am a 50 rogue. see msg in LFG. I use LFG port to Cim. Send a private tell and public msg to team leader. They cannot see me in team finder. another person switched and found me. I forgot, in my frustration, to ask their alignment. Was invited to a KHTF no issues. Team leaders are also not able to find others asking. So, anybody know anything?
  4. I have the same issue with a different power. The Avalanche set, only sometimes. Squirt is the perfect word, like a stomped on ketchup packet. It is also in a "Knockdown power, like Footatomp. Cant find the toon lol. But the prob is when it procs it kicks the KB from .67 to over 1. Knockdown powers do not equal knockdown procs,
  5. Bowing out of this topic. This is "Are all Energy Blasters Trolls?" because of knockback in a new skin. And it was clearly decided, yes, all Energy Blasters are trolls.... Seriously though, if someone knows how to use knockback they can play pool with mobs and the mitigation is superior and works on almost all mobs. If they do not know what they are doing they are going to be firing knockback (or in this case fold space) at everything and the team is going to be going ...s l o w e r There is not much we can do in threads like this other than 1) bitch. first thing I did. check. 2) mention that some people use the power well. yep, did that after i thought about it. check. talk endlessly about how 'certain people play" and "why do they do that?" Yeah, not going there. One final bitch, which harkens to my original. Most of the time (hmmm 99%?) I freaking hate any teammate that uses this around my Brute. The power seriously sucks rancid necrotic donkey balls.
  6. Im not a farmer. but if you want more responses you should retitle Spines Fire lf advice
  7. I really want to say something Snarky. I probably shouldn't say anything. No. Just no. Crap, not doing it. The idea of reducing down in power to match a team or Task Force is to actually match them. the game does that well. AND you are already a crapton more powerful. Rather than have a Judgement Power in a random Synapse TF you join...you have TONS more enhancers in your powers than your teammates and a GIANT inspiration tray. If you like to run a real 50 (and I do!!!) Join LGTF, RSF, MLTF, ITF, Market Crash, Level 50 door teams, AE teams needing hitteers, certain arcs that run constantly that are 45+...start your own door teams and carry some levellers....the list, while not endless,,,it is not small. Rikti muthashipraids....i will keep adding...maybe...there is a lot!
  8. We did a saga of Faathim Sunday (saga of the sad commuter) and I got my badge. Woot! Was feeling real good about the hour and a half time. Until I saw the posted 22 minute time here. So, everyone had various Teleport and had a plan for traveling porting team to next area in a never ending chain? Even that seems short using that tactic. There are travel times after all....
  9. Its just going to happen. I PUG non stop. I never note/rate players, I never ignore, etc. I join a team. Much like there will be a 10 year old (or ten at heart) with a new energy blaster just splashing the mobs and making teams jobs difficult there will be people taking all my victims and shuffling them 60 feet away. Much like the Tanker above, in the end, they wanted the agro. But, my Brute, he is actually always trying to help the team. Even if peeps are speeding to the goal, and he has no chance to get there, he just starts killing a room. More exp/drops for a team. Also builds agro if i get an ATT and they need help in the end room. Peeps are going to use KB to scatter mobs. Peeps are going to use this new crap power to pull mobs from working teammates. I have seen some (some, rare, few, almost no one) very good repositioning in Leagues running high end content. If you can groiup all the ranged attackers in one place I will jump in the middle. I have seen me do it.
  10. I was on a TF recently where almost everytime I used Dark Melee Soul Drain someone snatched all my targets away. I firmly think the power sucks rancid necrotic donkey balls based on that experience alone.
  11. I am going to kill Nemesis. Before I do I will purchase a gravesite for him. A Nemesis plot.
  12. Heh, you definitely have to look at the long game here. This would be one of my "solo all redside" toons. Heck, i might even try the never reached summit of Blue. Stop Exp every 5 levels. This allows you to grind every story arc, the ones not in Ouro, from every contacts. Merit hoggage. also, the recipes will flow enough. Just enough. Definitely want a full build plan to not waste anything right from the go. Also, no doubt this would be a Brute for me. And i have run Brutes on SOs for a long time before I had cash (and in the crappy pre inherent fitness days....) For me, i pronounce this challenge tedious, but extremely doable.
  13. Ran a Saga of the long commutes of Faathim last night. I hustled a lot (just regular sorcery fly unfortunately) and a lot of creative zone TPs. We got out in an hour and a half. But the reason I bring it up. In the missions where we had mobs my Nuke (Dark/Dark/Soul Brute...so Void, of course) was useful. But even against +0 was not spectacular. there were a LOT of tough Bosses in those mobs. They took the Nuke on the chin and were like, okay, when you going to get serious? I was the only Brute or Tank in the team, and Dark does not handle agro right. I used the Nuke as a taunt....
  14. i do get immob from time on my dark/dark brute. i find it annoying. somewhere in the super strength rage crash annoying level though. because i can still do a lot and nothing is going to kill me, i just cannot reposition.
  15. THe main issue for me would be reward merits. TFs would be harder to get. But I have been known to solo story arcs for thousands of merits. With standard recipe drops, converters, and buying purps from AH ATM with merits the only sticking point would be getting the cash for winter packs. Long time sure, but doable. Could even trick out all the Incarnate stuff with solo DA arc. Not a quick way, especially one toon in. But then there is fire farming for cash I suppose. That would net enough to buy Winters, and convert those to ones you want. Serious grindage, but a few months in could be as tricked out as on HC.
  16. yeah, i forget the exact numbers. But I believe 3 is crap, 4 is good. 7 is basically 4. 8-9 is slightly, slightly better than 4. 10 is very good, and 12+ is very very nice. I hsve a blessing of the zephyr 4pt KB prot on my Dark/Dark Brute main. All I find he needs. Disclaimer, he flies 99% time. Not hover, just flight. This turns any knockback I do take into moving me and maybe flipping me in a circle. I do not need to stand up again. I may need to close back to melee range. KB seriously does not bother me with just that 4pts and flying. and I hate KB
  17. I would go 'further' off the ground. Lightning leaps from thousands of feet up to strike the earth as it 'grounds' after all. Not a scientist, would love to see the power to distance numbers on the math relationship of the physics of electricity grounding after passing through air. But just for game purposes the power does suck as is, and a tweak would be nice.
  18. I ran one of Hyperstrikes posted SS/Invul Brute builds as my main when I first got back to the game. Homecoming. Thank you. He ain't lying. I still have the toon, unmodified, ready to pull out of the garage. It is just smashtastic. And, like Hyperstrike said, it can just stand there stone cold and ignore 99% of the game. Huge Psi battlefields like the one iTrial, Battle Maiden's blue patch, and Magisteriums final battle do require you to watch the screen.
  19. I got a wish list that would make Santa cry. "Breaktimes are cancelled elves!" But I think adding more costume options would rule. Because as much as I would like to be able to earn extra enhancer slots by badges, veteran, etc, or have enhancement conversion not be a all day click fest, or be able to see in a MSR, I think more costumes would feed this alt hungry community more. I would love to see more lower body options...centaur, spider, floating mists (think CoT spectres) that Freakshow with a missing lower body and some mechanized floaty disc in its place from the new Doc Buzzsaw arc... I would love to see more giant head options that are the size of brain in a jar. round ones, cones, cylinders. and about X100 other ideas lol. More faces added that can have the vampire glowing eye affect (bonus points if the color is controlled separate from the neck cover! I could go on... I think costumes would have to be it. After Brain in a jar and a few of the other spectacular late game pieces came out (floating skull....) I had hundreds of alts I tried those on. Yes, one thing? Yet more costumes.
  20. faster, i will give you. but 50 merits is 150 converters. after expenses i need to make 3-6 i/o sales to beat 12 million. i can make a lot more than 3-6 I.Os out of 150 converters. thats (rogh guess) 40-60 million. yes, it does take time. if you are obsessive compulsive it is both easier and more annoying lol. but it makes cash. to truly make cash fast you farm. but i like TFs. this morning i got up and did a market crash, a LGTF, A LRSF, and a LGTF. some merits and two hami i/o. i much prefer play to farm. i farm randomly to test toons and if i just want to dive into non stop madness. but mostly i like TFs. soooooo merits lol. and the best thing is while i wait for a good TF to advertise i sit and twiddle my thumbs crafting those i/o money bags
  21. in a word. horseshit. Built out (which you specifically mentioned a built out character) my Dark/Dark will stand right beside a Rad or Bio and not have any issues. My Dark/Invul Brute is guaranteed tougher than them. and my Invul/Dark Tank? Fuggedaboutit My Dark/Dark Brute. With no external buffs, incarnate powers, no Rune of protection (which he has) or any outside help. Stone cold resist numbers 80.8% S/L, 53.77% Energy, 77.79% Neg, 74.03% Fire/Cold, 50.02% Toxic, and 85.16% Psi. 30-37% Defenses from I/O except Psi, ranged, and AoE, those are lower. He has various T4 incarnate powers. He has Rune of protection, he carries a moderate amount of purple and orange inspirations, and he has +107.5% global recharge before haste or either of his two Force Feedback proc attacks add to that. Which really helps bring Dark Regeneration (11 second rech stone cold, 6-8 second with personal buffs) up and give back a full health bar. Also, Does Rad or Bio have stealth or TWO mezz auras to deal with trash lts and minions? Because Dark Armor does. And it works. (I use a kismet and have purples etc for global accuracy, those things hit!) Oh, and probably finally Dark/Dark is constantly debuffing the tohit on mobs. Rad and Bio play by the rules Def>Res>heal. Dark/Dark says "Stealth>Mezze>Def>tohit debuff>Res>Heal, and oh, if it gets to heal 'best in game'" Oh, one last thing. Dark Armor has an incredibly powerful self rez with a huge stun and untouchable. Try bouncing back like that on a Rad or Bio! Maybe Rad or Bio is 'tougher' than this. But you are going to have a hard sell telling me it is 'observably tougher' Because the Dark/Dark Brute is going to stand there and take whatever the Rad or Bio takes. Conversely, with the exception of Psi (very rare damage type) a Dark/Invulnerable Brute WILL be 'noticeably tougher' than a rad or Bio Brute. I run the Dark/Dark as a main not because it is tougher. I like the strange tactics and strategies of Dark/Dark, the damage aura, the stealth and the two mezze auras.
  22. So some random Sybil can wipe a team? This is the same Dark Astoria people argued for pages and pages was not tough enough for 50s? *facepalm
  23. I joined a PUG at around 330 am yesterday (odd sleep schedule, not feeling great) and it was for a Dark Astoria team chugging along at +2 I think. First off it seems to me with the extra effects and lighting it is a horrific idea to use Oranbega. I could barely see half the time. Second, as we were in our third plow through everything easily mission...team wipe... I am on my Dark/Dark main. Normally only get killed if I am not paying attention or one shotted in Magisterium end fight. I wasnt running my protection accolades (Destiny/Hybrid) or Rune of Protection....but still. WTH one shots my Brute (and the team?) I dont even die that fast when i screw up in Battle Maiden fight. After the mission I asked and someone said it was a "lightning user mob" What, the Devs stick Thor in there and not warn everyone?
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